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Out of this World Vocabulary Review

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1 Out of this World Vocabulary Review
For an Outer Space Unit

2 Asteroid A rock, or Minor Planet orbiting the Sun.

3 An imaginary straight line on which an object rotates.
Axis An imaginary straight line on which an object rotates.

4 A small, frozen mass of dust and gas revolving around the sun.

5 Constellation A grouping of stars which have been given names by ancient astronomers because of the way they look.

6 When our view of one object in the sky is blocked by either another object or the Earth's shadow.

7 A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.
Galaxy A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.

8 Meteor A shooting star, observed when a particle of dust enters into the Earth's atmosphere.

9 Our Galaxy. Milky Way

10 The path one object takes around another.

11 The system of planets and other objects orbiting the star Sol, which happens to be our Sun.
Solar System

12 A rock, or Minor Planet orbiting the Sun. Axis
VOCAB DEFINITION Asteroid A rock, or Minor Planet orbiting the Sun. Axis An imaginary straight line on which an object rotates. Comet A small, frozen mass of dust and gas revolving around the sun. Constellation A grouping of stars which have been given names by ancient astronomers because of the way they look. Eclipse When our view of one object in the sky is blocked by either another object or the Earth's shadow. Galaxy A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity. Meteor A shooting star, observed when a particle of dust enters into the Earth's atmosphere. Milky Way Our Galaxy. Orbit The path one object takes around another. Solar System The system of planets and other objects orbiting the star Sol, which happens to be our Sun. I didn’t understand how to make the boxes leave if I just clicked on them.

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