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Measures to improve the air quality in Poland

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1 Measures to improve the air quality in Poland
Kinga Majewska Deputy Director Department of Air Protection and Climate Ministry of the Environment Republic of Poland Warsaw, 30 May 2017

2 National Air Protection Programme
Act of 27 April 2001 – Environmental Law (Journal of Laws of 2017 item 5419, as amended) Article 91c. 1: „In case where the exceedance of acceptable or target levels of substances in the air takes place in a large area of the country, and the measures taken by the local government authorities do not result in reducing emissions of pollutants into the air, the minister of the environment may develop a national air protection programme, which is a strategy paper designating the objectives and lines of actions to be included into air protection programmes. 2. The Minister of the environment, in case of developing the national air protection programm, publishes in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland „Polish Monitor” a communication about the website where this programme has been placed and about the date from which it is to be applied”.

3 Objective of the National Air Protection Programme
Achieving the maximum reduction in negative effects of air pollution on human health across the country, and in particular, eliminating the exceedances of acceptable and target levels of substances in the air. The programme for the years , with a perspective to 2030.

4 Enhancing the importance of the issue of improving the air quality in Poland
Partnership for improving the air quality: creating a wide platform for cooperation and shared responsibility of the competent ministries for the air quality in Poland, taking account of the measures and recommendations of the NAPP when updating other policies, strategies or priority programmes, giving appropriate priority to the improvement in the air quality in the activities of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and Regional Funds for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

5 Enhancing the importance of the issue of improving the air quality in Poland ctd.
By Ordinance No 123 of the Prime Minister of 18 October 2016, the Steering Committee for the National Air Protection Programme was established (M. P. item 994). Within the framework of the Steering Committee for NAPP, the following work teams for: legislative, strategic, financial, development and technological and technical affairs will be appointed. A meeting on establishing the Steering Committee for NAPP was held on 27 October 2016 at the Ministry of the Environment. As the first, the interministerial Team for legislation was appointed. On 10 January 2017, a meeting of this Team was held, dedicated to amending the legilsation necessary to achieve the objective of improving the air quality and accelerating the proceeding with the legislation in the individual departments. On 16 February 2017, a meeting of the Steering Committee for NAPP dedicated recommendations of prioritization of the funds of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. On 2 March 2017, a meeting interministerial Team for legislation on establishing control authority for chimney services in the verification of the state of individual combustion in households. On 20 April 2017 , a meeting of interministerial Team for legislation about air quality in health resorts.

6 Creating a legal framework to support the implementation of effective corrective measures
Introducing amendments to the applicable legislation, inter alia, through: amending the Act - Environmental Law, including, first of all, by introducing: the possibility of determining, in a given area, acceptable types and quality of fuels – clarification of Article 96, the possibility of carrying out the compensation of emissions through a reduction in low emission, seasonal energy efficiency and acceptable emissions of substances from fuel combustion installations with a heat capacity of up to 0.5 MW – commencement of the work by the Ministry of Development, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment - Notification by the European Commission. amendment to the Act on the system for monitoring and controlling the fuel quality and certain other acts amendment to the draft regulation of the Minister of Energy on the quality requirements for solid fuels.

7 Development and dissemination of technologies conducive to improving the air quality
reducing energy demand through the implementation of comprehensive thermal efficiency improvement, replacement of high-emission solid fuel boilers, quality requirements for solid fuels, used in the municipal sector, standards for boilers <1MW, low-carbon Renewable Energy Source (biomass, geothermic) low-carbon transport, energy efficiency in buildings, cooperation with the scientific community.

8 Development of mechanisms to control low-carbon sources conducive to improving the air quality
Guidebook entitled „Clean heat in my home fro solid fuels”. preparing the harmonised Guidelines on the methodology of detecting waste combustion in small heat sources – to be implemented in 2018.

9 Additional activities at the national level
amendment to the Act Environmental Law – so-called Anti-Smog Act – (Journal of Laws of 2015 item 1593) introducing the following changes: the possibility of determining, in a given area, acceptable types and quality of fuels – clarification of Article 96, the possibility of carrying out the compensation of emissions through a reduction in low emission. Good example of the implementation of this Law: 1) Resolution No. XVIII / 243/16 of 15 January 2016 on the introduction of restrictions on the operation of fuel combustion installations in the municipality of Krakow; 2) Resolution No. XXXII / 452/17 of the Małopolska Region Parliament of 23 January 2017 on the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions in the Małopolskie voivodship within the scope of operation of installations where fuel combustion takes place; 3) Resolutions No. V / 36/1/2017 of the Silesian Voivodeship Parliamnet of 7 April 2017 on the introduction of the limitation in the scope of operation of installations where fuel combustion takes place in the Silesian Voivodeship.

10 Development of mechanisms to control low-carbon sources conducive to improving the air quality
Strategy for responsible development - which was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 14 February 2017. Electromobility Development Plan "Energy for the Future„ – which was adopted by the Council of Ministers on 16 March 2017. Recommendations of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers (ECCM) entitled „Clean Air”: 1. Maximum acceleration of the work on the regulation on the requirements for solid fuel boilers, which should be adopted by the end of April 2017 at the latest, so that its provisions enter into force before the start of the heating season 2017/2018 – Ministry of Development; 2. Urgent introduction of the regulation on the quality standards for solid fuels, which should be adopted as early as in the first quarter of 2017, after introducing amendments to the Act on the system for monitoring and controlling the fuel quality – Ministry of Energy

11 ECCM recommendations ctd.
3. Prioritize by the end of September 2017 the resources of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management on actions leading to the improvement of air quality as soon as possible in order to achieve the maximum ecological effect 4. Introduction (still in 2017) of the requirement of gradual connecting buildings located in urban and suburban areas to heating systems, unless they have an effective source of heat, in such a way so as to minimise the associated costs and provide financial support to persons in need of it – Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction/Ministry of Development/Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy; 5. Significant reduction (from the begining 2018) in rates for electricity during periods of reduced demand for it, including through amendments to the energy and construction legislation, in order to encourage to install electric heaters or heat pumps in areas where there is no possibility of connecting to centralised heating systems or gas networks – Ministry of Energy (leading ministry)/Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction/Ministry of Finance; 6. Development of a network of measuring stations forming the air monitoring system, which will enable, in particular, the identification of sources of pollution – Ministry of the Environment;

12 ECCM recommendations ctd.
7. Inclusion of social workers of social assistance centres into information activities as part of social work in the field of the efficient use of energy in houses/flats, possibility of acquiring funds for the replacement of boilers, obtaining energy allowances, funds for co-financing heating of a house/flat as part of housing allowances – Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy (leading ministry)/Ministry of Energy (including URE), Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, Ministry of the Environment; 8. Development and then implementation of a comprehensive public policy that ensures the optimal protection of vulnerable social groups against „energy poverty” – Ministry of Energy/Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy/ Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction; 9. Carrying out educational campaigns, including those on optimal ways of making fire in boilers and related health effects – Ministry of the Environment (leading ministry)/Ministry of Health/Ministry of Energy; 10. Introduction of an obligation to document the quality of exhaust gases by vehicle control stations and a requirement to examine exhaust gases during road checks – Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction (leading ministry)/Ministry of the Interior and Administration;

13 ECCM recommendations ctd.
11. Use of tax mechanisms, in order to introduce incentives for low-carbon transport, including low rates of excise duty for hybrid cars and the exemption from excise duty for electric cars – Ministry of Finance (leading ministry)/Ministry of Development; 12. Introduction of solutions allowing to create low-carbon zones and periodic reduction in the number of cars in motion within the urban areas – Ministry of the Environment (leading ministry)/Ministry of Infrastructure and the Construction /Ministry of Energy; 13. Introduction of regulations preventing blocking green wedges of the city and considering solutions improving the prestige of the profession of urban planner in the context of spatial management – Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction/Ministry of the Environment; 14. Establishment, within the National Centre for Research and Development, a facility dedicated to supporting the development of low-carbon technologies, in particular geared towards improving the air quality – Ministry of Science and Higher Education; 15. Development and wide public consultation of the „Clean Air” Programme and strengthening the Steering Committee for the National Air Protection Programme and entrusting it with a task to safeguard the urgent and effective implementation of these recommendations and to regularly monitor the progress in the work of the Council of Ministers – Ministry of the Environment;

Kinga Majewska Deputy Director Department of Air Protection and Climate Ministry of the Environment Republic of Poland Warsaw, 30 May 2017

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