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Verbs Verbs show action OR state of being.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbs Verbs show action OR state of being."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbs Verbs show action OR state of being.
Action verbs- eat, play, jump, swim, love Linking verbs-appear, be, seem, become, feel, look, smell, sound, taste Helping verbs- be, have, may, can, shall, must, would State of being verbs-is, am, are, was, were

2 Verbs Directions: On a clean sheet of paper, copy the sentences and identify the verbs in each. There are 10 total. She sang on the stage like an expert although it was only her first performance. John tasted the sauce and added a few spices. Susie became the best agent in the business after training for a year. Peter was jumping on the bed before he fell and broke his arm.

3 Verbs 1. Sal listens to his favorite song.
Directions: On your paper from yesterday, identify the verbs in each of the sentences. There are 10 total. You do NOT need to copy the sentences. 1. Sal listens to his favorite song. 2. Craig hits the baseball over the fence. 3. The little pig grunts. 4. The roof of the house leaks. 5. The hunter searches for a deer. 6. Dr. Gold examines his patient. 7. The bluebird in the tree sings beautifully. 8. The football team dashes out of the locker room. 9. Paul reads The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 10. Mrs. Gray buys a roll of paper towels at the store.

4 Verbs 1. Are you going to eat that? 2. Harold finds a purple crayon.
Directions: On your paper from yesterday, copy the sentences. Identify the verbs in each of the sentences. There are 12 total. Then go back and find nouns and pronouns. 1. Are you going to eat that? 2. Harold finds a purple crayon. 3. I dropped the book on the floor after seeing the ghostly figure walk into the room. 4. On his day off, James cooked and cleaned all day to make his wife happy.

5 Verbs The wolf suddenly appeared; it seemed very hungry.
Directions: On your paper from yesterday, copy the sentences. Identify the verbs in each of the sentences. There are 12 verbs total. Then find the nouns and pronouns. The wolf suddenly appeared; it seemed very hungry. Jada looked like a princess as she made her grand entrance at the ball. Anna’s cookies tasted like dirt. The lunch bell was like music to her ears; she could not wait to eat! After the rain poured in the city, water trickled down the roof all day.

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