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The Challenge of Democracy

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1 The Challenge of Democracy
CHAPTER 8 Political Parties

2 Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Learning outcomes Define political party and list the functions performed by parties in democratic government. Outline the history of the U.S. political party system. Explain why two parties dominate the history of American politics. Compare and contrast the Democratic and Republican parties on the basis of ideology and organization. Identify the principles of responsible party government and evaluate their role in majoritarian democracy. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

3 political parties and their functions
What Is a Political Party? Sponsors candidates for political office under the organization’s name Party Functions Nominating candidates Structuring the voting choice Proposing alternative government programs Coordinating the actions of government officials political party An organization that sponsors candidates for political office under the organization’s name. Nomination Designation as an official candidate of a political party. political system A set of interrelated institutions that links people with government. Political parties help democratic government by structuring the voting choice—reducing the number of candidates on the ballot to those who have a realistic chance of winning. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

4 A history of u.s. party politics
The Preparty Period No parties mentioned in Constitution Constitution provided for electoral college Caucuses used in early presidential elections The First Party System: Federalists and Democratic Republicans Elections of 1796 and 1800 Twelfth Amendment electoral college A body of electors chosen by voters to cast ballots for president and vice president. caucus A closed meeting of the members of a political party to decide questions of policy and the selection of candidates for office. In the election of 1796, the Federalists supported Vice President John Adams to succeed Washington as president. The Democratic Republicans backed Thomas Jefferson for president but could not agree on a vice-presidential candidate. In the electoral college, Adams won seventy-one votes to Jefferson’s sixty-eight, and both ran ahead of other candidates. At that time, the Constitution provided that the presidency would go to the candidate who won the most votes in the electoral college, with the vice presidency going to the runner-up (like a school election). So Adams, a Federalist, had to accept Jefferson, a Democratic Republican, as his vice president. The Twelfth Amendment, ratified in 1804, prevented a repeat of the troublesome election outcomes of 1796 and It required the electoral college to vote separately for president and vice president, implicitly recognizing that parties would nominate different candidates for the two offices. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

5 A history of u.s. party politics
The Second Party System: Democrats and Whigs National convention Party platform The Current Party System: Democrats and Republicans Early 1850s: Republican Party forms to oppose slavery Election of 1860: First of four critical elections Electoral realignment The Jacksonian faction of the Democratic Republican Party represented the common people in the expanding South and West, and its members took pride in calling themselves simply Democrats. Parties now needed to campaign for votes cast by hundreds of thousands of citizens. Recognizing this new dimension of the nation’s politics, the parties responded with a new method for nominating presidential candidates. national convention A gathering of delegates of a single political party from across the country to choose candidates for president and vice president and to adopt a party platform. party platform The statement of policies of a national political party. critical election An election that produces a sharp change in the existing pattern of party loyalties among groups of voters. electoral realignment The change in voting patterns that occurs after a critical election. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

6 A history of u.s. party politics
Eras of Party Dominance Since the Civil War Election of 1860 established two-party system A Rough Balance: A Republican Majority: A Democratic Majority: A Rough Balance: 1968-present Electoral dealignment two-party system A political system in which two major political parties compete for control of the government. Candidates from a third party have little chance of winning office. When one party in a two-party system regularly enjoys support from most voters in an area, it is called the majority party in that area; the other is called the minority party. From 1860 through 1894, the Grand Old Party (or GOP, as the Republican Party is sometimes called) won eight of ten presidential elections, which would seem to qualify it as the majority party. A second critical election, in 1896, transformed the Republican Party into a true majority party. The Republicans’ majority status ended in the critical election of 1932 between incumbent president Herbert Hoover and the Democratic challenger, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. electoral dealignment A lessening of the importance of party loyalties in voting decisions. Some scholars say that in the 1970s and 1980s, we were in a period of electoral dealignment, in which party loyalties became less important to voters as they cast their ballots. Others counter that partisanship increased in the 1990s in a gradual process of realignment not marked by a single critical election. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

7 William Jennings Bryan: When Candidates Were Orators
Today, televised images of a candidate waving his hands and shouting to the audience would look silly. But candidates once had to resort to such tactics to be effective with large crowds – as demonstrated here by William Jennings Bryan. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C One of the most commanding orators around the turn of the 20th century was William Jennings Bryan ( ), whose stirring speeches extolling the virtues of the free coinage of silver were music to the ears of thousands of westerners and southern farmers. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

8 The american two-party system
Minor Parties in America Bolter Parties Progressive party Farmer-Labor Parties Populist party Parties of Ideological Protest Socialist party Single-Issue Parties Prohibition party Bolter parties are formed by factions that have split off from one of the major parties. Farmer-labor parties represented farmers and urban workers who believed that they, the working class, were not getting their share of society’s wealth. Parties of ideological protest go further than farmer-labor parties in criticizing the established system. Single-issue parties are formed to promote one principle, not a general philosophy of government. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

9 Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
A Third-Party Theme The Libertarian Party values freedom above both order and equality. Founded in 1971, the party has run presidential candidates in every election since It was most successful in 1980, when Libertarian Ed Clark won about 920,000 votes, which was 1.06 percent of all votes cast. In 2012, Libertarian Gary Johnson won more votes (about 1,155,000), but they were only 0.97 percent of the total. Ron Paul, its 1988 presidential candidate, was elected to Congress in 1996 as a Republican. His son, Rand Paul, was elected to the Senate also as a Republican. None of the hundreds of Libertarian candidates in recent congressional elections was elected. Nevertheless, the Libertarian Party’s website justifiably describes itself as “America’s third largest and fastest growing political party.” That says something about the state of third parties in the United States. The Libertarian Party, Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

10 Party Candidates for the U.S. House in the 2014 Election
Figure 8.2 Party Candidates for the U.S. House in the 2014 Election In 2014, as in other recent elections, the Democratic and Republican parties each ran candidates for the House of Representatives in about 90 percent of the 435 congressional districts. Of minor parties, only the Libertarian Party, the best-organized minor party in the nation, ran candidates in more than one hundred districts. In most of those districts, however, the Libertarian candidates usually got about 3 percent of the vote when they ran. All other minor parties ran fewer candidates than the Libertarians. Sources: Candidate data come from Ballot Access News, 30 (October 1, 2014), p. 4; estimated percentage of votes cast come from Pew Research Center, at Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

11 The american two-party system
Why a Two-Party System? Electoral system Historical pattern Majority representation Proportional representation The Federal Basis of the Party System Tend to ignore electoral patterns in states The two most convincing explanations for the two-party system in the United States lie (1) in its electoral system and (2) in our historical pattern of political socialization. The two principles of single winners chosen by a simple plurality of votes produce an electoral system known as majority representation. majority representation The system by which one office, contested by two or more candidates, is won by the single candidate who collects the most votes. proportional representation The system by which legislative seats are awarded to a party in proportion to the vote that party wins in an election. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

12 The american two-party system
Party Identification in America Most people identify with one of the two parties Lower income and less education think of themselves as Democrats Citizens with advanced degrees are more Democratic No affiliation with religious group tends to be strongly Democratic More women tend to be Democrats About half of all Americans adopt their parents’ party party identification A voter’s sense of psychological attachment to a party. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

13 Distribution of party identification, 1952-2012
Figure 8.4 In every presidential election since 1952, voters across the nation have been asked, “Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an independent, or what?” Most voters think of themselves as either Republicans or Democrats, but the proportion of those who think of themselves as independents has increased over time. The size of the Democratic Party’s majority has also shrunk. Nevertheless, most Americans today still identify with one of the two major parties, and Democrats still outnumber Republicans. Sources: Data for 1952 to 2008 come from the American National Election Studies Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior, org/nesguide/nesguide.htm. The 2012 figure is from the 2012 ANES Time Series tabulated at the Survey Documentation and Analysis website, The few respondents (typically under 5 percent) who gave other answers were excluded from the graph. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

14 Party ideology and organization
Differences in Party Ideology Involved and uninvolved voters Platforms: freedom, order, and equality Different but similar Some claim parties are quite similar in ideology compared to different parties in other countries Party platforms also matter a great deal to the parties’ convention delegates—and to the interest groups that support the parties. The wording of a platform plank often means the difference between victory and defeat for factions within a party. Delegates fight not only over ideas but also over words. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

15 Ideologies of involved and uninvolved party voters in 2012
Figure 8.6 The Democratic and Republican parties differ substantially in their ideological centers of gravity, especially when party identifiers are classified according to their political involvement. Involved Democrats and Republicans were those who cared “a lot” about the 2012 presidential candidates. Uninvolved Democrats and Republicans cared less. Virtually none of the involved Republican identifiers described themselves as liberal, while almost all said they were conservative. Nearly half of involved Democrats described themselves as liberal. Source: January 12, 2012 Pew Survey. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

16 Party ideology and organization
National Party Organization Four components at national level National convention National committee Congressional party conference Congressional campaign committees Every four years, each party assembles thousands of delegates from the states and U.S. territories (such as Puerto Rico and Guam) in a national convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate for president. national committee A committee of a political party composed of party chairpersons and party officials from every state. party conferences A meeting to select party leaders and decide committee assignments, held at the beginning of a session of Congress by Republicans or Democrats in each chamber. congressional campaign committee An organization maintained by a political party to raise funds to support its own candidates in congressional elections. Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

17 Party ideology and organization
State and Local Party Organizations Party machines New York’s Tammany Hall Chicago’s Cook County Central Committee Decentralized but Growing Stronger American parties most decentralized in world party machine A centralized party organization that dominates local politics by controlling elections. American political parties are still among the most decentralized parties in the world. Not even the president can count on loyalty from the legislative members of his party. Decentralization of power has always been the most distinguishing characteristic of American political parties. Moreover, the rise in the proportion of citizens who style themselves as independents suggests that our already weak parties are in further decline Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

18 The model of responsible party government
Four principles of responsible party government Parties should present clear and coherent programs to voters Voters should choose candidates on the basis of party programs The winning party should carry out its program once in office Voters should hold the governing party responsible at the next election for executing its program Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

19 The Tea Party: Background Report
Click picture to view video Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

20 video discussion questions
Why is the Tea Party a movement, and not a political party? What are its objectives? What qualities, if any, do Tea Party advocates share with Libertarians? Overall, has the Tea Party helped or hurt the Republican Party? Copyright © 2016 Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

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