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How did politics change in modern Georgia? (SS8H12a & c)

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Presentation on theme: "How did politics change in modern Georgia? (SS8H12a & c)"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did politics change in modern Georgia? (SS8H12a & c)

2 Review The county unit system was ruled _______________________ in the 1960s. It was replaced by the “one-________________, one- __________________” concept. _______________________ areas no longer had control of state politics.

3 End of the county unit system
Elections now based on popular vote. ONE MAN ONE VOTE Urban areas now have more power than rural areas. URBAN > RURAL Segregationists no longer controlled GA politics END OF WHITE SUPREMACY

4 Reapportionment In addition to the end of the county unit system, GA was ordered to __________________ its voting districts. Before – every county had at least ___________ state representative. This still gave _______________ areas control of the General Assembly. Court Case – Reynolds vs. Sims (1964) U.S. Supreme Court rules legislative districts must be drawn according to ____________________________. Effect – Georgians in ________________________ areas gained political _________________ in the General Assembly.

5 Rise of Two-Party Politics
Political Parties – organizations that seek to elect fellow members of their party to ____________________ in government. By ________________ elections, your party’s ideas will control ____________________ and how the county/state/country is run. After the Civil War, GA politics was dominated by Democrats. The Democrats sought to keep control in 3 ways. 1. _______________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________

6 Conservative Democrats controlled GA politics White primary, County Unit system, disenfranchisement ONE PARTY SYSTEM

7 Through the late 1960’s and 1970’s _______________________ elections were more common in Georgia.
While ____________________ candidates may have not won a lot of offices, they were becoming competitive. By the end of the 1990s, political control has shifted and GA has become a “______________ ____________” state (Republican) in national and state level politics. Give 3-4 examples of Georgia’s shift to the Republican party from the maps we see.

8 TWO PARTY SYSTEM 1970 – present
Conservative Republican/Liberal Democrats Equal opportunity for minority/women candidates TWO PARTY SYSTEM

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