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Presentation on theme: "Speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking

2 Seeing a doctor Doctor: Good morning. Can I help you? Woman: Good morning, doctor. I’ve got a very bad cold and sore throat. Doctor: Have you had any fever or headache? Woman: No, no fever and no headache. Doctor: I’ll give you some medicine for cold and sore throat. You’ll be all right in a day or two. Woman: Thank you, doctor.

3 Getting wrong change Customer: Excuse me. Cashier: Yes? Customer: I think my change is wrong. Cashier: Let me see. Oh, yes. I should give you another 10p. Customer: Yes, that’s right. Cashier: I’m very sorry. Customer: That’s all right.

4 Visiting a friend Peter: Please come in. Paul: Thank you Peter: Please sit down. Would you like a cup of coffee? Paul: No, thanks. Just a glass of cold water, please. Peter: How about a piece of cake? Paul: No, thanks. I’m on a diet.

5 Wishing someone a pleasant journey
Brenda: I’d like to say goodbye to everybody. Sam: When are you leaving? Brenda: Tomorrow afternoon. Sam: Let’s meet for a coffee this evening. Brenda: I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve to pack for the journey. Sam: Oh, really! Goodbye. Have a pleasant journey. Brenda: Thank you.

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