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Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene basin fill below Lake Balaton

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1 Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene basin fill below Lake Balaton
Ferenc Visnovitz PhD Student Department of Geophysics and Space Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary ISZA 2012 March 31. 1

2 1. The Study Area (Lake Balaton)
2 Balatonos képek! Tóth Zsuzsa 2009, Sacchi 2001 nyomán

3 Location of self-slope in the Late Miocene
2. Geological and stratigraphic background (The studied formations and environments) 3 After Magyar et al, 1999 Zagyva – delta plain Újfalu – delta front Algyő – delta slope Szolnok – turbidites & submarine fans Endrőd – deep water marl Location of self-slope in the Late Miocene Tihany – basin edge marshes Somló – delta slope Szák – shallow water Csór – shallow water with high energy, above wavebase Csákvár – lagoons with low O2 Kálla, Kisbér, Zámor – beach with wave movement Juhász, 1998 After Magyar et al, 2009 After Horváth et al , 2010 Sacchi, 2002

4 Water seismic imaging method
3. The imaging method and recent data base 4 Water seismic imaging method Szafián, 2007 Single Channel Surveys: Instrument: SEISTEC™ Source: boomer Resolution: 0.1 m Penetration depth: 5-20 m Positioning: Laser teodolit and DGPS Recording: PRESEIS

5 Seistec™ single channel images, 1997-2011
3. The imaging method and recent data base 5 Seistec™ single channel images,

6 3. The imaging method and recent data base
6 Italian-Hungarian cooperation, 1993

7 3. The imaging method and recent data base
7 German multichannel lines, 2004

8 4. Interpretation method, systematic mapping of the „main” horizons
8 Chosing a horizon to follow Map the horizon by correlating it from one seismic section to another Griding Blanking the eroded surface

9 Summary of identified sediment packages
5. Stratigrapic position of the mapped horizons along a composite seismic profile 9 5 km Lower/Middle Pleistocene water mud Pannonian strata N Summary of identified sediment packages 10 km

10 6. Specific boundaries 10 BAL-023 BAL-01

11 6. Interesting mound-like features in one of the sediment packages
11 0 ms 50 ms 1 km A promising interpretation and importance Travertine mounds or geysirites? Scheuer and Schweitzer, 1985

12 7. Horizons as parasequences Correlation with well-logs 1. (K-33)
12 Well log after Szick Nóra, 2010

13 7. Horizons as parasequences Correlation with well-logs 2. (S-3)
13 Well log after Szick Nóra, 2010

14 7. Horizons as parasequences Correlation through wells

15 Holocene-Pleistocene
8. Summary: The theoretical model of the imaged Pannonian Strata 15 Base Pannonian Base Pannonian Base Holocene-Pleistocene Base Pannonian After Porebski & Steel, 2003

16 Thank you for your attention!
Acknowledgment Special thanks to F. Horváth supervising my PhD research, OTKA NK83400 for financial support, and Thank you for your attention!

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