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The Circulatory System

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1 The Circulatory System
is the main cooling and transportation system for the human body has about 5 liters of blood continuously traveling through it Is composed of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels has three different parts: pulmonary circulation (lungs) coronary circulation (heart) systemic circulation, (the rest of the system’s processes).

2 The Heart This organ pumps oxygen & nutrient rich blood to the cells in your body. The blood then picks up waste & carbon dioxide from those same cells and brings it back to the heart. By The Way… Whenever the blood is pumped from one section of the heart another a valve closes behind it preventing the blood from moving backwards.

3 Blood Complex mixture of cells, water, and various proteins and sugars. Fifty-five percent is plasma (liquid). Forty-five percent is solid (cells). Red Blood Cells Have a protein called hemoglobin that carries oxygen White Blood Cells Fight infection Platelets Aid in blood clotting

4 Blood Flow to & from the Legs
FUN FACTS! Approximately 500 ml of blood moves from the heart and lungs down to the legs when a person stands up after lying down Let’s talk about your hands/feet/legs etc falling asleep… Let’s also talk about why you get dizzy if you stand up too fast…

5 Blood Flow through Heart
Blood from the body travels into the right atrium (a holding tank for blood), moves into the right ventricle (a chamber that pumps blood), and is finally pushed into lungs in the pulmonary arteries The blood then picks up oxygen and travels back to the heart into the left atrium through the pulmonary veins The blood then travels through the to the Left Ventricle and exits to the body through the Aorta… Left Atrium Right Atrium

6 Blood Flow to Arms Oxygen rich blood leaves the heart and travels through arteries (move blood AWAY from the heart) In the capillaries the oxygen and food diffuses into cells & the waste & carbon dioxide diffuses from the cells back to the capillaries. The blood finally travels back through veins (carry blood back to the heart) to the heart to pick up oxygen ARTERIES- FROM HEART CAPILLARIES VEINS- TO HEART

7 Pulmonary Vein Aorta Brachial Artery Renal Artery Redial Artery
Path to the Exchange Pulmonary Vein Aorta A red blood cell then travels from the heart through arteries that eventually branch into the body’s vast system of capillaries (microscopic blood vessels which connect arteries and veins), they eventually lead to… Brachial Artery Renal Artery Redial Artery Ulnar Artery Iliac Artery

8 Circulation back to Heart
To upper body From upper body Capillaries carry the blood to Venules that connect to Veins (wide blood vessels) carry the oxygen-poor blood back to the heart. This blood is NOT blue, it is NEVER EVER EVER BLUE! To lung To lung From lung From lung Right Atrium Left Atrium Right Ventricle Left Ventricle From lower body To lower body

9 Summary Structures Heart Lungs Arteries Veins Capillaries Function
To pump oxygenated blood & nutrients to the cells and return deoxygenated blood and waste to the heart.


11 Works Cited For further information please visit:
-circulation picture -how circulatory system works -Heart and Leg Pictures -circulation picture -arm picture -heart picture -detailed views of the Cardiovascular System -complex leg picture diagram of the circulatory system -picture of heart valves -basic picture of arteries

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