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Presented by Barbara McCamish CHSE

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1 Presented by Barbara McCamish CHSE
Roadmap to Quality: Using the NCSBN Guidelines and SSIH Accreditation Standards to Improve your Simulation Program Presented by Barbara McCamish CHSE

2 Who Am I? 415-458-3764 Barbara McCamish
RN, PT, CNL, CHSE Manager Clinical Simulation Center Dominican University of California

3 Learning Objectives: . Upon successful completion of this presentation, attendees will be able to: Describe how to use the NCSBN Guidelines and SSIH Accreditation Standards as a tool to evaluate a programs current state. Summarize how to perform a gap analysis between a programs current state and the NCSBN Guidelines and the SSIH Accreditation Standards (as a future state). Create an action plan and timeline for closing the identified gaps.

4 Ensuring Simulation Quality
After NCSBN Study The Future of Simulation Ensuring Simulation Quality

5 Roadmap to Quality SSIH Accreditation Future State NCSBN Guidelines
INACSL Standards Current State GAPS GAPS GAPS

6 Standards of Best Practice: SimulationTM
Utilized by many organizations outside of nursing as standard of excellence INACSL Standards available at

7 National Council State Board of Nursing
To aid Schools of Nursing ability to establish evidence based simulation programs To aid Boards of Nursing ability to evaluate readiness of programs to use sim as a substitute for clinical NCSBN Guidelines

8 National Council State Board of Nursing

9 SSIH Accreditation Standards

10 How to get from “here” to “there”: Gap Analysis
SSIH Accreditation Future State NCSBN Guidelines INACSL Standards Current State GAPS GAPS GAPS

11 What is a gap analysis? . A technique that businesses use to determine how to move from its current state, to its desired future state.

12 Say again? Gap Current State: Where are you now? Future State:
. Current State: Where are you now? Gap Future State: Where do you want to be?

13 Gap Analysis LEADERS Get buy in before beginning. Gap analysis forces a company to reflect on who it is and ask who they want to be in the future. Read more:

14 Future State Make sure everyone is in agreement with goals for future state: Hold a conversation with key leaders Be prepared for others who don’t understand your vision Make goals visible to all With Key STAKEHOLDERS

15 Start at the beginning, keeping end in mind
SSIH Accreditation Future State NCSBN Guidelines INACSL Standards Current State GAPS GAPS GAPS

16 Gap Analysis: The process
Step 1 Identify Current State Can be simple at first “We don’t meet the Guidelines…” Detail will be needed later to determine concrete steps for moving forward

17 Gap Analysis: The process
Step 1 Identify Current State Step 2 Identify desired Future State Step 3 Identify Gaps Step 4 Create plan to bridge gap

18 Gap Analysis: The process
Step 1 Identify Current State Step 2 Identify desired Future State Step 3 Identify Gaps Step 4 Create plan to bridge gap

19 Suggestion for identifying gaps
Create spreadsheet with standards Color code based upon variance from standards

20 Gap Analysis: The process
Step 1 Identify Current State Step 2 Identify desired Future State Step 3 Identify Gaps Step 4 Create plan to bridge gap

21 Prioritize gaps Determine what items are the most important at your site Consider time and resources Add as departmental goals? Annual performance goals?

22 Prioritize gaps Consider prioritizing items that apply to multiple standards first Example: Learning objectives available for students before sim Needed for Sim design Pre-lab Debriefing Evaluation of whether objectives were met.

23 Repeat until the cows come home
Consider adding these to: Strategic Plans Departmental goals Performance evaluation goals Keep documenting progress toward these goals at school, department and personnel levels Keep Leadership informed

24 Lessons learned (learning)
Start small Don’t underestimate how hard this is Get agreement on the future state Listen to leadership, but be a leader too

25 Questions .

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