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Harmonizing DICOM SR and AIM

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1 Harmonizing DICOM SR and AIM
Overlapping use cases DICOM SR is a mechanism for encoding annotations that works with clinical PACS (encoded and stored like DICOM images) AIM is a mechanism for encoding annotations that does not require DICOM expertise from developers and users both have same ROI mechanisms: DICOM Segmentations, contours, etc. Goal is to develop a bi-directional mapping for such use cases allow DICOM SR based systems to send to AIM workstations allow AIM workstations to send to DICOM PACS, voice recognition system Primary use case is tumor measurement + questions/answers e.g., tumor volume=x cm3, necrosis=present, edge=spiculated, ….

2 Motivation for Harmonization
Achieve interoperability between AIM workstations DICOM SR workstations Store AIM content in PACS all clinical PACS are DICOM-based most support storage/regurgitation of DICOM SR Make AIM content available in clinical reporting systems most already accept DICOM SR input e.g., for cardiac, ultrasound, radiation dose measurements

3 DICOM SR provides input to clinical reporting process
Structured content extracted into “merge fields” in VR report template “Evidence Document” SR Voice Recognition System Human Report SR, CDA, text DICOM Images from Modality Image from David Weiss, Aunt Minnie 2013/01/18

4 PACS Store, Distribute, Review
AIM World AIM Workstation AIM Annotations DICOM Image PACS Store, Distribute, Review DICOM Segmentation

5 DICOM World DICOM Image PACS Store, Distribute, Review
DICOM Segmentation Voice Recognition Reporting System DICOM SR Workstation DICOM SR

6 Combined AIM and DICOM World
AIM Workstation AIM Annotations GAP - interoperability DICOM Image PACS Store, Distribute, Review DICOM Segmentation Voice Recognition Reporting System DICOM SR Workstation DICOM SR

7 Combined AIM and DICOM World
AIM Workstation AIM Annotations GAP – storage in PACS DICOM Image PACS Store, Distribute, Review DICOM Segmentation Voice Recognition Reporting System DICOM SR Workstation DICOM SR

8 Combined AIM and DICOM World
AIM Workstation AIM Annotations DICOM Image PACS Store, Distribute, Review GAP – use in reporting system DICOM Segmentation Voice Recognition Reporting System DICOM SR Workstation DICOM SR

9 Gaps Filled by SR AIM Converter
AIM Workstation AIM Annotations DICOM Image PACS Store, Distribute, Review Conversion AIM <-> SR DICOM Segmentation Voice Recognition Reporting System DICOM SR Workstation DICOM SR

10 Harmonization – Approach
Identify most common use cases as used by projects (e.g., TCGA-*) as implemented by tools (e.g., ePAD, NWU ClearCanvas, ATB) examine model and objects produced for projects/by tools Compare DICOM SR TID 1500 Measurement Report Image Library, ROIs (contours, segmentations), measurements, qualitative (categorical) evaluations (coded questions + answers) Define mapping in DICOM Standard Supplement 200 approved by DICOM Standards Committee as Work Item B Implement bi-directional mapping tool existing Java DICOM SR toolkit + XSL-T style sheet for transformation

11 Example of a Mapping Table
The following slides illustrate: a DICOM SR template TID 1411, invoked by TID 1500 a relevant segment of the AIM UML model an example of transcoded DICOM SR output an extract of a mapping table for the same template as described in Sup 200 PC





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