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Faith Prayer Almsgiving Fasting Pilgrimage

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1 Faith Prayer Almsgiving Fasting Pilgrimage
5 Pillars of Faith Faith Prayer Almsgiving Fasting Pilgrimage

2 Acronym Fat People Always Find Pizza

3 First Pillar (Faith) Belief in one God and Muhammad as its prophet
Like Christians and Jews, Muslims believe in one God People believe in submitting to God Believe that all people will face a judgment day

4 Second Pillar (Prayer)
Prayer emphasizes religious discipline and spirituality Muslims are called to prayer 5 times a day Before praying, Muslims must wash (Hands,feet,arms, and face) Worshipers recite verses from the Koran

5 Third Pillar (Almsgiving)
Muhammad told wealthy people to share with the less fortunate Sharing is God’s great gift to them and it controls greed. Almsgiving provides for the Muslim community A Muslim must give 2.5% of what they earn

6 Fourth Pillar (Fasting)
Muslims are instructed to fast for 1 month (this is Ramadan) Muslims don’t eat from sunup to sundown, they have an evening feast Fasting teaches Muslims self control During Ramadan, Muslims attempt to forgive and give thanks

7 Fifth Pillar (the Hajj)
Muslims are instructed to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, Muhammad’s birthplace Millions of Muslims from all over the world go to Mecca to pray At least once in a Muslim’s lifetime, they make this pilgrimage Muslims circle the Ka’ba 7 times as part of this holy pilgrimage

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