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Jeopardy Characters Things Chronology Symbols Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Characters Things Chronology Symbols Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Characters Things Chronology Symbols Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Disgressions Chronology Symbols Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from H1 Became a “prostitute.”

3 $100 Answer from H1 Who is D. B.?

4 $200 Question from H1 Columbia student who Holden
meets at the Wicker Bar.

5 $200 Answer from H1 Who is Carl Luce?

6 $300 Question from H1 Refused to compromise with
truth and died for it.

7 $300 Answer from H1 Who is James Castle? (J.C.)

8 $400 Question from H1 Holden’s favorite biblical character.

9 $400 Answer from H1 Who is the man who lived alone in the tombs?

10 $500 Question from H1 Holden’s failed conquest.

11 $500 Answer from H1 Who is Sunny?

12 $100 Question from H2 It has poems on it written in green ink.

13 $100 Answer from H2 What is Allie’s baseball mitt?

14 $200 Question from H2 Holden’s $1 NYC purchase.

15 $200 Answer from H2 What is a red hunting cap?

16 $300 Question from H2 Holden’s fabricated reason for
Returning home early given to Mrs. Morrow.

17 $300 Answer from H2 What is brain surgery?

18 $400 Question from H2 Holden’s favorite authors.

19 $400 Answer from H2 Who are D.B. and Ring Lardner?

20 $500 Question from H2 Topic of Holden’s essay on his history exam.

21 $500 Answer from H2 What is Egyptian Mummies?

22 $100 Question from H3 Record that breaks into pieces.

23 $100 Answer from H3 What is Little Shirley Beans?

24 $200 Question from H3 The cause of Holden’s holding
his stomach to catch the blood.

25 $200 Answer from H3 What are imaginary bullets in his guts?

26 $300 Question from H3 Shakespearean play discussed
by Holden and the nuns.

27 $300 Answer from H3 What is Romeo and Juliet?

28 $400 Question from H3 Dick Slagle’s envy.

29 $400 Answer from H3 What is Holden’s luggage?

30 $500 Question from H3 Fitzgerald character who says
“Old Sport” who kills Holden.

31 $500 Answer from H3 Who is Gatsby?

32 $100 Question from H4 The month when the story takes place.

33 $100 Answer from H4 What is December?

34 $200 Question from H4 The place from which Holden tells his story.

35 $200 Answer from H4 What is a hospital (treatment center)?

36 $300 Question from H4 The year The Catcher in the Rye was published.

37 $300 Answer from H4 What is 1951?

38 $400 Question from H4 The day of the week Holden leaves Pency Prep.

39 $400 Answer from H4 What is Saturday?

40 $500 Question from H4 The day of the week Holden
returns home to see his parents.

41 $500 Answer from H4 What is Monday?

42 $100 Question from H5 Holden’s wildlife concern during the winter.

43 $100 Answer from H5 What is where the ducks go?

44 $200 Question from H5 Living representation of childhood innocence.

45 $200 Answer from H5 Who is Phoebe?

46 $300 Question from H5 Symbolizes Holden’s ambition
to protect little kids.

47 $300 Answer from H5 What is the catcher in the rye?

48 $400 Question from H5 Worn during Holden’s hunt for truth.

49 $400 Answer from H5 What is the red hunting hat?

50 $500 Question from H5 Represents an unchanging and
eternal place that comforts Holden.

51 $500 Answer from H5 What is the Natural History Museum?

52 Final Jeopardy This author wrote, “The mark of the
immature man is that he wants to die nobly For a cause, while the mark of the Mature man is that he wants to live Humbly for one.”

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Wilhelm Stekel?

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