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Agenda Needs Roadblocks Solutions Applications

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Needs Roadblocks Solutions Applications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skill Building Session: Innovative Tools for Evaluation Project Management

2 Agenda Needs Roadblocks Solutions Applications
What challenges have you encountered in trying to manage evaluation projects? (write obstacles on flip chart) What lessons have you learned from those experiences? What systems have you developed for project management? How about for data management? After some presentation of PM or DRM—do you see this being applicable to what you do? How would you adapt it to meet your needs? Provide real examples of why we developed and used the DRM and PM file (it’s fun to share disasters, right?)

3 Needs What needs to happen for your project(s) to be completed successfully? What are the steps to successful completion? What needs to happen for your project(s) to be completed? What do you need to know across all projects? What does your project manager need to know? What does your client need to know? (Talk about need for proof of data arrival).

4 Roadblocks What challenges have you encountered in trying to manage evaluation projects? What challenges have you encountered in trying to manage evaluation projects? (write obstacles on flip chart) What lessons have you learned from those experiences? What systems have you developed for project management? How about for data management? After some presentation of PM or DRM—do you see this being applicable to what you do? How would you adapt it to meet your needs? Provide real examples of why we developed and used the DRM and PM file (it’s fun to share disasters, right?)

5 Solutions What solutions have you come up with to address these issues? What solutions present themselves?




9 Applications Do you see this being applicable to what you do?
How would you adapt it to meet your needs? What solutions present themselves? After some presentation of PM or DRM—do you see this being applicable to what you do? How would you adapt it to meet your needs? How would you adapt these tools for your project(s)?

10 Contact Information Ciurczak & Company, inc. 628 Washington Street Buffalo, New York 14203 Phone: Fax: Website: Presenter’s Name: Christine Howard Presenter’s Name: Jessica Weitzel

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