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Renal Transplant Audit (including liver+kidney) 2010 David Milford Department of Nephrology Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Renal Transplant Audit (including liver+kidney) 2010 David Milford Department of Nephrology Birmingham Children’s Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renal Transplant Audit (including liver+kidney) David Milford Department of Nephrology Birmingham Children’s Hospital

2 Activity 2009 2010 n= 14 (BCH) 21 3 (non-BCH) Donor type
n= (BCH) 21 3 (non-BCH) Donor type Deceased Live Kidney alone Liver+kidney Do ratios ?? Do a table to show results accordingly

3 Transplant numbers

4 BCH % of national waiting list

5 Details 2009 2010 Dialyisis PD 3 4 HD 6 10 PET 2 4 Mean age 9.3 9.1
Dialyisis PD HD PET Mean age Age range 4.5 – Ethnicity (all transplants) Caucasian (7 LRD) Asian (2 LRD)

6 Dialysis patients and ethnicity
Total no patients White Non-white % non-white Month Jan-02 16 10 6 38 Jun-02 Jan-03 Jun-03 17 11 35 Jan-04 29 14 15 52 Jun-04 32 53 Jan-05 31 45 Jun-05 34 19 44 Jan-06 28 12 43 Jun-06 24 13 46 Jan-07 50 Jun-07 26 62 Jan-08 27 56 Jun-08 Jan-09 Jun-09 23 48 Jan-10 22 Jun-10 58

7 Referral units Unit Number Stafford 2 Russells Hall 1
Birmingham – Children’s Birmingham – Heartlands Birmingham – City Northampton Burton Nuneaton Good Hope Banbury Stoke on Trent

8 Recipient details Cause renal failure Previous Tx: all 0 Time on W/L
Developmental 10/18; cong neph 3/18 Previous Tx: all 0 Time on W/L All: median = 17.5 m (3-39 m) Asian: median = 25 m (3-39 m) Match points All: median = 5 (1-9) Asian: median = 5.5 (2-8)

9 Donor details Age: median 40 yr (20-54 yr) Sex 11 M: 7 F Cause death
ICH 6 RTA 3 CMV D+/R- 7/18

10 Transplant details CIT Anastamosis time CRF median 64 (0-88)
Cad mean 13 h (9-19 h) LRD mean h (3-4.3 h) Anastamosis time Cad mean 47 m (30-56 m) LRD mean 39 m (24-49 m) CRF median 64 (0-88)

11 Mean mismatches

12 Outcomes Death =0 Delayed graft function = 4/18
Baseline immunosuppression Bas/Tac/MMF 17/18 Tac/Aza/Pred 1/18 CMV viraemia = 2/18 PTLD =1/18 (6/12 post Tx, gut infiltrate) Acute rejection 7/18

13 Transplant function Median

14 Complications Recurrent UTI 8/18 Blocked stent → nephrostomy
Blocked stent → replaced LRD : nephrostomy, stent re-insertion, suprapubic catheter, Mitrofanoff fashioned, Tx ureter unkinked Ureterostomy reversed to Mitrofanoff Passenger lymphocyte syndrome LRD: angioplasty for RAS LRD: ureterostomy revision Mitrofanoff fashioned

15 Rejection rates

16 Liver+kidney transplant
Age (Y) 5 8 4 Sex M F Weight 14 28 15 cause ESRF ARPKD D-HUS on W/L (M) 11 dialysis HD PET donor age 21 31 20 cause death CVA ICH Menin FU PCr 32 66 35

17 Issues for audit Waiting list proportionately larger
Cadavaric transplant rate slightly increased, LRD numbers increasing Very high proportion of Asian patients Rejection rate appears higher with minimal steroid regimen, growth benefit may become evident

18 American Journal of Transplantation 2010; 10: 828–836

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