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Super-B Accelerator Status
J. Seeman For the Super-B Accelerator Consortium June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Outline Overview Project high level organization
Accelerator Consortium Mini-MAC meeting April 2009 Super-B parameter list TDR planning June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
How Super-B accelerator fits in the Super-B Project
June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Super-B Accelerator Technical Board
Accelerator collaboration: J. Seeman Scientific-Technical: P. Raimondi S. Tomassini U. Wienands Regional coordinators: M. Biagini Italy M. Sullivan US G. Bassi UK E. Levichev Russia A. Variola France June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Super-B Accelerator CDR Contributors (2008)
M. E. Biagini, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, T. Demma, A. Drago, S. Guiducci, M. Preger, P. Raimondi, G. Sensolini, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Zobov (INFN/LNF, Italy) K. Bertsche, M. Donald, A. Fisher, S. Heifets, A. Novokhatski, M. Pivi, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, U. Wienands, W. Wittmer, G. Yocky (SLAC, US) I. Koop, S. Nikitin, E. Levichev, P. Piminov, D. Shatilov (BINP, Russia) G. Bassi, A. Wolski (Cockroft Institute, UK) M. Venturini (LBNL, US) S. Bettoni (CERN, Switzerland) A. Variola (LAL/Orsay, France) E. Paoloni, G. Marchiori (Pisa University, Italy) K. Ohmi (KEK, Japan) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
TDR Super-B Accelerator Contributors (Spring 2009)
D. Alesini, M. E. Biagini, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, A. Clozza, T. Demma, A. Drago, M. Esposito, A. Gallo, S. Guiducci, V. Lollo, G. Mazzitelli, C. Milardi, L. Pellegrino, M. Preger, P. Raimondi, R. Ricci, C. Sanelli, G. Sensolini, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, A. Stecchi, A. Stella, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Zobov (INFN/LNF, Italy) K. Bertsche, A. Brachmann, Y. Cai, A. Chao, A. DeLira, M. Donald, A. Fisher, D. Kharakh, A. Krasnykh, N. Li, D. MacFarlane, Y. Nosochkov, A. Novokhatski, M. Pivi, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, U. Wienands, J. Weisend, W. Wittmer, G. Yocky (SLAC, US) A. Bogomiagkov, S.Karnaev, I. Koop, E. Levichev, S. Nikitin, I. Nikolaev, I. Okunev, P. Piminov, S. Siniatkin, D. Shatilov, V. Smaluk, P. Vobly (BINP, Russia) G. Bassi, A. Wolski (Cockroft Institute, UK) S. Bettoni (CERN, Switzerland) M. Baylac, J. Bonis, R. Chehab, J. DeConto, Gomez, A. Jaremie, G. Lemeur, B. Mercier, F. Poirier, C. Prevost, C. Rimbault, Tourres, F. Touze, A. Variola (CNRS, France) A. Chance, O. Napoly (CEA Saclay, France) F. Bosi, E. Paoloni (Pisa University, Italy) At present approximate totals: 10 FTEs from LNF Frascati 4.5 FTEs from SLAC 3 FTEs from BINP Novosibirsk 2.5 FTEs from France 0.5 FTEs from Pisa Not complete! June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Mini-MAC Members Full Attendance at this Meeting April 23-24, 2009.
Klaus Balewski (DESY) John Corlett (LBNL) Jonathan Dorfan (SLAC, Chair) Stuart Henderson (ORNL) Tom Himel (SLAC) Claudio Pellegrini (UCLA) Daniel Schulte (CERN) Ferdi Willeke (BNL) Andy Wolski (Liverpool, by phone) Frank Zimmermann (CERN) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Comment Luminosity (top-up mode) 1036 U(4S) Integrated luminosity 75 ab-1 Based on a “New Snowmass Year” of 1.5 x 107 seconds (PEP-II experience-based) CM energy range From just below charm ≈t threshold to U (5S) For a better study of CP violation in Charm and for BS measurements. Minimum boost bg = 0.28 (4x7 GeV) 1 cm beampipe radius. First measurement at 1.5 cm e- Polarization 60-85% Enables t CP and T violation studies, measurement of t g-2 and improves sensitivity to lepton flavor-violating decays. Detailed simulation, needed to ascertain a more precise requirement, are in progress. LNF April 24,2009 June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting Marcello A. Giorgi 8 8
Highlights from the MAC Committee April 23-24, 2009
Committee: Klaus Balewski (DESY), John Corlett (LBNL), Jonathan Dorfan (SLAC, Chair), Stuart Henderson (ORNL), Tom Himel (SLAC), Claudio Pellegrini (UCLA) , Daniel Schulte (CERN), Ferdi Willeke (BNL), Andy Wolski (Liverpool), Frank Zimmermann (CERN) “The MAC now feels secure in enthusiastically encouraging the SuperB design team to proceed to the TDR phase, with confidence that the design parameters are achievable.” Recent strong progress: Crab waist tests at DAFNE Beam-beam measurements (DAFNE) and simulations IR design Lattice Polarization spin rotators “Nonetheless, much detailed work remains to bring the design to the level where (a) ground-breaking, (b) final engineering of accelerator components can commence.” Further needed work areas: Emittance tuning and evaluate tolerances Dynamic aperture calculations IR and arc vacuum systems Injection system Vibration studies Polarization lattice June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
TDR Topic List Vacuum system Arcs pipe Straights pipe IR pipe
e-cloud remediation electrodes bellows impedance budget simulations pumping system Diagnostics Beam position monitors Luminosity monitor Current monitors Synchrotron light monitor R&D on diagnostics for low emittance Feedbacks Transverse Longitudinal Orbit Luminosity Electronics & software Control system Architecture Design Peripherals Injection System Polarized gun damping rings spin manipulators linac positron converter beam transfer systems Collider design Two rings lattice Polarization insertion IR design beam stay clear ultra-low emittance tuning detector solenoid compensation coupling correction orbit correction stability beam-beam simulations beam dynamics and instabilities single beam effects operation issues injection scheme RF System RF specifications RF feedbacks Low level RF Synchronization and timing Site Civil construction Infrastructures & buildings Power plants Fluids plants Radiation safety Magnets Design of missing magnets Refurbishing existing magnets Field measurements QD0 construction Power supplies Injection kickers Mechanical layout and alignment Injector supports June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Tor Vergata Site (February)
CDR ~2008 June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Potential LNF Super-B location (May)
(Tomassini, Raimondi, and Sanelli, May 09) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Injector RF Layout (Boni, Guiducci, Seeman) A B C D ACCELERATING FIELD
e- DR > 4 GeV e- A B C D GUN SHB L GeV 5.7 GeV 0.1GeV 0.8 GeV > 7 GeV e+ PS e+ DR ACCELERATING FIELD MEDIUM GRADIENT HIGH GRADIENT 23 MV/m 26 MV/m 60 MW klystron 50 MW klystron 55 MW 45 MW X X SLED SLED ≈ 210 MeV ≈ 156 MeV
Luminosity Equation for a Circular e+e- Collider
xy is the beam-beam parameter (~0.09) Ib is the bunch current (~1 mA) n is the number of bunches (~1500) by* is the IP lattice optics function (vertical beta) (<0.2 mm) E is the beam energy (4 and 7 GeV) Luminosity (1036 cm-2 s-1) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Super-B Parameter Options
June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Comparison of design and achieved beam emittances (*achieved)
E (GeV) C (m) g ex (nm) gex (mm) ey (pm) gey(nm) Spring-8 8 1430 15656 6 94 5 78 ILC-DR 6400 9785 1 10 2 20 Diamond* 3 561 5871 2.7 16 29 ATF* 1.28 138 2524 2.5 4 SLS* 2.4 288 4700 28 3.2 15 SuperB LER 1800 7828 2.8 22 7 55 SuperB HER 13699 1.6 Emittance tuning techniques and algorithms have been tested in simulations and experiments on the ATF and on the other electron storage rings to achieve such small emittances (ex. CesrTA as an ILC-DR test facility has a well established one). (Biagini) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Simulations for SuperB
Strong-Strong Weak-Strong Quasi-Strong-Strong (June 2008 parameters) K. Ohmi June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Luminosity and Dynamic Aperture Scans
Piminov, Shatilov, Zobov Qx Qy Tune point optimization is done together with bb simulations and luminosity and lifetime optimization June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Injector and Linac Will the SLC polarized gun be adequate?
Can a short pulse polarized laser on the cathode make a 3 mm bunch? Can the beam emittance from the gun be smaller? Parameters of the spin rotators? RF and structure design? (Boni) Quadrupole lattice for the linac? Quadrupole lattice for the transport lines? Geometry of the transport lines? Diagnostics needed? Tolerances on magnets and RF? June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Damping Rings Lattice (~54 m) (Guiducci) DR energy: 1 GeV or 800 MeV?
RF parameters? Injection septa and kickers? Vacuum system needed? Tolerances of all magnets, RF, alignment? June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Ring Injection Injection kicker design? Septa design?
Septa fringe fields on stored beam? June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Arc Lattice Raimondi, Biagini, Wittmer, Wienands Arc cell: flexible solution is based on decreasing the natural emittance by increasing mx/cell, and simultaneously adding weak dipoles in the cell drift spaces to decrease synchrotron radiation All cells have: mx=0.75, my=0.25 about 30% fewer sextupoles Better DA since all sextupoles are at –I in both planes (although x and y sextupoles are nested) Distances between magnets compatible with PEP-II hardware All quads-bends-sextupoles in PEP-II range Arcs & FF June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Possible layout with spin rotators near IR (Wienands, Wittmer)
June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Polarization versus Energy of HER (Wienands)
June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Dipoles Quads Sexts Layout: PEP-II magnets reuse
Lmag (m) 0.45 5.4 PEP HER - 194 PEP LER SBF HER 130 SBF LER 224 18 SBF Total 148 Needed 30 Dipoles Available Needed Quads Lmag (m) 0.56 0.73 0.43 0.7 0.4 PEP HER 202 82 - PEP LER 353 SBF HER 165 108 2 SBF LER 88 SBF Total 253 216 4 Needed 51* 134 Lmag (m) 0.25 0.5 PEP HER/LER 188 - SBF Total 372 4 Needed 184 Sexts All PEP-II magnets can be used, dimensions and fields are in range RF requirements are met by the present PEP-II RF system June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting Biagini
PEP-II Magnets and RF Components
June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
(A. Drago) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
HER/LER Lattice design? (Raimondi, Wienands, Wittmer)
General magnet parameters? (Biagini) New magnet designs? Tolerances on fields and power supplies? Dynamic aperture calculations (Yocky, Donald, BINP) Vacuum system design? Pumping and vacuum requirements? Diagnostics (BPMs, SLMs, BLM, polarimeter)? HOM reduction? (Novokhatski, ?) Skew quadrupoles needed? Magnet movers? Vibration requirements and damping? Supports? Water cooling requirements? Beam loss monitors Shipping and refurbishing PEP-II magnets? (Kharakh, Seeman, Sullivan) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
RF Plan: Use PEP-II RF system and cavities
(Novokhatski, Bertsche) June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Super-B RF: power required
S. Novokhatski Jan. 2009 Super-B RF: power required 30 June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting 01/26/09
RF System PEP-II system reuse?
Needed RF-longitudinal parameters? (Novokhatski) Refurbishment needed? Need more cavities? Klystron inventory? Radiation shielding? Supports? HV power supply rebuilds for 50 Hz? June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
SuperB Interaction Region Layout View (Jan 2009)
Sullivan M. Sullivan June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
SC Quadrupoles at the IP (E. Paoloni, S. Bettoni)
June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Locations of Fast Dipoles for Luminosity Feedback
K. Bertsche June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
IP (+/- 3 m) Beam separation and beam stay clear? (Sullivan)
Be chamber at IP? Magic vacuum flange? Expansion bellow in IP? IR quadrupoles? (Paoloni, Bettoni) Solenoid compensation (antisolenoids, skew quads, skew sextupoles)? Steering to bring beams into collisions? Fast collision feedback? (Bertsche, Sullivan) IR supports? Vibration sensitivity and active damping? Vacuum pumping for sub-nTor pressures? Luminosity monitor? Assembly fixtures and procedure? Power supply specifications? June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
W. Wittmer June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Final Focus (+/- 200m) Chromatic corrections? (Wittmer, Wienands, Raimondi) Collimation? Separation geometry? (Raimondi, Nosochkov) Vacuum chambers and pumping? Tolerances on vibration and power supplies? New magnets needed? Special diagnostics? June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Safety Systems Fire suppression? Safety egress (40 m?, 300m?, 5000 m?)
Smoke alarms? Earthquake? Radiation monitoring? Personnel Protection zones? … June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Accelerator Technical Board
Charge: Make technical and management suggestions to the Super-B accelerator consortium. Review technical accelerator parameters of the Super-B Accelerator. Suggest parameters that should be included in the Global Accelerator Parameter Document. Suggest a person to be responsible for each accelerator parameter in the spreadsheet. Present members: M. Biagini, E. Levichev, P. Raimondi, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, S. Tomassini, A. Variola, U. Wienands, G. Bassi June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Initial Accelerator Tech. Board Parameters
June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
Super-B Conclusions The Super-B parameters are being optimized around 1 x 1036. The team is addressing the Accelerator Mini-MAC suggestions from the April meeting. IR present design has a solid basis; now start adding engineering features. IR polarization (spin) rotators have now been added to the HER lattice. Polarization has changed the geometrical layout. Beam-beam and lattice dynamic aperture calculations are continuing. The new lattice layouts show improvement. Beam loading and RF parameters have taken the next solid step. Looks acceptable. Organizing and planning for the Technical Design Report aiming at Fall 2010. June 16-19, 2009 Perugia Meeting
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