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2 FAFB Mission Coordinate statewide activities to enable members to better provide a healthy and adequate food supply for people in need. Among our member services: Enhanced statewide communication Acquisition of food and funds Public awareness about hunger & food banks Public Policy/Advocacy Disaster response Two largest programs are to Increase availability of fresh produce to food banks State funding for transportation and distribution of food 5/21/2018

3 More than 22 facilities with 300,000+ square feet of warehouse space
14 Regional Food Banks More than 22 facilities with 300,000+ square feet of warehouse space FIRST STEP FOOD BANK 5/21/2018

4 Serve all 67 Florida Counties
3,000+ non-profit & faith-based partner agencies Distributed 134 million pounds of food last year In addition to core food bank services, members provide SNAP Outreach Kids Café Backpack Mobile pantries Summer Food Prepared Foods After School meal programs 5/21/2018

5 2010 Hunger in America Study
50% choose between food and utilities/housing 33% of households have at least one employed adult 35% choose between food and medicine/medical care 9% Elderly Stats reflect people accessing emergency food programs Before the economic downturn Senior numbers would likely be much higher without programs like meals on wheels or congregate feeding programs 5/21/2018

6 Florida is the canary in the coal mine - Why?
highest percentage of senior citizens or older -- at 17.3%. (well above the national median of 13%) Of the top five Cities with over 100,000 residents with the oldest populations (median age) Four are in Florida Clearwater FL (43.8), Cape Coral FL (42.4),  Fort Lauderdale FL(42.2) Hialeah FL (42.2) Scottsdale AZ was 1st at 45.4 Lee County has highest percentage of year olds. 5/21/2018

7 The Need Statewide Since economic downturn
86% increase in last 3 years Unemployment remains higher than national average FRAC study ranked FL 4th in Food Hardship Underemployment Foreclosures continuing 5/21/2018

8 savings and pension are not enough to sustain them through retirement.
partners pass away or divorce Fixed income further reduced 5/21/2018

9 Reliance on single income for what used to be multiple households
Particularly in South Florida, Housing Crisis has forced families to move back in together. Reliance on single income for what used to be multiple households raising their grandchildren alone people who used to be able to count on family to help out once in a while find their families struggling too. 5/21/2018

10 New Community Allies Walgreens pharmacists distribute the boxes whenever they become aware that there might be a need.  splitting pills to last longer - offer the food pack no questions asked (other than zip code and # of people in the household) no cost - completely funded by a local health foundation (Winter Park Health Foundation). Fifty to sixty AARP volunteers packed 5, pound packs in 6 hours.  To date 4,200 packs.  create packs for diabetics in the future (the current pack has rice in it).  5/21/2018

11 Traditional Community Partners
SH Central Florida Senior Nutrition Program nutritionally appropriate food into the hands of low-income “hidden” seniors the folks who are reluctant to ask for help wouldn’t know where to ask for help are somewhat isolated, etc. If someone at church has a neighbor who’s struggling, he or she could take a box Highest volume distributors have been the churches. 5/21/2018

12 EMTs Health Clinics Police Think further outside the box:
Social Workers Letter Carriers 5/21/2018

13 New Outreach & Delivery Systems
Reach out to communities with few or no agencies 160 + Mobile pantry distributions monthly statewide Distribute alongside partner agencies to increase their capacity for fresh fruits & vegetables and perishable food 5/21/2018

14 Largest funder of produce program is Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

15 5/21/2018

16 Treasure Coast Senior Health & Nutrition Outreach Program
supplements existing diets (800 seniors & families) assistance with enrolling in SNAP (goal 4,000) WIC programs (goal 1,000) nutrition education handouts, healthy and thrifty recipes, budget tips and product sampling. 8 mobile pantry distributions a month in low-income neighborhoods mobile home parks senior housing authority locations 5/21/2018

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19 Particularly important to seniors
65 of 67 counties in Florida administer TEFAP highly nutritious & Shelf Stable like meat & proteins fruit juice canned vegetables and fruits USDA purchasing more fruits and vegetables 5/21/2018

20 58% of FL elders (330,000) eligible but don’t participate
Eligible Seniors have lowest participation rate of any group Participation doubled in 2 years highest increase in nation Three in ten people eligible go unserved As a comparison: 85.8 percent of eligible children participate 67 percent of eligible people overall participate DCF piloting assisted telephone application process in 35 counties 5/21/2018

21 SNAP Outreach Cumbersome/daunting application process, mobility, technology issues. myths about how the program works and who qualifies perceived stigma Misperception about amount they’d get 5/21/2018

22 SNAP Outreach SHCF USDA demonstration project to enroll people Laptops
Scanners Staff/Volunteers to assist with process Expanded to other food banks 5/21/2018

23 The Emergency Food Assistance Program
Be an Advocate! TEFAP The Emergency Food Assistance Program 5/21/2018

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