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Launching the New Nation

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1 Launching the New Nation
George Washington becomes the first president. President Thomas Jefferson doubles U.S. territory with the Louisiana Purchase. The U.S. fights the British in the War of 1812. George Washington. Portrait (1796), Gilbert Stuart. NEXT

2 Washington Heads the New Government 1
SECTION Washington Heads the New Government Washington Shapes the Executive Branch • Washington elected 1st. pres. of U.S. in 1789 • Congress creates State, War, Treasury Departments • Alexander Hamilton becomes Secretary of treasury • Washington adds attorney general; these Department heads are known as his Cabinet Hamilton proposes Bank of the United States: - funded by government, private investors - issue paper money, handle taxes To win Southern support for his banking plan proposes moving Govt from North to South (DC) in 1800. Image NEXT

3 The First Political Parties and Rebellion
1 SECTION The First Political Parties and Rebellion Federalists and Democratic-Republicans • Split in Washington’s cabinet leads to first U.S. political parties: - Jefferson’s allies: Democratic-Republicans - Hamilton’s allies: Federalists • Two-party system established as two major parties compete for power * *****The formation of political parties can be traced to the different philosophies and viewpoints of: Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson Continued . . . NEXT

4 Washington ‘s Presidency:
Reactions to the French Revolution of 1789: • Federalists pro-British; Democratic-Republicans pro-French • Washington declares neutrality, will not support either side Washington serves 2 terms in office as the first U.S. president, from 1789 to 1797. Washington's problems included handling finances, building the new government 3. treaties with the Indians. He accomplishes all three. Dies in 1799 Continued . . . NEXT

5 The Next US President : John Adams, Serves from 1797 to 1801
Major event of his presidency 1. Signed controversial Alien and Sedition Acts : Consisted of a. NO criticism of US govt allowed by press or citizens (put in prison if you did!) (Sedition part) b. New legal Immigrants couldn’t vote until they lived here for 14 years…. (Alien part) *****DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS Were OUTRAGED by these Acts saying they Violated Free Speech! NEXT

6 Was Washington really the first president?
VLA Reviews with die roll details: Washington Bio: Was Washington really the first president? John Adams presidency:

7 Final Review/Prediction Activity:
Create 5 questions with answers (with answers) that you think are the Most IMPORTANT things to know from this section.

8 Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course Section 2
The United States expands its borders during Thomas Jefferson’s administration. Warm uP: 5 min: Brain storm in groups or go Han Solo: How many things can you list about Thomas Jefferson? After sharing time: Vla warmup with Added double die roll details: NEXT

9 Jefferson Alters the Nation’s Course
Jefferson Wins Presidential Election of 1800 Presidential Campaign of 1800 Bitter campaign between Adams and Jefferson; wild charges hurled Jefferson wins after a Tie vote with Aaron Burr is resolved….. Hamilton brings his Federalists to support Jefferson…leads to a pistol duel with Burr later! NEXT

10 Southern Dominance of Politics
Jefferson first to take office in newly built Washington, D.C. South dominates politics; Northern, Federalist influence decline He is 3rd president of US. Serves from March 4th 1801 to March 4th 1809

11 3 SECTION The Jefferson Presidency Key events: 1803 Marbury v. Madison • 1. Marbury v. Madison—William Marbury sues to have papers delivered - Judiciary Act of 1789 requires Supreme Court order - Marshall rules requirement unconstitutional • Judicial review—Supreme Court NOW able to declare laws unconstitutional NEXT

12 The United States Expands West
2. Westward Migration From 1800–1810, Ohio population grows from 45,000 to 231,000 Most settlers use Cumberland Gap to reach Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee In 1775, Daniel Boone leads clearing of Wilderness Road Map Continued . . . NEXT

13 3. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803
SECTION continued The United States Expands West 3. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 • Louisiana returned to France; Jefferson fears strong French presence • Jefferson buys Louisiana Territory for $15million from Napoleon - doubts he has constitutional authority • Louisiana Purchase doubles size of US. Map NEXT

14 The purchase is significant because it doubles the U. S
The purchase is significant because it doubles the U.S. We buy 827,000 square miles!

15 4. Lewis and Clark expedition:
• Jefferson appoints Lewis and Clark to lead Corps of Discovery: - explore new territory, find route to Pacific - gather information about people, plants animals • Native American woman, Sacajawea, serves as interpreter, guide

16 Wrap Up on Jefferson: Pictionary Challenge! Draw a quick sketch of a KEY fact/event you learned about Jefferson today….don’t use any words…we shall guess!

17 Section 3” The War of 1812 War breaks out again between the United States and Britain in 1812. NEXT

18 The War of 1812 Madison elected 4th US President from 1809 to 18
British and French Rivalries British blockade or seal French ports to prevent US Merchant ships from entering Britain, France seize American ships, confiscate cargoes Grievances Against Britain • Impressment—seizing Americans, drafting them into British navy • Chesapeake incident further angers Americans • Jefferson convinces Congress to declare embargo, or ban on exports • Embargo, meant to hurt Europe, also hurts U.S. - Congress lifts it, except with Britain, France Chart Continued . . . NEXT

19 Tecumseh’s Confederacy
continued The War Hawks Demand War Tecumseh’s Confederacy • William Henry Harrison makes land deal w/ Native American chiefs • Shawnee chief Tecumseh tries to form Native American confederacy against Americans: - tells people to return to traditional beliefs, practices - gets British help; many tribes don’t join Image The War Hawks • Harrison is hero of Battle of Tippecanoe (Against Tecumseh in present day Indiana) but suffers heavy losses • War hawks—want war with Britain because natives use British weapons ****NEW ENGLANDERS OPPOSE the idea of WAR with Britain Image NEXT

20 The War Brings Mixed Results
The War in Canada Madison chooses war, thinks Britain is crippling U.S. trade, economy U.S. army unprepared; early British victories in Detroit, Montreal Oliver Hazard Perry defeats British on Lake Erie; U.S. wins battles Native Americans fight on both sides; Tecumseh killed in battle Map The War at Sea U.S. navy only 16 ships; 3 frigates sail alone, score victories British blockade U.S. ports along east coast Continued . . . NEXT

21 British Burn the White House
4 SECTION continued The War Brings Mixed Results British Burn the White House By 1814, British raid, burn towns along Atlantic coast British burn Washington D.C. in retaliation for York, Canada Image The Battle of New Orleans • General Andrew Jackson fights Native Americans, gains national fame • • In 1815, defeats superior British force at Battle of New Orleans Continued . . . NEXT

22 4 SECTION continued The War Brings Mixed Results The Treaty of Ghent • Treaty of Ghent, peace agreement signed Christmas 1814 • Declares armistice or end to fighting; does not resolve all issues • 1815, commercial treaty reopens trade between Britain and U.S. NEXT

23 This is the end of the chapter presentation of lecture notes
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