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Portuguese Competition Authority

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1 Portuguese Competition Authority
Fighting Bid Rigging in the PCA’s Strategic Plan for Public Procurement Nuno Rocha de Carvalho Member of the Board Portuguese Competition Authority Brasília, Nov 3, 2015 15

2 Public Procurement In Numbers
Public Procurement accounts for and important share of the economic activity Scope for Cost Savings Public Procurement Expenditures 30% of Total Gov. Spending and 12% GDP in OECD countries 16% EU GDP 19.5% of Total Gov. Spending and 10% of GDP in Portugal E-procurement in Portugal Reduction of 6% - 12% of Total Government Spending Yielded cost saving ≈ 650 Million € Could have achieved 1.2 billion euros if full e-procurement 15

3 Cornerstones of the PCA’s Strategic Plan Broad Approach & Policy Mix
Competitive interaction among bidders delivers efficiency gains: value for taxpayers’ money Broad Approach: Fighting bid rigging Promoting efficiency Aligning incentives (sine qua non): Awareness Accountability Policy Mix: Advocacy + Strengthening enforcement Ex-ante + Ex-post action Promote Efficiency Align Incentives Fight Bid Rigging Goals 15

4 Promoting Efficiency Tender and contract design
We need to look beyond bid-rigging Inadequate tender design & incomplete/badly specified contracts prevent capturing the benefits from competition Good tender design is essential to ensuring efficient public procurement Look at the whole public procurement life-cycle “What really matters in practical auction design is robustness against collusion and attractiveness to entry”. Klemperer (2003) However… 15

5 Promoting Efficiency Public procurement procedures in PT

6 Aligning Incentives Awareness and Accountability
Making cartel detection a shared objective for competition authorities and procurement agencies Procurement officials vigilant about the need to ensure a regular and timely supply Fear of disruption: suspicion of a collusive scheme in a tender may raise uncertainty as to the impact on tender time schedules (A. Heimler, 2012) Training should also focus on raising awareness as to the risks and costs of bid rigging Accountability for efficiency of outcome: Performance monitoring. 15

7 Fighting Bid-Rigging Range of tools
Deterring new cartels and breaking up existing cartels: important value gains for society Public Procurement vulnerable to collusion: Transparency requirements; repeated and predictable nature of tenders (Stigler 1968) Mix of ex-ante and ex-post tools Ex-ante: Promoting the Design of more “collusion-proof” tenders Ex-post: Strengthening detection & Vigorous enforcement. Deterrence effect (“ex-ante like”) Mix of detection methods for bid-rigging conspiracies Reactive Methods (Leniency, Complaints) Proactive Methods (Screens) 15

8 Fighting Bid-Rigging Reactive detection methods
Reactive detection methods: Complaints and Leniency Prevalent in competition agencies action towards cartels, PCA is no exception Leniency is central in fighting bid-rigging. Often ensures “hard” evidence for the case. But leniency may be less effective for uncovering stable bid rigging conspiracies 15

9 Fighting Bid Rigging Proactive Detection Methods
Structural and Behavioural Screens (e.g., Abrantes-Metz and Bajari, 2010) to flag suspicious events Richness of data available on public tenders. Portugal is the EU pioneer of mandatory e-procurement, through private platforms PCA has ensured access to data generated by e-procurement platforms and public database Cooperation with academics in developing screening the databases. Role of procurement officers in detecting markers for bid-rigging (suspicions bidding patterns that are commonly found in bid rigging cases). Guide to Fighting bid-rigging in public procurement Out-reach sessions Establish communication channels with the relevant entities 15

10 Lessons learned from practice “5 módulos”
Cartel on the supply of portable, pre-fabricated modular container-type structure for temporary classrooms to Parque Escolar E.P.E. Tenders of lots divided according to geographic regions 5 firms shared the market between 2009 and 2010 Cover bidding scheme Leniency was crucial for the cartel detection and for simplifying and speeding up the procedure Firms abdicated from litigation in a transaction which ensured them a 10% reduction in the fine 15

11 Amusing Advocacy Pre-fabricated what? … Well, Prices

12 Thank you! / Obrigado! Nuno Rocha de Carvalho

13 15

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