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Analogical Reasoning.

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Presentation on theme: "Analogical Reasoning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analogical Reasoning

2 Analogies transferring (mapping) information from a particular subject (source) to another particular subject (target) Source Target Analogy Source attribute 1 Source attribute 2 …….. Source attribute n Target attribute 1 Target attribute 2 ….. Target attribute n Idea mapping 1 Idea mapping 2 …… Idea mapping n


4 Scientists use analogies….
Expanding universe is “rather like a balloon with a number of spots painted in it being steadily blown up” (Hawkings) Planetary motion is like the working of a clock (Kepler) Benzene ring is like “snakes biting their tails” (Kekule) Huygens used water waves to understand light

5 Analogies enhance concept learning….
Series circuit

6 Based on Semantic Network Theory
Concepts are viewed psychologically as objects, attributes of objects, and relationships between objects Represented as propositional networks of nodes and predicates.

7 Kinds of Analogical Comparisons
Analogical Comparison of Concepts Analogical Comparison of Relationships Analogical Comparison of Cases Models are analogies

8 Analogical Comparison of Concepts
Concepts compared based on attributes Attribute taking one argument


10 Analogical Comparison of Relationships
Compare groups of concepts based on relationships HAND : PALM : : FOOT : ____

11 Analogical Comparison of Cases
Comparing relational structure for structural alignment


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