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Business Analyst, Fishback Financial Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Analyst, Fishback Financial Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Analyst, Fishback Financial Inc.
Building Stronger Relationships between Us… “Data People” and Them… “End Users.” Joshua M Warne Business Analyst, Fishback Financial Inc. Founder of (605) SQL

2 The role of data and IT professionals is evolving from simply responding to requests about business to one of helping shape the business strategy The integration of data professionals into the strategy process is a transformation that presents communication challenges and requires more visibility by people typically known to be introverts In this session we will discuss some of the barriers causing relationship pains as well as some techniques and strategies to begin building stronger relationships

3 Integration of Data & Strategy
Why is this important? Competitive advantages exist Solutions can be complex Resource management is challenging Maximizing potential value is essential


5 The Common Framework Data is an asset
Better decisions can be made with the right data Team work is needed to maximize value of data, IT, and company resources Customer satisfaction is key

6 Level of Influence Not a part of the strategy process
In the room, only listening to the conversation Part of the conversation, not the strategy Responsible only for the strategy Involved and contributing to the strategy


8 Error!! Error!! Error!!

9 Classifications & Assumptions
The skeptics and clueless (goes both ways) End users who consider data people wizards Aptitude and desire to understand lingo Decision makers who always rely on the “gut test” Data people’s desire to be fancy or always have latest and greatest Introverts vs. Extroverts

10 Session Title Here 10/10/2015

11 Complete this sentence…
Self-service Business Intelligence is… End users need to… Without us the Company/End Users would or wouldn’t… End user priorities and expectations are… Ad hoc means…


13 Stereotyping Perception and generalities picked up through experiences we generally have little awareness of. A threat that immobilizes Interferes with Performance Demoralizes and segregates

14 The Communication GAP Using too much jargon or dwelling on technicalities Lack of clarity and not providing context Making assumptions, not asking questions or using active listening Not allowing time for information processing Failing to take advantage of face-to-face meetings One of the biggest issues maintaining the spread…


16 Visibility & Perception
Only being seen when there is a problem Missing meetings, planning sessions or getting involved too late in the process Ability to respond promptly and deliver on things that are important to “them” Only offering solutions when requested Change and compromise are continuous


18 Take Ownership Consciously plan and prepare to better manage relationships.

19 Be Proactive Data professionals need to be more involved and find ways to influence the conversation and strategy.

20 Get a Sponsor Find an executive or manager who can help you join a project or create a project. Figure out how they pitch the project to other executives and help!

21 Your Approach Matters Embrace the end-user experience and take a service-centric approach.


23 Be Efficient and Effective
Focus on relationships & problems that are small enough to change and big enough to make a difference.

24 Stay in the Game Build rapport throughout the process and stay focused on business impacts and the bottom line.


26 Be Opportunistic Capitalize on delivery by reinforcing value or delivering unexpected value. Prove you understand the business value. You don’t need all the credit! Help the executive, who helped you, get credit or demonstrate success. They will keep you at the table.


28 Questions What strategies do you utilize to build stronger relationships with management and end-users?


30 Please be sure to visit the sponsors during breaks and enter their end-of-day raffles!
Remember to complete session surveys! You will be ed a link after the event or you can visit Event After Party At Will’s Training Table (Formally Beef O’Bradys) near the Pentagon starting at 5:45 PM Want More Networking and Training? (605) SQL meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

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