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ROOT Mathematical Libraries
Lorenzo Moneta CERN/PH-SFT
Root Math Work Package Main responsibilities for this work package:
Basic mathematical functions Numerical algorithms Random numbers Linear algebra Physics and geometry vectors (3D and 4D) Fitting and minimization Histograms (math and statistical part) Statistics (confidence levels, multivariate analysis) People contributing: A. Kreshuk, L. Moneta (CERN) E. Offermann J. Leydold, Vienna (Unuran) M. Fischler, J. Marraffino, W. Brown, FNAL others: W. Verkerke (RooFit), TMVA team, etc..
Outline New core math library Future plans
merge Math in libCore with current libMathCore numerical algorithms functor classes (changes in TF1) Recent developments of ROOT Math Libraries : Random numbers improvements Physics and vector package (GenVector) SMatrix package MathMore Fitting and Minimization plans for new fitting classes fitting GUI (new fit panel) Other recent developments: Histogram comparison (Chi2 test) FFT , Unuran, TMVA Future plans
New Structure of ROOT Math Libs
not yet released with dependency no dependency
New Core Math Library Restructuring of ROOT libraries: new core Math lib with Math classes from libCore: TRandom classes, TComplex , TMath (excluding TMathBase) Classes from current version of MathCore basic mathematical and statistical functions remove duplications with TMath physics vector ( 3D and LorentzVector + Rotation and Boost classes ) Implementation of basic numerical algorithms from TF1 : derivation, numerical integration, Brent minimization Interfaces for functions and algorithms needed for using different implementations (with plug-in manager) Functor classes use of C++ callable objects in TF1 and in the algorithms
Library size Estimation for the size of the library (on Linux) ~ 1Mb
Dictionary for physics vectors will be in a separate library ? move them in libPhysics with TLorentzVector ? Classes/Functions size of Library (KB) size of Library and Dictionary (KB) TMath 109 240 TRandom, 1,2,3 55 150 TComplex 4 70 ROOT::Math functions 16 Physics Vector 116 (~2000) Numerical algorithms 100 300 Total for libMath 400 900 (~3MB) ~ 1Mb
Math Dictionaries Template classes (like GenVector and SMatrix) the dictionary is provided for the most used types double, float and Double32_t all types of 3D and Lorentz Vectors (12 in total) for all the main vector operations for SVector and SMatrix classes up to dimension 7 dictionary is the dominant part of the library : 2 Mb on Linux of a 2.3 Mb library for current MathCore libSMatrix ( ~ 3 Mb) contains only the dictionary. do not use if you don’t need I/O or to run interactively
MathMore Library C++ interface to GSL algorithms and functions
requires a GSL (version >= 1.8) already installed Numerical algorithms for 1D functions: Numerical Derivation central evaluation (5 points rule) and forward/backward Numerical Integration adaptive integration for finite and infinite intervals Root Finders bracketing and polishing algorithms using derivatives Minimization Golden section and Brent algorithm Interpolation linear, polynomial, cubic and Akima spline Chebyshev polynomials (for function approximation) Random Numbers generation and distributions
Numerical Algorithms Collect in the new MathCore basic numerical algorithms present in various places in ROOT start with algorithms from TF1 (derivation, integration, etc..) provide a coherent interface for these algorithms maintain the current methods in TF1 for user convenience and backward compatibility design based on classes already developed in MathMore Derivator, Integrator, RootFinder, etc.. provides a basic implementation using code from TF1 use plug-in manager for alternative implementation (from GSL) Algorithms could be used directly (with-out the need of creating a TF1 objects) user would need to provide a C++ callable object (functor)
Example: Integration Entry point is a Integrator class which will be in MathCore can be used directly of via TF1 Integrator class internally uses the chosen implementation: Gauss Integrator : simple algorithm from MathCore (used now in TF1::Integral) GSL Integrator based on QAGS (from MathMore)
Functor class Use a Functor class to wrap any C++ callable object which has a right signature Can work with: free C functions C++ classes (or structs) implementing operator() member function of a class The requirement is that they must have the right signature Example: a function of type : double f ( double )
Examples of using Functors
Free Functions Classes implementing operator() Member functions double func(double x) { } Functor f1(func); f1(x); // evaluate functor at value x struct MyFunction { double operator()(double x) {.....} }; Functor f2( MyFunction() ); f2(x); // evaluate functor at value x class MyClass { ...... double Eval(double x) {.....} }; MyClass * p = new MyClass(); Functor f3( p, &MyClass::Eval ); f3(x); // evaluate functor at value x
Advantages of Functor classes
They are very convenient for users easier to defining a functor than implementing a class following an abstract interface Have value semantics (like shared pointers) Very flexible users can customize the callable objects using its state this is not possible when using a free function Example of usage in C++: STL algorithm are based on similar concept very powerful and flexible boost::function (will be in next C++ standard)
Functor Usage in TF1 Use a Functor class in TF1 instead of using a pointer to a free function (fFunction) Functor class with needed signature(ROOT::Math::ParamFunctor) Use this class as a data member of TF1 Have template constructors for callable objects and for member functions // template constructors from general callable object template <typename Func> TF1(const char * name, Func f, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npar) {..... fFunction = ROOT::Math::ParamFunctor(f); } // template constructors from a member function template <class PtrObj, typename MemFn> TF1(const char * name, const PtrObj & p, MemFn fn, Double_t xmin,Double_t xmax.. fFunction = ROOT::Math::ParamFunctor(p,memFn);
Example of Functor Usage
working example: possible now with the current TF1 only by using globals objects double MyFunc (double *x, double *p ) { return TMath::Gaus(x[0],p[0],p[1] ); } struct MyDerivFunc { MyDerivFunc(TF1 * f): fFunc(f) {} double operator()(double *x,double *) const { return fFunc->Derivative(*x); TF1 * fFunc; }; struct MyIntegFunc { MyIntegFunc(TF1 * f): fFunc(f) {} double a = fFunc->GetXmin(); return fFunc->Integral(a, *x); void testTF1Functor() { double xmin = -10; double xmax = 10; TF1 * f1 = new TF1("f1",MyFunc,xmin,xmax,2); f1->SetParameters(0.,1.); f1->SetMaximum(3); f1->SetMinimum(-1); f1->Draw(); // create derivatives function using // the parameter of the parent function TF1 * f2 = new TF1("f2",MyDerivFunc(f1), xmin, xmax, 0); f2->SetLineColor(kBlue); f2->Draw("same"); // create integral function TF1 * f3 = new TF1("f3",MyIntegFunc(f1), f3->SetLineColor(kRed); f3->Draw("same"); }
Functors in ROOT Expect to make the TF1 changes for the June release
Different signatures can be easily matched using some Functor adapters using something similar to std::bind2nd functions taking two parameters can be adapted to function with one parameter one could project a multidimensional function in a 1D function Numerical Algorithm (Integration, Root Finder classes, etc..) will work also accepting a Functor use a template method relying on the defined functor signature Better to define also in TF1 an operator() for TF1::Eval it would avoid need of an additional adapter Expect to make the TF1 changes for the June release
Improvements in Pseudo-Random Number Generators
Mersenne-Twister generator (TRandom3) is now used for gRandom fast and excellent pseudo-random quality very long period, ~106000 replace obsolete TRandom2 with TausWorthe generator from L’Ecuyer (fast and good quality, but not so long period: 1026) add RanLux generator (TRandom1) use a better linear congruential for TRandom old one had seeding problems and a not uniform coverage need to maintain for backward compatibility a generator based on a state of only 32 bits (very short period : 231 ~ 109) must NOT be used in any statistics application we should rename classes: more meaningful names and use M-T for the base class
Further TRandom Improvements
New faster algorithm for generating Gaussian number acceptance-complement ratio method (W.Hörmann,G.Derflinger) from UNU.RAN faster than polar method (Box-Muller) which requires 2 numbers + sin, sqrt and log calculations one of the fastest existing methods New Poisson algorithm previous one was buggy for large mu values exact algorithm (rejection from a Lorentzian distribution) if μ constant not very efficient better using algorithm from UNU.RAN Improve performances of TRandom::Landau
Random Number Performances
generators: Gauss random numbers Tests run on lxplus slc4 dual-core Intel 64 ns/call
Physics and Geometry Vectors
Classes for 3D and 4D vectors with their operations and transformations (rotations) functionality as in CLHEP Vector and Geometry packages Work done in collaboration with Fermilab computing group (M. Fischler, W. Brown and J. Marraffino) Main features of the new classes: generic scalar contained type i.e. single or double precision generic coordinate system concept i.e. cartesian, polar and cylindrical Used now by CMS and LHCb Classes do not inherit from TObject and cannot be used in ROOT collections Plan in the future to re-implement TLorentzVector using new classes Open Questions: Merge with TLorentzVector Have a separte library for dictionary
SMatrix Package Package initially developed by T. Glebe for HeraB
Matrix and vector classes of arbitrary type For fixed (not dynamic) matrix and vector sizes : size must be knows at compile time SMatrix< double, 2 , 5> SVector< double, 5 > Complementary and NOT a replacement of TMatrix Optimized for small matrix sizes (dim <= 6): use expression templates to avoid temporaries Support for symmetric matrices (thanks to J.Palacios, LHCb) storage of only n*(n+1)/2 elements Support for basic operations and matrix inversion not full linear algebra functionality Used by LHCb, CMS and now ATLAS
Matrix Operations Performances
Comparison ROOT (TMatrix/SMatrix) and CLHEP (HepMatrix) lxplus ( new Intel dual-core 64 bits) running slc4 with gcc 3.4.6
Kalman Filter Tests CPU performances in the Kalman filter update equations addition,multiplication and inversion test varying matrix sizes 2 <N1,N2 ≤ 6 6 < max(N1,N2) ≤ 10 Useful exercise also for TMatrix achieved substantial improvements since last workshop
Fitting and Minimization
New C++ version of Minuit (Minuit2) since ROOT v5.08 Same basic functionality as in old version Migrad, Simplex, Minos algorithms Extended functionality: single side parameter limits added Fumili method for Chi2 and likelihood fits implemented a ROOT fitter interface (TVirtualFitter) TFitterMinuit and TFitterFumili validated with extensive testing OO package for generic function minimization easy to extend by inserting new minimization algorithms plan to add constrained minimization
Proposal for new ROOT Fitter
Proposal for new fitting classes a mini fitting framework (like a simplified RooFit) idea is to improve and extend functionality of TVirtualFitter with new set of fitting classes Require a modular design: easy possibility to extend and add new complex functionality : perform parallel fits (use in a multi-threads environment) add new minimization algorithms implement parameter constraints easy maintainability in the long term 1
Problems with TVirtualFitter
class designed for TMinuit, difficult to adapt for other minimizers i.e. TVirtualFitter::ExecuteCommand no separation Minimization-Fitting it is more an interface for Minimization users needs to provide the function to be minimized must be a free function (signature needed by TMinuit): func(int &, double *, double &f, double *par, int iflag) there is no possibility to pass an object as function to be minimized currently a global static instance of a TVirtualFitter is needed
Fitter Design Proposal
New Fitter Characteristics
Decoupling of Fitter from the various data sources coupling only at the level of the FitData classes tune the fit data according to the source optimize memory vs CPU performances Have an abstract interface for the Minimizer instantiate the Minimizer classes via the plug-in manager user can deal directly with minimizer interface Have minimal Function interfaces decouple Fitter from complex function objects like TF1 describe only the Math functionality evaluation, derivative, possibly integral (for the pdf) state with parameters (for the model functions)
Fitter class Fitter class glue together data and the model function
Fitter::Fit( IParamFunction & , const FitData & ) create a concrete objective function a Least Square or Likelihood function using a reference to the data and the model function create a concrete Minimizer class with chosen configuration use plug-in manager to load the corresponding library TMinuit, Minuit2, MathMore (GSL Minimizer), etc... according to the chosen implementation type(Minuit, Minuit2,Fumili, etc..) and configuration find the minimum of the objective function perform optionally error analysis (MINOS) fill and return the FitResult class parameter values, errors, error matrix, etc...
Current Status Have already a prototype for Least Square fits working with a Minuit, Minuit2 and GSL implementations Have in CVS next development cycle (after June release) use then for FitPanel re-implement TH1::Fit re-implement TVirtualFitter methods to maintain backward compatibility // fit inputs TH1 * h1 = ..... TF1 * func = ..... ROOT::Fit::BinData d; // fill the data set from the histogram ROOT::Fit::FillData(d,h1); // create wrapped parametric function ROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 f(*func); // create fitter ROOT::Fit::Fitter // set minimizer and configuration fitter.Config().SetMinimizer(“Minuit2”); //perform the fit bool ret = fitter.Fit(d,f); //retrieve optionally the fit results if (ret) fitter.Result().Print();
Possible Extensions Provide set of pre-defined functions (pdf) like in RooFit have a catalog of the most used model functions providing analytical implementations for the gradient, integral , etc.. Provide eventually possibility to compose functions: additions : h(x) = f(x) + g(x) multiplications: h(x) = f(x)g(x) composition: h(x) = g ( f(x) ) h(x,y) = f(x) g(y) convolution: h(x) = ∫f(x-t)g(t)dt Have a more complete type of fitting methods Support for non-trivial constraints using a minimizer which supports them
New GUI for Fitting developed a new Fit panel (see Ilka presentation)
panel for fitting ROOT objects (TH1, TGraph etc...)
UNURAN new package for generating non-uniform pseudo- random numbers
developed ROOT interface to a C package developed by J. Leydold et al. (Vienna) various methods for 1D, multi-dimensional discrete and empirical distributions (from a set of data) methods also for standard distributions (like Gauss, Poisson, ..) see J. Leydold presentation on Wednesday provides efficient, exact methods and works for non truncated functions TF1::GetRandom() requires a range and it is approximate
Unuran Performances Very efficient when distribution parameters are constant Multi-dimensional distributions μs/call Unuran 2.6 FOAM 2.55 TF1::GetRandom 0.25
FFT Included in ROOT a common base class (TVirtualFFT)
add a functions to use it from TH1 (TH1::FFT ) Implemented an interface to the popular FFTW package (see support for one and multi-dimensional transforms support for complex and real transformations TFFTComplex for complex input/ complex output transforms TFFTRealComplex for real input/ complex output TFFTComplexReal for complex input/real output TFFTReal for real input/output
Histogram Comparison Improvements in Chi2 test for comparing histograms algorithm from N. Gagunashvili and implemented in C++ by D. Haertl add possibility to use weighted histograms comparison of histograms with different scales produce normalized residuals
Statistical Tools TMVA: new package for multivariate analysis Provides various methods for signal/background discrimination: see presentation on Wednesday from H. Voss Plan for a re-organization of statistical tools in ROOT driven by requirements from LHC experiments see Wednesday presentations: RooStat (from K.Cranmer) a new statistical tools based on RooFit MadTools (from W. Quayle) library with statistical methods needed for LHC analysis
Future Plans MathCore MathMore
complete restructuring and work next months on the integration with ROOT analysis objects remove some duplication (obsolete algorithms or functions) MathMore complete in MathMore the GSL wrapper quasi-random numbers, differential equations, multi- dimensional algorithms (minimization, integration, etc..) Complete design and developments of new fitting classes and then start integrating in ROOT easier to use various fitting and minimization methods
Documentation In addition to THtml provide also online doc based on Doxygen for the new classes of MathCore, MathMore, SMatrix and Minuit2 provided for every new ROOT release, for example Written a new Math chapter in the ROOT User Guide (chapter 13, ) describe random numbers, MathCore (GenVector), mathematical functions, SMatrix see Separate docs exist for other packages Minuit2, RooFit, TMVA
References MathCore online doc: MathMore online doc: SMatrix online doc: Minuit2 online doc: RooFit homepage: TMVA homepage: FFTW homepage: Histogram comparison paper: SPlot paper: UNURAN homepage:
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