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Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra

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Presentation on theme: "Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra"— Presentation transcript:

1 Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra
Ana Luísa de M. L. Balbi Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra Translation and Validation of the Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors to Brazilian Portuguese Tradução e Adaptação do Inventário de Comportamentos de Suporte Social

2 Introduction Social Support
Social support is a concept that includes many kinds of behaviors and that is connected to the ways of social conviviality, being considered essential to those. Coping strategies

3 This study had as the main goal to translate and adapt, through factorial analysis and concurrent validation, the Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors (ISSB)

4 Justification The reasoning behind this study was the need of a validated instrument in Portuguese to evaluate the perception of social support that defines the three factors suggested by the literature.

5 Participantes 331 respondents with ages varying between 18 e 65;
72,8% were university students; Mean age = 24,9 (10,6);

6 Material Translation of the Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors (ISSB) from Barrera Jr. study. Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS) by Siqueira, 2008; Demographic data;

7 Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors
3 factors vs Emotional Support Informational Support Practical Support Guidance Cognitive Information Social Interaction Emotional support Tangible assistance 5 factors

8 Results Dimensão Emotional Tangible Informatiolnal
Emotional Support (Siqueira) 0,625** 0,253** 0,395** Practical Support(Siqueira) 0,706** 0,647** 0,464** No items 12 9 10 Crombach Alfa 0.88 0.79

9 Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra
Ana Luísa de M. L. Balbi Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra Translation and Validation of the Inventory of Socially Supportive Behaviors to Brazilian Portuguese Tradução e Adaptação do Inventário de Comportamentos de Suporte Social


11 Barrera, M., Jr. (1980). A method for assessment of social support networks in community survey research. Connections, 3, 8 – 18. Siqueira, M. M. M. (2008). Construção e Validação da Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social. Psicologia em Estudo, 13, 381 – 388.

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