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Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Containers with Unikernels Nagashree N Suprabha S Rajat Bansal.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Containers with Unikernels Nagashree N Suprabha S Rajat Bansal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Containers with Unikernels
Nagashree N Suprabha S Rajat Bansal

2 AGENDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Unikernel: How is it different?
Key Advantages 4 Architecture 5 Types of Unikernels and Ecosystem Elements 6 Applications/ Use-Cases 7 Performance Analysis - Results 8 Limitations CONFIDENTIAL

3 Introduction 3 CONFIDENTIAL

4 Unikernels “Unikernels are specialized, single-address-space machine images constructed by using library operating systems.” Traditional OS CONFIDENTIAL

5 Key Advantages Performance Security Scalability No GOS
Less CPU usage and memory footprint. Security The application is the kernel. Unikernels provide extremely tiny and specialized runtime footprint that is very less vulnerable to attack. Scalability - The image size is much smaller (less than 100MB), enabling flexible deployment on a large scale. No GOS Flexible, speedy and versatile for cross-platform environments, big data analytics and scale-out cloud computing. Extremely tiny, specialized runtime footprint. Less vulnerable to attacks. Minimal Attack Surface. Massive scaling Performance Saves money for the customer. CONFIDENTIAL

6 Unikernel: Architecture
Source: Wikipedia CONFIDENTIAL

7 Unikernel Operating Systems
Unikernel Project Language Platform Use case MirageOS OCaml Xen Project Safety & Security HalVM Haskell LING Erlang Performance, Security, read-only filesystem ClickOS Network devices Speed IncludeOS C++ KVM N/A RumpRun POSIX compliant Compatibility with Legacy Applications OSv General Purpose KVM, Xen, VMware, VirtualBox CONFIDENTIAL

8 Ecosystem Elements JITSU Rump Kernels Xen Project Hypervisor UniK
“Just-in-Time Summoning of Unikernels” Rump Kernels provides the modular drivers from NetBSD in a form that can be used to construct lightweight, special-purpose virtual machines Xen Project Hypervisor Its para-virtualization capabilities allow unikernels to have a very small and efficient footprint interfacing with devices. UniK utilizes a simple Docker-like command-line interface, making developing on unikernels as easy as developing on containers. CONFIDENTIAL

9 Applications/ Use Cases
Banking Services Sessions as a unikernel service Secure transaction Defense Systems Resource Consumption Network Firewall RAM requirement Boot up time IoT Every event served as unikernel service CONFIDENTIAL

10 Performance Analysis - Results Requests/Second (Higher is better)
Apache Web Server Performance Metric VM Container Unikernel Requests/Second (Higher is better) 16.45 30.12 28.12 Time/Request (ms) Total Test Time (s) 54.23 31.230 28.53 CONFIDENTIAL

11 Performance Analysis - Results (contd…)
Maximum Time Taken to Connect, Process Request & Wait for response X: time(ms) Y: metric CONFIDENTIAL

12 Performance Analysis - Results (contd…)
Time Taken to Service the Requests X: service (%) Y: time(ms) CONFIDENTIAL

13 Performance Analysis - Results (contd…)
MySQL: Read-Only and R/W Requests per Second X: Requests (/s) Y: metric CONFIDENTIAL

14 Performance Analysis - Results (contd…)
Time Taken to service 95% of Read-Only and R/W Requests X: service (%) Y: time(ms) CONFIDENTIAL

15 Performance Analysis - Results (contd…)
Performance Analysis of Applications with VM, Container & Unikernel Scenario Application Requests/Second (Higher is better) 95% Service Time (ms) VM Container Unikernel Database MySQL (sysbench) (R), (RW) (R), (RW) (R), (RW) 2.05 (R), 3.63 (RW) 1.91 (R), 4.03 (RW) 0.72 (R), 4.14 (RW) Web Server Apache (ab) 16.45 30.12 28.12 CONFIDENTIAL

16 Limitations Single Process Single User Impoverished Library Ecosystem

17 Conclusion Performance Analysis
Applications demanding Predictive Performance – Unikernels offer direct access to hardware. Specialized Implementation – drivers, libraries and interfaces. DR, Transient Micro Services CONFIDENTIAL

18 Thank You

19 OSv Application Build Process

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