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Presentation on theme: "Denmark GUYOMARC'H & AGUEDO."— Presentation transcript:


2 The construction of Europe
The European Union is a union of countries. It's composed of 27 countries (2 european countries aren't part of the European Union : Switzerland and Norway). On the flag, their are 12 stars that represent peace harmony and prosperity. It was created after the second world war to create a pacified zone and to be stronger again probably foes. 17 states share the same currency:the Euro created in 2001.

3 History 8th century: Denmark emerged as a unified kingdom.
1658: The danish colonial empire expanded to resulted in the seccession. 1660: Ending absolute monarchy introduced. 1814: Defeated in the War of the Sixth Coalition, Denmark-Norway was dissolved, forcing Norway into union with Sweden. 1849: The Constitution of Denmark was signed 1864: The Second Schleswig War ceded Schleswig-Holstein to Prussia. 1915 :The latest constitution is signed. Women's right to vote was granted

4 History 1944 :Marking the latest surrender of territory, Iceland voted in favour of independence, following the a constitutional referendum. 1940 :The German invasion of Denmark.. 1945 :Danish resistance movement remained active throughout the war until the German. 1973 :Denmark became a member of the European Union. 1992:Maintaining four opt-outs from European Union policies, as outlinedin the Edinburgh Agreement

5 Denmark's flag The flag of Danmark is red with white cross whitch represents christianity.

6 Denmark's bank holiday 14 february valentine's day
February/march shrovetide March/april Easter 1 April April fool's day April/may Great Prayer Day May Mother's day 1 May 1 May 5 May Denmark's Liberation May/June Pentecost/Whitsun 5 June Constitution Day 15 June Vlademar's Day

7 Denmark's bank holiday November All Saint's Day
10 November Martinmas Eve December The Chrismas Month 31 December New Year

8 Denmark's informations
Denmark is composed of inhabitants in 2012 The danish surface area is 43,098 km2 The density of population is 126,4 people by km2. GPD by inhabitant is 300,241 DKK in 2011 The capital is Copenhagen composed of inhabitants in 2012

9 Denmark's informations
The urban area important are : -Arhus ( inhabitants) -Odense ( inhabitants) -Aalborg ( inhabitants) The system is the monarchy constitutional whose Margaret II is at the head. They speak danish. The religion is lutherien for 90% of people.

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