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Return/Wasted Vaccine Reporting

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1 VFC Program Updates IAP Program Cassie Bailey, BAA Immunize Kalamazoo 09/14/17

2 Return/Wasted Vaccine Reporting
VFC providers are being held to higher standards of accountability for every VFC dose in possession. MCIR is processing return/wasted reports in support of CDC requirements. All VFC providers should be using MCIR’s online reporting system. All wasted (drawn & not used, breakage, etc.) as well as lost doses must be reported to CDC. Non-compliance will result in provider’s VFC ordering capability being deactivated in MCIR by the State.

3 Return/Wasted Vaccine MCIR Screens
Don’t forget to include a preventative Action Plan. Always use correct transaction reason. Do NOT guess if unsure.

4 Wasted Transaction Options
Please check with your Local Health Dept. (LHD) before using Unable to Locate option.

5 Return/Wasted Vaccine Reporting Cont.
Make sure the transactions entered into MCIR are accurate. They cannot be changed once a report is submitted! All wastage reports should be processed when you complete your monthly balance. Can be processed earlier due to vaccine loss: Expired inventory, loss from temp excursions, natural disasters, etc. Most wasted doses do not need to be replaced. Check with your Local Health Department (LHD) if there is question about replacement requirements for wasted VFC vaccine.

6 Action Plan Requirements
Explain why the return/waste occurred. List detailed steps of action taken and measures put into place to eliminate or reduce the events that resulted in loss. If the lost or wasted doses required replacement in the VIM tab, include the NDC, lot number(s) and quantity of the replacement doses in the Action Plan.

7 Return/Wasted Key Points…
Replace doses within 90 days (if required). Always use the correct transaction. Do not guess if unsure. Never use “Unable to Locate” without permission from LHD. Complete loss/waste report monthly and include a detailed action plan. Can process a loss more frequently if a return label is needed to return vaccine to McKesson. A provider may be suspended if doses are not replaced.

8 Return/Wasted Vaccine Reporting Policy
For step by step MCIR instructions on reporting, please follow the following link: Waste-Reporting.pdf To reference VFC Program Policy for reporting, follow the link below:

9 Soon To Expire Vaccine Procedure
Review VFC Resource Book: Section 1, page 14 (Sept. 2016) Check/rotate stock monthly Administer shorter dated vaccine first Post expiration date table on units Use reminder recall Watch MCIR Share the MCIR expiration notifications with staff Notify LHD 6 months prior to expiration if you believe you can’t use the vaccine before then

10 Expiring Vaccine If the items from the previous slide have not been completed, you will be responsible for replacing expired VFC doses with private inventory within 90 days of loss. Complete a loss/waste report in MCIR. Currently, Flu vaccine is exempt from pay back due to the difficulty in predicting clinic need during the flu season. All other vaccines must be used or redistributed before their expiration date.

11 Data Logger Requirements
Download and review data from data loggers weekly. Save the actual data files, not just the graphs. This is a VFC Program requirement. LHD has implemented a review policy for previously saved data files. When requested (site visit or randomly) archived files must be made available for review. In case of temp excursion, download data logger and print out readings to assess temp history and durations; this is useful when calling vaccine manufacturers for viability concerns. Remember to install new batteries at least every six months on all data loggers.

12 Data Logger Requirements Cont.
Effective January 1, 2018: All back up thermometers will be required to be a data logger / continuous monitoring device with current and maintained certificates of calibration. Best Practice: Make sure your back up thermometer can be set up in an emergency (i.e., power outage). Probes for back up thermometers must be kept in a refrigerator or freezer so that they will be pre-conditioned in case of emergency use. If only one back up thermometer is available, the probe must be stored in a refrigerator.

13 Data Loggers And TempTrak (Wireless Monitoring System)
If TempTrak is in use, this monitoring system is considered to be your data logger. Certified collaboration is still required. Please note: a wireless monitoring system does not exclude you from manually continuing to check your temps twice a day & recording Min/Max on log sheets. As of January 1, 2018 VFC providers will be required to have a back up PORTABLE data logger in case of emergencies, etc. Back up will need a maintained certificate of collaboration. Only one back up device required per office, despite number of vaccine housing units.

14 Units Housing Private Vaccine Stock
Due to borrowing from private to VFC inventory, the CDC is requiring review of ALL vaccine storage units on site during a compliance visit – even if the unit only contains private vaccine. When ordering VFC Vaccine, LHD does not need private unit temp logs. However, they may be requested while at the annual VFC site visit.

15 Keep MCIR Profile Information Updated
There are times such as receiving a return label for flu, when only the VFC Primary will receive the necessary information. Keep your MCIR profile current and always notify LHD of any changes. Name Changes VFC Primary and Backup Changes / Information Contact Information /Phones Business Hours – Important for deliveries! Remember to change for holidays, etc. Add/Update Site Contacts

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