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Beginning Art with Ms. Gay Fall 2016

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1 Beginning Art with Ms. Gay Fall 2016
Art Room Orientation Beginning Art with Ms. Gay Fall 2016

2 The most important topics you’re probably wondering about
Cell phone usage Appropriate vs. inappropriate cell use You will need to use visual reference for many of the assignments given in class, so I prefer that you use your cell phone. Eating in class There is no eating allowed in this class (ever). If you get hungry and have brought a snack with you, you may go into the hall and eat quickly, then return back to our class. Please let me know this is what you’re doing before you leave the room. Do not ask me to go to the vending machine. I will not write you a pass.

3 The most important topics you’re probably wondering about
If you need to use the restroom: You do NOT need to ask me! There is a whiteboard next to my desk. Write your name, where you’re going (‘BR’ or ‘RR’ is fine) and the time you are leaving. When you return, please remember to erase your name. I will check occasionally to see who is not in the room. If I see your name and it has been a significant amount of time, I will either send a classmate to check on you or call the office to find you.

4 Remind App Codes Text to 81010 In the message body, type your code
Period Period Period Period Period Remind will send you a confirmation text to let you know you have joined the class.

5 Art Classroom Scavenger Hunt
Where is the Supplies Cabinet? “Big Door” next to the galaxy painted cabinets Here you will find all of the supplies you can have access to all year: pencils, markers, colored pencils, stapler, scissors, scrap paper, etc. The Student Absence Binder is also located here If you have lost access to the supplies, it will be locked

6 Art Classroom Scavenger Hunt
Nurse Pass Located beneath the whiteboard Will not be using this for very long; system is changing. You will need to get a written pass from me. Bathroom Passes Take the one designated for your bathroom Pink/Kim: girls’ bathroom Blue/Kanye: boys’ bathroom Purple/North: Office, or can be used for other areas Write name, location, and time on the whiteboard before you leave; erase when you return

7 Art Classroom Scavenger Hunt
Covers for clothes: located next to the sinks There are lab coats and aprons available for you to use, you don’t need to ask Please hang them up when you’re finished using them Pencil Sharpeners: there are two Electric one next to my desk, you may use it whenever you need to Manual one mounted above the trashcan next to our classroom door

8 Art Classroom Scavenger Hunt
Galaxy painted cabinets These were made by a former student of mine…he’s an amazing painter! Stores acrylic paints, brushes, palettes, watercolor paints, glue, tissue paper, yarn, and some other random things you might need for projects This cabinet will only be unlocked during projects where you will need to access to paints. Otherwise, it will remain locked. If the class has misbehaved while working on a painting project, the cabinet will be locked and the class will lose painting privileges.

9 Art Classroom Scavenger Hunt
Trashcans: one located by our classroom door, the other one is located by the sink Paper Towels: above the sink Information for our class is written on the large whiteboard that says “Week of” at the top The sign on the door next to my desk says, “No students allowed in studio until further notice.” This is for safety purposes. The room needs to be cleaned out, therefore students are not allowed in this area (with the exception of student aides in order to use the supplies in there). The door is broken…it’s not an open room. Please don’t think you are allowed to go in there because the door looks “open.”

10 Art Room Scavenger Hunt
Student Artwork Storage Stored in the cabinets next to my teacher desk labeled “Artwork Storage” Each cabinet is labeled for each period You will be assigned a cabinet to be shared with another student due to limited space

11 Boundaries What are boundaries?
Boundaries are what we do to take care of ourselves—we are the only ones who can decide what our boundaries are. Also, we cannot control other people, so our boundaries do not include the actions of others, only what we can control (us). Example: I will not do drugs. When another person violates our boundaries, it is necessary to have a consequence for that behavior and to uphold our own boundaries. Another example: I will get you a paintbrush if you ask me politely. If you scream at me that you need a brush in a disrespectful way, the consequence is that I will not get you the brush.

12 My Teacher Boundaries I will help you if you ask me.
I will not talk to you if you use profanity or abusive language. I will likely walk away or ignore you until you correct your language use. When I make a mistake, I will acknowledge my actions and do what needs to be done to correct it, including apologizing if necessary. I will not write you a pass to skip your other classes or stay longer in my class after the period has ended. I will report someone that is hurting another person, which may include contacting the police.

13 My Teacher Boundaries I will not allow you to use our art supplies if you abuse them or fail to clean them properly. I will not allow you to eat in my classroom during lunch. I will not allow any students to be alone in my classroom while I am not in the room or another adult is not present. I will treat you with kindness and respect.

14 YOUR Boundaries I would like you to take some time to think about what your personal boundaries are. Boundaries are the key to having trusting and respectful relationships with others (literally, with everyone…teachers, friends, parents, girlfriends/boyfriends, etc.). Sometimes boundaries can be flexible with people who have earned your trust and respect. They can also be negotiable and compromised with people so that everyone’s needs can be met. An example to start you with: Your boundary is that you do not want anyone to go through your backpack without your permission. You tell your friends this. You leave class briefly to use the bathroom. When you come back, you find out one of your friends went through your backpack. What do you do? What was your boundary? What might the consequence be?

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