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Shoulder Special Test.

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Presentation on theme: "Shoulder Special Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shoulder Special Test

2 Palpations Jugular notch Sternum SC joint Clavicle Coracoid process
AC joint Greater tuberosity Lesser tuberosity Biciptal groove/tendon Spine of scapula Scapula borders/ angles Soft tissue structures

3 Muscles Rotator cuff muscle group- Subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatur, teres minor Deltoid (anterior, middle, posterior fibers) Pectoralis Major Latissimus Dorsi Long head of triceps Coracobrachialis Biceps Brachii

4 SC Joint Laxity Have the patients laying supine, grasp proximal clavical just distal to medial clavicular head and attempt to glide and displace in all directions. Look for pain or laxity

5 AC Joint Laxity Test AC Traction Test ( preformed like sulcus test for shoulder) AC Shear test (shear clavicle and acromion together) Look for increased laxity, pain, and possible step- deformity at AC joint Also look for piano key sign which indicates trauma to coracoclavicular ligament

6 GH Joint Laxity Test Anterior- apprehension (crank) test; relocation test; anterior drawer of shoulder Inferior- Sulcus sign in neutral Posterior- posterior apprehension; posterior glide in plane of scapula (arm 90* and in plane of scapula); push- pull test

7 Gerber’s lift off test

8 Drop Arm test (RT Cuff)

9 Empty Can (RT Cuff) Suprasipnatuis

10 Neer’s Shoulder impingment

11 Hawkins Kennedy for impingment

12 Yergasons

13 Speeds test

14 Ludingtons for rupture of biceps tendon

15 O briens test for SLAP lesion

16 Adsons for TOS

17 Allens test for TOS

18 Military Brace for TOS

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