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Published byJocelyn Henderson Modified over 6 years ago
Completion and Pre-Exploitation Costs for the Initial ATLAS Detector
ATLAS RRB-T 22nd October 2001 Completion and Pre-Exploitation Costs for the Initial ATLAS Detector Overview of the construction completion costs for the initial detector Overview of the M&O and C&I costs 2002 – 2005
Introduction During the fall 2000 and in summer 2001 the Collaboration has carried out rather extensive internal work and reviews to bring up-to-date the completion costs and the pre-exploitation costs for the initial detector The preliminary evaluations were presented at the last RRB The updated and refined results have then been submitted and discussed in considerable detail with - LHCC CORE committee for the completion costs - LHCC MAG committee for the status of the magnet design and cost - RRB Scrutiny Committee for the pre-operation costs This presentation will summarize the situation in a global way covering the years 2002 to 2005, the planning for 2002 will be covered under budget issues later in the agenda by M Nordberg The ATLAS Collaboration acknowledges strongly the very major efforts made by the Funding Agencies and the Institutions to cover the MoU deliverables (costs and manpower) Computing costs for ATLAS and the common CERN LHC Computing Grid Project are under separate evaluation and not included in this presentation 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
The main reasons for changes can be characterized as
The revised cost estimates result from several changes that have occurred since the original cost planning of 475 MCHF (1995 prices, not including M&O costs, no explicit contingencies) The main reasons for changes can be characterized as Technical developments - Many detailed changes have taken place since the original detector design responding to R&D results and real engineering designs; - Cost increases of component manufacturing in industry; Complexity of required (pre-)assembly tooling; - Complexity of laboratory, test beam, and system test installations These points have resulted in additional CORE and non-CORE costs Technical services charged to the Collaboration A number of crucial technical services provided by CERN are now being charged to the Collaboration (for example cryogenics operation, magnet controls, partially crane operations and transports) Availability of technical manpower at CERN during the commissioning and integration phase Due to the global decrease of manpower at CERN a series of tasks need to be outsourced to external service providers (in spite of acknowledged great efforts the external Institutions cannot fill the identified manpower gap fully) These two points contribute mainly to the M&O and C&I pre-exploitation costs 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
Summary Profile of the Construction and Completion as well as the Pre-Exploitation Costs
22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
Construction Completion Costs
The revised construction completion costs for the initial detector configuration can be summarized as follows (after discussion with the LHCC CORE and MAG committees) in 2001 MCHF: Net over costs in Common Projects Magnet system 19.6 Infrastructure and shielding 7.8 LAr cryostats and cryogenics 2.3 Additional CORE items Non-covered CORE MoU funding Additional non-CORE items Total A detailed break-down is given in the following tables The total has increased with respect to the preliminary estimate given at the April RRB by 9.2 MCHF, dominated by net increases of 7.7 MCHF in the Common Projects, of which 4.1 are in the magnet system, 2.3 in the infrastructure, and 1.3 in LAr C+C Profile of construction completion costs 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total 9.6 21.2 15.4 5.8 52.0 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
year in order not to delay the construction, are the following ones
The most critical items, for which authorization is requested to go ahead during the coming half year in order not to delay the construction, are the following ones Common Project contracts with cost over runs BT warm structure BT coil casing (contract signed against staged processors) BT integration BT cryo-ring ECT engineering and inspection Common magnet cryogenics installations LAr C+C integration System-specific items ID tooling and test stations LAr integration tooling Tile Calorimeter pre-assembly tooling and supports Muon movable support structures (wheels) 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
Commonly shared items 40.5 MCHF System-specific items 11.5 MCHF
The supplementary construction costs can be divided into system-specific and commonly shared items Commonly shared items MCHF System-specific items MCHF It is proposed by the ATLAS Collaboration that the common items (net overcosts on the Common Projects, the additional non-CORE items under the responsibility of Technical Coordination, and the non-covered Common Fund) be shared amongst all Collaboration Funding Agencies based on the CORE contributions An extended membership fee is proposed for the years 2004 – 2006 as minimum contribution The system specific supplementary costs are proposed to be shared within the detector (sub-)system based on CORE investments, decided by the respective Institute Boards and reported to the RRB As a guideline ATLAS RRB-D contains a first estimate of such a sharing 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
Pre-Exploitation Costs
As a result of the work with the RRB Scrutiny Group pre-exploitation costs have been separated into Maintenance and Operation (M&O) and Commissioning and Integration (C&I) costs For both cases ATLAS has made detailed evaluations of the category ‘A’ items to be shared in common as well as of the important category ‘B’ items that are system-specific, and to be shared within the (sub-)systems The nature of M&O costs and the mechanism for sharing costs is described in the draft MoU for M&O (RRB-BINGO-D ) Before 2006 a large fraction of the costs are associated with test beam activities, cryogenics operation and magnet control, general services in the experimental area, including power, on- line support (LAN, PCs, system operators) The C&I part concerns supporting activities outside the underground area, namely large-scale integration and pre-assembly activities at CERN, clean rooms, active and passive storage areas, transport and crane operations, as well as operation of common (sub-)system specific laboratory facilities at CERN, electronics pool The following table shows the overall total estimates, including category ‘C’ for M&O and before applying any rebates 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
Pre-exploitation (M&O) 3.4 4.4 5.8 11.3 24.9
Nature of cost 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Pre-exploitation (M&O) 3.4 4.4 5.8 11.3 24.9 Pre-exploitation (C&I) 3.1 5.5 7.5 4.9 21.1 TOTAL (M&O and C&I) 6.5 9.9 13.3 16.2 46.0 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
Separation of M&O and C&I into categories ‘A’ and ‘B’
22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
The following items drive the costs
M&O ‘A’ General services (electricity, cooling and ventilation, transports, cranes, survey) TDAQ system management Magnet test operation in Hall 180 M&O ‘B’ Test beam operation LAr cryogenics operation Electronics for test beams and Labs C&I ‘A’ Magnet cryogenics and controls operation in pit-1 General technical integration support (Technical Coordination) C&I ‘B’ Detector specific integration and manpower Assembly areas and test areas For the period 2002 to 2005 the ATLAS Collaboration proposes to share the M&O category ‘A’ costs according to the ‘qualified authors’ as defined in the draft M&O MoU, and the other costs according to CORE investment Based on this assumption the document ATLAS RRB-D contains as a guideline the sharing per Funding Agency 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
Summary The ATLAS supplementary construction costs for completing the initial detector and the pre- exploitation costs for the period 2002 to 2005 have been evaluated as Construction MCHF C&I (all categories) MCHF M&O (all categories) MCHF ATLAS will scrutinize further these costs with the aim to find reductions The ATLAS Collaboration acknowledges all the great efforts made by the Funding Agencies and Institutions on the in-kind deliverables The ATLAS management is also grateful for many clarifying initial discussions with Funding Agencies that took place over the past months In order to keep the project on schedule the ATLAS management kindly requests Funding Agencies to contribute towards the identified funding shortfall Significant parts of M&O and C&I are manpower, and we will try to cover (and credit) part of this with Collaboration manpower The budgeting for 2002 will be presented later, and the Collaboration has started to explore restrictive priorities for 2002 in order to keep the project on track It is hoped that with some internal flexibility within ATLAS and with the help of the flexibility of Funding Agencies the most urgent and time-critical needs can be covered in the near future 22 October 2001, P Jenni ATLAS RRB Meeting
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