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HEALTHY FOOD an orange a banana an apple fish a chicken water.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTHY FOOD an orange a banana an apple fish a chicken water."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTHY FOOD an orange a banana an apple fish a chicken water

2 What do you like? What don´t you like? I like ….. I don´t like ….. cola potatoes chips hamburgers sausages ice cream sweets vegetables eggs pizza cereal salad

3 Nová slovní zásoba Healthy food FRUIT VEGETABLES an apricot a cucumber grapes a pepper a pineapple a spinach a pear an onion

4 Divide Healthy food Unhealthy food a carrot yogurt milk water sweets ham cake cheese a tomatoe a strawberry crisps sausages

5 Choose unhealthy things
Choose healthy things Choose unhealthy things make negative: DON´T play tennis eat lots of vegetables play computer games run play in a park drink lots of water eat less fruit drink lots of lemonade eat lots of fat food ride a horse eat less chocolate Don´t eat lots of …..

6 Samostatný úkol WRITE MENU What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Ask your friend.

7 eat drink go to the doctor watch a comedy go to bed tell your friend
Pro bystré hlavy What can you do if:  you are happy  you are thirsty  you are angry  you are sad  you are hungry  you are ill  you are tired eat drink go to the doctor watch a comedy go to bed tell your friend solve the problem

8 TEST Name and write. What is it?

9 Použité zdroje [3] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www: [4] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www: [4] [5] [8] [1] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www: [1] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www: [2] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www: [3] [cit ]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na www:

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