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Guidelines for Measurable Goals

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1 Guidelines for Measurable Goals
Dr. Michael Verdi Dr. Barry Last TPA Coordinator Lead Assessor Guidelines for Measurable Goals

2 Objectives (Goals) OBJECTIVES:
Statements about what the student should be able to do as a result of instruction; They should include both the condition of the performance and the criteria that should be used to judge and evaluate that performance

3 3 Parts of an Objective (Goal)
1. Performance: A description of the behavior that your students are expected to perform Must be: A. Measurable B. Observable

4 Terminal Behavior Any performance or activity that can be observed or recorded –Skinner Performances must not use Ambiguous word Know, Understand, Determine, Appreciate, Grasp, Become familiar with

5 Performances should include
Choose Solve Identify List Apply Write

6 Condition (Given) A description of the circumstances under which the performance will be carried out or assessed How will the performance be assessed?

7 Good and Bad Examples of Goals
#1 Worse: Students will understand how to use the Boolean operators AND and OR. Better: Students will demonstrate how to use the Boolean operators AND and OR. Demonstration is a behavior that can be assessed. Assessing understanding is vague and difficult. #2 Worse: Teach students to search the library catalog. Better: Students will be able to perform a title search in the library catalog. Focus on the students, not yourself as the instructor. #3 Worse: Students should know and apply evaluating strategies for choosing articles. Better: Students will able to distinguish between scholarly and popular magazines. Be realistic of what can be accomplished in a session.

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