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Re-Imagining Ministry Task Group
What DOEs Re-Imiagining Ministry Look Like?
This was the starting question when we first met as a group - a group which consisted of laity and clergy, stipendiary and SSM, diocesan officer and someone from outside the diocese.
Re-Imagining Ministry
What will (should) ministry look like that enables churches to grow and flourish? The background to the questions we asked ourselves is well known to you all. The statistic on the screen is just one of many. We have tried to be realistic and pragmatic but also to frame our exploration in terms of growth – this is not about merely managing decline, but about the enabling the Church in the Diocese of Manchester to flourish. We kept the diocesan vision in front of our minds throughout the process as well as the changing climate of the Church’s ministry. So first let me take you through some of the work we have done.
Initial Work… Our Vision A worshipping, growing and transformative Christian presence at the heart of every community Summary of where we are currently with regards to the diverse patterns of ministry across the Diocese. Our Goals Growing Nurturing Serving There were tow parts to our initial exploration. Firstly we produced an overview of where we are at currently in terms of ministry across the diocese in its many forms. ordained and lay, stipendiary and self-supporting, parish and pioneer etc. This included a joint questionnaire with the Mission Units task group.
Our Vision Our Goals Growing Nurturing Serving
Initial Work… Our Vision A worshipping, growing and transformative Christian presence at the heart of every community Survey of other work: Chelmsford Leicester Sheffield Liverpool Church in Wales & various Reports Our Goals Growing Nurturing Serving The second area of our work was to look to other diocese within the church of England – especially those mentioned on the screen. Some dioceses are further on than others, but there are some common strands in their work. The Church in Wales is looking at ministry in the future at a national level and we also noted major reports such as Anecdote to Evidence and the latest statistics – and their commentaries – from the NCIs
Key Areas: The opportunity created by a reducing pool of stipendiary clergy Our survey suggested three key areas of evidence which would shape the direction of our thoughts. Firstly the fact that the pool of stipendiary clergy is decreasing and is forecast to decrease for the foreseeable future. Even if there were to be a substantial increase in ordinations, clergy numbers will be significantly lower in the next 10 years or so.
Key Areas: The opportunity created by a reducing pool of stipendiary clergy The numerical growth brought by Fresh Expressions and Pioneer ministry Evidence points towards the numerical growth brought by Fresh Expressions/Pioneer ministry
Key Areas: The opportunity created by a reducing pool of stipendiary clergy The numerical growth brought by Fresh Expressions and Pioneer ministry The desire to pool resources and people The desire to pool resources and people is of varying strengths in varying places! Sometimes this ‘pooling’ is through necessity, but often through genuine collaboration between parishes, congregations and across deaneries. So what are our suggestions?
Re-Imagining Ministry: Core Areas
1 Deployment & Deployability 2 Minister & Ministry Roles 3 Training & Resourcing …all in support of enabling clergy and laity, parishes and congregations, to work together better in mission. We have three areas to comment on all in support of enabling clergy and laity, parishes and congregations, to work together better in mission. deployability minister roles training/resourcing What follows is by necessity just a taste of the headlines rather than the research, theology or experience that lies behind these suggestions.
Projected number of stipendiary clergy
Re-Imagining Ministry: Core Areas Projected number of stipendiary clergy Ratio of parochial roles to FX/Pioneer roles Increasing numbers of stipendiary lay ministers 1 Deployment & Deployability In terms of deployment – or numbers of deployable clergy – we note that given the projected fall in stipendiary clergy we need to be clear about how many priests we need as a diocese. And given the growing importance of what is sometimes called pioneer ministry (or ministry connected with Fresh Expressions of Church) then we feel that we ought to commit to a growing number of pioneer/FX ministers. These needn’t be all ordained ministers. We believe that there is a need for stipendiary lay ministry to be increased significantly. We have had discussion about what exactly is meant by pioneer ministry and we note that the word is understood differently by different groups, and for some it might be unhelpful! We encourage exploration of a different word, whilst also noting that what might be called normative parish priestly ministry should also be intentionally pioneering in terms of reaching out to those who are unchurched or de-churched. It is clear that a reduction in stipendiary ordained ministers gives an opportunity for new and creative stipendiary lay ministry.
Diverse Lay Ministries Focal Ministers Pioneer Ministry Administrators
Re-Imagining Ministry: Core Areas Diverse Lay Ministries Focal Ministers Pioneer Ministry Administrators Transition Ministers 2 Minister & Ministry Roles These are some of the ministerial roles and functions we suggest might have a greater presence in the future: Diverse Lay Ministries: Nationally a Lay Ministry Working Group is looking at what they call ‘lay ecclesial ministries’. Part of this process has already been discussed at the national Reader conference. LLMs – Licesned Lay Ministers of which Readers are a part – are already being developed in different dioceses. One of the advantages of LLM is that they are transferable across the CofE – a Reader can be licensed in a different diocese. Some dioceses (and the CinW) have different LLMs – children's’, youth, missioner, evangelist etc. Focal Ministers - for example daughter churches and/or FXC congregations/communities. This could be a lay role, or as often the case now, an OLM role. Perhaps a new elective for ALM. The parson of old – the one who is the focal point but would look different in different places. Identify person, selection process, training provided. Pioneer Ministry – what does a blended economy looks like?, how might a network of Pioneer Ministers connect with and resource each other and parochial ministry? A new hub is being developed within the diocese. A college or hub or pioneer ministry is crucial if the number of pioneer ministers is increased. Administrators – there is a strong call for support for administrative support. From clergy working in a changing environment, but also in parishes where it is sometimes harder to recruit parish officers. As parishes work together in Mission Units, paid administrative support will be crucial. Transition Ministers – Sometimes called interim ministers or turn-around teams: Two types of transition ministries are envisaged: ‘Growth’ – to radically develop parishes with potential. ‘Closure’ – to help parishes/congregations to close gracefully, faithfully and positively.
Training for Leadership & Collaboration Training for Change
Re-Imagining Ministry: Core Areas Training for Leadership & Collaboration Training for Change Resource Churches & Resourcing Churches 3 Training & Resourcing Core areas for training and support: Training for Leadership & Collaboration: (already in ALM and OLM training) Helping clergy to support laity withing parish ministry. The success of the diocesan leadership course to be strengthened. Training for Change: we have suggested training for change, development and leadership of mission units – both before, during and after their implementation. Different people and groups require different training: congregations, ministers, and those who lead the ministry team/area. Resource Churches & Resourcing Churches We have our first resource church in the diocese emerging and I shall mention that in a moment, but alongside resource churches we suggest there is potential to look at vocational courses for laity alongside the current options with possible assessment through ability, skills and delivery.
Next Steps…
Re-Imagining Ministry: Next Steps
Is there a minimum core of stipendiary ministers that we need to sustain as a Diocese? As stipendiary clergy levels decrease how many stipendiary lay ministers might we require? 1 Deployment & Deployability The main area for future development is to work with the Mission Units group surrounding questions about the numbers of stipendiary ministers necessary or desired within the diocese as a whole. And given what we have said about decreasing clergy numbers, what decision do we make about maintaining current levels of ministers by increasing pioneer and lay ministries?
Numbers of stipendiary minister needed per Mission Unit?
Re-Imagining Ministry: Next Steps Numbers of stipendiary minister needed per Mission Unit? Where will this be decided? (Mission Unit, Deanery, Diocese) Will financial allocation allow creative employment of ordained and lay posts as best for the Mission Unit? 1 Deployment & Deployability This is where the three groups which form part of the Fit For Mission process really gel. The number of stipendiary ministers needed per Mission Unit will of course depend on the size of the Mission Units. And once there is an understanding of this, where do the decisions about deployment take place? An overview at diocesan level will of course be essential, but is their scope for a more local approach to deciding the best allocation for Mission Units. This is where the deanery might have an important role. Any change to allocation or maintaining of stipendiary members has an effect on the ministry budget. Deciding to maintain or increase ministry numbers requires an understanding of how stipendiary ministry enables growth and how financial resources can be used to support that.
Is there room for further electives for ALMs?
Re-Imagining Ministry: Next Steps Is there room for further electives for ALMs? LLMs are being developed nationally – how might this look in Manchester Diocese? 2 Minister & Ministry Roles Whilst adding named ministries is not necessarily the answer, we have looked at functions of ministry and what different ministers can do, or do ‘do’. Is there room for expansion? For example might ALMs in future become funeral ministers? This NOT a proposal! Merely an example of how ministry can imagined creatively. I have spoken already about the national review of LLMs and how Readers in particular have been looking at some of these issues. Some diocese are already acknowledging a broadened category of licensed lay ministry. How will this look in the Diocese of Manchester?
How do we ensure conversations with ecumenical partners?
Re-Imagining Ministry: Next Steps How do we ensure conversations with ecumenical partners? How can we enable true diversity of ministers, representative of the communities we serve? 2 Minister & Ministry Roles You’ll have noted the obvious omission of mentioning other denominations – most especially our covenant with the Methodist church. We are not allowing in scoping the future. Each of the task groups have continually stressed the need to hold intentional conversations with our ecumenical partners though noting that this is usually most beneficial at local levels. And we note too the urgent need to strengthen the Diocese with a truly diverse ministry representative of the communities we serve – most notably increasing Black Asian and Minority Ethnic vocations.
Learning from the new Resource Church at St Philip’s Salford.
Re-Imagining Ministry: Next Steps What training is needed to enable clergy and laity, parishes and congregations, to work together better in mission? Learning from the new Resource Church at St Philip’s Salford. Vocational Courses for laity 3 Training & Resourcing In the third area of training and resources, further work needs to be done on the exact nature of training and support for parishes as they transition to Mission Units in whatever form they take The emerging Resource Church at St Philip’s provides an opportunity for us as a diocese to learn from their experience. What other resource churches or communities might we envisage? Around urban and estate evangelism? City and town centre ministry? Students? Families and schools?
Praying for our diocese
It was clear within our group – and across the task groups – that all of this change must be underpinned by prayer. We commissioned a set of prayer materials for parishes and individuals to support the themes we have explored. I am grateful to those who contributed to this.
Re-Imagining Ministry Key Question
Our question for Synod this evening is less about the specifics of our suggestions and proposals, but generally…
Re-Imagining Ministry: Key Question
In a church where the sense of ‘this will see me out’ is evident, what needs to change to enable clergy and laity, parishes and congregations, to work together better in ministry?
Re-Imagining Ministry Task Group
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