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Mathematics Workshop Wednesday 25th November 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Mathematics Workshop Wednesday 25th November 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mathematics Workshop Wednesday 25th November 2015

2 Shape, space and measures Useful websites
Welcome Numbers Shape, space and measures Useful websites

3 Numbers Count reliably – actions, sounds, irregular arrangements of objects Number recognition and ordering One more, one less (fewer) Add and subtract + - = Count on and count back Solving problems involving doubling, sharing and halving Recording – number formation

4 Number rhymes, songs, stories
Reciting numbers in order: Five Currant Buns 1,2,3,4,5, once I caught a fish alive Five Little Monkeys The Three Little Pigs The Very Hungry Caterpillar

5 Counting reliably The number of objects remains the same however they are arranged Estimate how many there are and check by counting Baking – counting buttons, cups of milk, spoons of sugar

6 Solving problems Laying the table – one to one correspondence
How many are there? Touch each object as you count Count – How many lamp posts are there on the way to school? How many items in a shopping basket or carrots on a plate? Washing – matching socks and counting in 2s

7 numerals Clock faces Door numbers Microwave display Car number plates
Forming numerals Spots indicate the starting position of the pencil. The pencil should remain on the paper, following the arrows. For the numbers four and five, the pencil must be raised before completing the second part of each number. Crosses indicate the second starting positions.

8 Playing games Snakes and ladders or other simple dice games.
Adding numbers on two dice. Bingo Hopscotch

9 Shape, space and measures
Size Weight Capacity Position Distance Time Money Patterns Shape

10 Size, Weight and capacity
Height – tall, short, taller than, shorter than, tallest, shortest Length – long, short, longer than, shorter than, longest, shortest Ordering by size Weight – heavier than, lighter than, heaviest, lightest Capacity – holds more than, holds less than, full, empty, half full, nearly empty

11 Position, distance, time
Distance – how many steps from the gate to the front door? Time – measuring short periods of time and sequencing events Position – behind, in front, next to, in, on, beside, under, between, above

12 Money Write price labels Recognise price labels
Identifying coins and their value Using coins to pay for items

13 patterns Recognising patterns Describing patterns Creating patterns

14 shapes 2D shapes – circle, triangle, square, oblong, pentagon, hexagon, octagon. Describing 2D shapes – sides, corners 3D shapes – cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid Describing 3D shapes – edges, faces, corners Making pictures, building models, hunt for shapes

15 Useful websites/apps
ath_games.html games/5-7-years/counting

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