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Assessment of the Reforms Essay outline

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1 Assessment of the Reforms Essay outline
Liberal Reforms Assessment of the Reforms Essay outline


3 Introduction Put the issue in context with a couple of sentences about why you think the Liberals set out on Social Reform. Key Words could be:- Landslide election 1906 Fear of Britain’s position in the world Fear of Labour Surveys of Booth and Rowntree.

4 Introduction Next tell me the Groups that the Liberals helped in a logical order. Young Old Sick Unemployed Low paid

5 Introduction Finally, tell me how you will deal with each group. Detail the Acts passed, comment on the successes and reflect on what could have been done better.

6 Historiography Just a couple of sentences to show this is still a live issue. Some Historians think they were successful while others are not so sure. Try to find a couple of quotes to back up your viewpoint.

7 Young What was done? Provision of Meals Act 1906 Administrative Provisions Act 1907 Children’s Act (The Children’s Charter)

8 Young Provision of Meals Act 1906 Children could be provided with 1 school meal a day paid by putting ½d on the rates.

9 Young Provision of Meals Act Successes Key success:- leads to compulsory meals by 1914. 3 million meals to 14 million meals by 1914 Some children lost weight during long holiday.

10 Young Provision of Meals Act Failures Key failure:- voluntary till 1914 so half of Local Authorities not involved Expensive. Only helps schoolchildren.

11 Young Administrative Provisions Act 1907 Terms. Each child to have 3 medical inspections during their school career.

12 Young Administrative Provisions Act 1907 Successes. Key success:- By bringing knowledge of children’s illnesses into public view it led to compulsory School Clinics by 1912.

13 Young Administrative Provisions Act 1907 Failures. Key Failure:- Only providing inspections and not treatment did not help working class families who could not afford to pay a doctor for treatment up till 1912.

14 Young Children’s Act (The Children’s Charter) Terms Gave children a separate Legal identity. Made neglect a crime.

15 Young Children’s Act (The Children’s Charter) Successes Challenges self help

16 Young Children’s Act (The Children’s Charter) Failures Seen as interference by some parents.

17 Old People Old Age Pensions Act 1908 terms. Over 70 with annual income between £21 and £31p.a. 5s to 1s on a sliding scale. Had to be British living in Britain for 20 years, avoided prison for 10 years, not habitually drunk or workshy. Non contributory.

18 Old People Old Age Pensions Act 1908 Successes. 1million by 1914. No stigma as paid at Post Office. Topped up income.

19 Old People Old Age Pensions Act 1908 Failures. Based on the way the Act was set out. Too little:- 0 over £31p.a. 5s under£21 Too old:- 70 Too many exemptions:- avoid prison for 10 years, not habitually drunk or workshy.

20 National Insurance Act Part 1 – Terms
Sick People National Insurance Act Part 1 – Terms Everyone under £160p.a. If over £160 could join but paid Employers part Contributions Employee 4d, Employer 3d State 2d Benefits 10s a week for 13 weeks, 5s a week for next 13 weeks. Free medical treatment by Panel Doctor TB treatment. Maternity benefit 30s

21 Sick People National Insurance Act Part 1 – Successes Established the insurance principle Compulsory for all under £160 p.a. Breathing space and self respect.

22 Sick People National Insurance Act Part 1 – Failures Only insured person covered. Did not cover hospital treatment After 26 weeks – back to Poor Law. Could push people into poverty.

23 Unemployed People Labour Exchanges Act 1908 Government run. Place for workers and employers to get work and workers.

24 Unemployed People Labour Exchanges Act 1908 Successes 414 by 1914 so a good idea

25 Unemployed People Labour Exchanges Act 1908 Failures Benefit skilled workers more. Voluntary rather than compulsory. Employees think they are ripped off. Employers think they might get workers who can’t be bothered getting a job for themselves.

26 Unemployed People National Insurance Act Part 2 – Terms Contributions 2.5d Employee and Employer, 3d State Benefits After 1 week 7s a week up to 15 weeks.

27 Unemployed People National Insurance Act Part 2 – Successes 2.2 million covered within 2 years. Breathing space (as with Part 1) No distinction between deserving and undeserving.

28 Unemployed People National Insurance Act Part 2 – Failures Key Failure Only 7 industries covered. Others as with Part 1

29 Low Paid People You must mention the following Acts 1906 Workman’s Compensation Act For injuries sustained at work. 1908 Miners Act 8 hour working day 1909 Trade Boards Act Controlled wages for “sweated trades” but fails to set a minimum wage 1911 Shop Hours Act Half Day holiday and 60 hour week.

30 Low Paid People Successes In all cases the Government shows it will get involved in the market place to enforce minimum standards

31 General Successes and failures
A first step from Laissez Faire Did nothing for rural workers Did not tackle education or housing. Reactive. But This was not meant to stop in 1914 but for the War. With the opposition from the House of Lords and Conservatives if they had tried to do more they might have got nothing.

32 Conclusion Sum up each group helped:- Children successful as loophole sorted by 1914 Old people partial success but too old too little too many exemptions. Sick good start as insurance based and compulsory Unemployed too few industries covered. Low Paid a good start as government interferes in market place.

33 Conclusion Finally answer the question Do you think they were successful or could they have done more?

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