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Immortality and cloning

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1 Immortality and cloning
English 2420 Jared Henville

2 INTRODUCTION My topic explores the use of cloning animals and other living things with a greater purpose of making them live longer or becoming immortal.

3 WhAT IS CLONING and the History of it.
In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually. Cloning in biotechnology refers to processes used to create copies of DNA fragments (molecular cloning), cells (cell cloning), or organisms. The term also refers to the production of multiple copies of a product such as digital media or software

4 History. The history of Cloning dates back to 1800’s. However, Dolly the sheep comes to mind when we think of cloned animals. She was made famous as the cloned sheep in the 1990’s.

5 Depiction of the process of cloning.

6 How Immortality and Cloning Co-Relates. `
According to an article taken from, there are five ways I have found that scientist are trying to make living things immortal. 1, Cybernetic Immortality 2, Cloned Parts ( or a whole new body) 3, Nanotech Cellular Repairs 4, Mind Unloading 5, Unlocking what your genes can already do. `

7 I think what is most significant about these two different topics is the fact even though they both have completely different meanings they can still both go hand in hand with each other in terms of creating something from its original state and making it into something everlasting. In conclusion my aim is to further investigate and research more about immortality and cloning and its benefits to life in general.

8 Citations Ronald Bailey : Liberation Biology Published 2005
Jean Bethke Elshtain : The New Republic, Bad Seed, Published February 9, 1998 Seed of Controversy, 1/11/1999 Five ways scientist can make us immortal. 01/17/2011

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