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Kallien Heffner Mr. Newcome May 6, 2008

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1 Kallien Heffner Mr. Newcome May 6, 2008
Author Power Point Kallien Heffner Mr. Newcome May 6, 2008

2 Catcher in the Rye -J.D. Salinger

3 Tone The Tone of Catcher in the Rye was extremely cynical
Holden Caulfield made fun of everything and used many curse words J.D. Salinger used Holden’s colloquial language in order create the laid back cynical tone Salinger feels pity for Caulfield because he’s made a mess, but he has a desire to clean it up.

4 Imagery Catcher in the Rye
Holden Caulfield describing the scene with is sister on the carousel, with “tears in his eyes” and the “thick rain drops pouring down”- creates a visual image with the tears and the rain Imagery is used with describing the prostitutes clothing. Caulfield has a talent for describing things.

5 Voice The story is told in the first point of view of Holden Caulfield- so the voice of the story is Holden Caulfield. The voice is cynical like the tone of the story. The voice is young and sinful because of the first hand look that it has on the acts of Holden Caulfield

6 Irony It is ironic that Holden ends up wanting to be home and young again, when he spends the whole book trying to grow up faster. It’s Ironic that Holden is sex obsessed but when given the opportunity to sleep with a prostitute he turns it down.

7 To Kill a Mockingbird -Harper Lee

8 Tone The tone of the story is childish and funny as well as a little southern . The tone of the story is also sad, because the people in the town are too racists to understand that Tom Robinson is innocent. Tone- the innocence of Children- Jem and Scout not understanding how people are capable of being so cruel.

9 Imagery Imagery is used throughout the story it is used when descring how many people attended the tirial of Tom Robinson Imagery is used again when describing Jem’s tears after the trial of Tom Binson Imagery is used when describing the darkness of the night that Jem walked Scout home from her play

10 Voice The voice of To Kill a Mockingbird is southern, the accents are southern, and so is the language, words like “gonna” and “cookin” are used in addition to “colored” being used in order to describe African Americans. The voice is also childish since the story is told through the eyes of Scout. The voice is also “down- homey” the people in the town know one another and they are like one big family – not a happy one but still yet a family. The Voice of the story is also wise with the words of Atticus, during the trial as well as his parenting the Scout and Jem.

11 Irony It is Ironic that Jem and Scout Finch spend the majority of To Kill a Mockingbird afraid of their neighbor Boo Radley and in the end of the book, he ends up saving the lives of Jem and Scout when Bob Ewell tries to kill them on their way home from Scout’s play

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