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Building Capacity and Sustainability for a Statewide Self-determination Initiative within the State Systemic Improvement Plan Georgia Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Capacity and Sustainability for a Statewide Self-determination Initiative within the State Systemic Improvement Plan Georgia Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Capacity and Sustainability for a Statewide Self-determination Initiative within the State Systemic Improvement Plan Georgia Department of Education OSEP Project Director’s Conference 2016 Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC August 1-3, 2016

2 In the Beginning…. : Collaboration with Georgia Council for Developmental Disabilities Structure, Curriculum (Virginia), Fidelity Checks, Surveys, Minimum Numbers Consultants (2) as trainers and TA providers : Volunteer Participation Implementation with 12 schools (middle/high) Training, Curriculum, Pre/Post Surveys for students/teachers/parents Parent Component= every student’s parents : Growing Pains 82 schools and one district-wide implementation Consultants increased (5) Expansion of Curriculum More intensive training and TA Best Practices Forum

3 …And Then We… 2012-13: Scaling Up 2013-14: Working Smarter
Grants to GLRS (3) Buy-in (school-improvement, graduation, attendance, behavior) State directed work (much of the same) : Working Smarter Establishing readiness Targeted TA to 3 GLRS and associated GNETS Embedding into other transition and graduation initiatives Using technology for resources and communication Mapping a Self-determined Life : Readiness for Statewide Implementation Mega Best Practices Forum and Train-the-Trainer Website resources ( On-line community

4 Getting It Right 2015-16: Letting Go 2016-17: Supporting
State-Regional-District-School Structure 5 year scale-up plans Data and need driven (Hexagon Tool) Statewide initiative in the Superintendent’s State Strategic Plan Under Pillar of Safe and Healthy Environment Linked to the State Systemic Improvement Plan (Graduation Rate) Regional/district control Training and fidelity of implementation tools Streamline data collection : Supporting Full support to GNETS implementation “Perfecting” of Parent Component Fully supported within the SSIP framework

5 Regional Implementation: Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS)
What is GLRS? A regional-level network of support for educators who work with students with disabilities, funded by the Georgia Department of Education 17 centers across the state, supporting region specific school districts All public school districts within the state of GA are affiliated with a regional GLRS The GLRS Network is the regional platform through which the Self- determination Initiative has been facilitated

6 Regional Facilitation of the Self-determination Initiative: The Necessary Constructs
GLRS Regional In-house Expert Trained as a trainer for the region Communicates up the communication loop with GLRS Director and GaDoE Communicates down the feedback loop with district in-house experts and district Special Education directors Develops and implements regional trainings for district in-house experts Models administrator, teacher, and parent trainings for district in-house experts Observes district-level trainings to provide feedback and monitor for fidelity of implementation Monitors survey submissions Provides survey data summaries to districts- 3 times per year and when requested Sends regional data reports to GaDoE Provides technical assistance to districts Maintains the regional web-based share site, providing resources and answering questions

7 District Level Implementation
Houston County Schools: 14th largest district in Georgia Approximately 29,000 total students 38 Campuses 84.9% graduation rate EDD 60.74% 34 different languages with 2.35% ELL Approximately 3,500 SWD (11.6%) 292 Special Education Teachers 71.1% SWD graduation rate 14-15 45.8% SWD graduation rate 13-14

8 Set Your District AFIRE with ASPIRE
Renewed sense of individualization More appropriate accommodations Stronger relationships Students feel a greater sense of success Less stressful meetings Student confidence Parent pride IEP meetings are now celebrations Students are able to advocate for themselves Student: “This process helps me with my communication skills and getting along with my classmates and teachers, which helps me in school and life.”

9 5 Year Plan GaDOE, GLRS, Parent Mentor, and District level admin planning meeting Year 1: Teacher training by GaDOE; 3 teachers and 9 students per school (~220 students); ASPIRE contact at each school (not necessarily dept chair); Parent and Teacher trainings; GLRS supplied a coach for elementary only Teacher: “No one knows a student better than themselves. So, how can I develop the best education plan without going straight to the source?” Year 2: Teacher training by GaDOE; Increased to 6 teachers per school(486 students); maintained 3 students per teacher; Added IEP file labels for ID; Parent and Teacher Trainings; Gathered data on attendance and discipline; Created a brochure for parents not at training; Discontinued coach Parent: “I never actually dreaded attending an IEP meeting, but I recall actually looking forward to my child’s involvement.”

10 5 Year Plan (2) Year 3: Teacher training supported by GaDOE; 9 teachers per school; 3 students per new teacher and 6 students per veteran teacher (~1200 students); Added to IEP and SIS; Incorporated refresher training; Created lesson plans and support for very young and severe/profound populations; Added mid-day parent training session; continued data on attendance and discipline; Included Spanish version of survey; Student presenters at Superintendent Meeting and Board Retreat Student: “I think it is important for me to talk during the IEP meetings because then the adults can understand what is hard for me.”

11 5 Year Plan (3) Year 4: Trained remaining staff using local trainers; 3 students per new teacher; 6 or half caseload for veteran teachers (~1550 students); Additional ideas/support for SLPs; Develop QR code for easy survey access; Continued parent training with 3 options; Data on attendance, discipline and course completion; Student presenters at Collaborative Communities Luncheon Year 5: Training for new employees during new hire training sessions; additional support for SLPs; ~3,500 Students!!!! Director: “WHEW!”

12 Opportunities How to implement for ID and PK students?
When can I work with my ASPIRE student? How much control do we turn over to the student? How can we increase attendance at parent trainings? I need a refresher! What to do when parents won’t attend the IEP meeting? 504 option

13 Parent Component of ASPIRE
How we got started… Scheduling a meeting with families Each family was required to complete a pre-survey as well as a post-survey There were vital behaviors for the families that the Parent Mentor or Liaison needed to track Barriers to successful implementation Getting families to attend the training Families returning the pre and post surveys The continuous follow-up required by the Parent Mentor or Liaison with little success The overall process with the parent component was too long and cumbersome to be sustainable.

14 We Decided to STOP and Ask Ourselves…..
We wanted the families to: Understand ASPIRE (self-determination) and it’s benefits Attend and be engaged in their child’s IEP Be willing to see their children in a more “capable” light Complete the survey before leaving the IEP meeting

15 Strategy to Build Sustainability
Developed a Train the Trainer model used by the In-house experts for the ASPIRE Parent Component at the GLRS level That expert responsibilities: Inviting the parent mentors/liaisons from the school districts participating in ASPIRE in that GLRS region to a training for the parent component GLRS In-house expert for the parent component and the SPDG Parent Support Specialist conducted the training together The intention was for the GLRS In-house expert to redelivering to the additional districts that came on board as well as support the districts that were involved

16 Family Engagement Tool
“ASPIRE’ing Family Engagement Checklist Broken down in 7 sections: Preparation Notification to Families Parent Training Follow-up with Families Parent Survey Additional Parent Support End of the year debriefing

17 Current Status of ASPIRE
Handouts ASPIRE Implementation Map Latest participation numbers Copies available from

18 ASPIRE (Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement)
State Implementation: Elise James, GaDOE, Program Specialist, ASPIRE Project Manager Debbie Currere, SPDG Parent Support Specialist, ASPIRE Regional Implementation: JoAlice Ray, North Georgia GLRS Consultant, ASPIRE In-House Expert District Implementation: Jenny McClintic, Houston County Special Education Director

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