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Eating Well Unit 9B –.

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1 Eating Well Unit 9B –

2 Balanced Diet Definition:
“A diet that contains the proper proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water necessary to maintain good health.”

3 What is missing from this diet?

4 Deficiency Disease When we do not eat enough of a particular nutrient.
Name some deficiency diseases

5 Examples: Scurvy Anemia Rickets Kwashiorkor Osteoporosis

6 Anemia

7 Scurvy

8 Rickets

9 Kwashiorkor

10 Osteoporosis


12 Why do you need fiber? Known as roughage. Parts of a plant that we cannot digest. Not absorbed like other nutrients Helps keep water in undigested food Link between fiber and bowel cancer

13 Plan a family menu for a) Teenage girl b) Her father, who wants to boost fiber in his diet.
Food Fat (g/100g) Protein (g/100g) Calcium (mg/ 100g) Milk 3.8 3.3 120 Yoghurt 0.3 1.4 180 Cheese 33.5 26.0 800 Eggs 10.9 12.3 52 Beef 22.0 17.1 8 Chicken 17.7 17.6 3 Fish 0.2 17.4 16

14 We need 1. 1 g of calcium each day
We need 1.1 g of calcium each day. Explain why children benefit from eating cheese but adults on a diet avoid it. (1mg = 1/1000g) Food Fat (g/100g) Protein (g/100g) Calcium (mg/ 100g) Milk 3.8 3.3 120 Yoghurt 0.3 1.4 180 Cheese 33.5 26.0 800 Eggs 10.9 12.3 52 Beef 22.0 17.1 8 Chicken 17.7 17.6 3 Fish 0.2 17.4 16

15 Malnutrition Definition:
Lack of proper nutrition. Causes deficiency diseases. Caused by not getting enough food Caused by eating too much

16 Malnutrition leads to Health Problems
Underfed children grow more slowly More likely to suffer or die from infectious diseases and parasites like worms Eating too much can lead to obesity Obesity leads to other problems (heart attack or diabetes)

17 Eating Disorders Anorexia Bulimia

18 Review Questions Which organ is damages if you do not eat enough fiber? Explain how a bad diet can cause obesity. People without enough vitamin D develop which disease? How does a shortage of Vitamin D cause soft bones?

19 Unhealthy Hearts If your heart does not do it’s job, you will accumulate harmful wastes in your body. Why?

20 Coronary Heart Disease
On one page What is coronary heart disease? How do you get it? How can you prevent it?

21 Unhealthy Circulation
High blood pressure Hearts have to work harder Atherosclerosis Fatty material deposits on arteries Coronary thrombosis Clots blood going into heart

22 Blood clotting Arteries have smooth walls
Atherosclerosis – roughens the surface

23 Blood Clotting Draw how it happens

24 How lifestyle affects the heart
Poor Diet Lack of exercise Stress Smoking Poor diet – obesity heart works harder Exercise – helps keep weight off Stress – raises blood pressure

25 Smoking and Breathing Gas exchange
Lungs take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide Takes place in alveoli (small air sacs) Cigarette smoke Very hot gas Contains harmful substances

26 Lung Diagram Sinus cavity Epiglotis Trachea Pharynx Bronchi Bronchial

27 Smoking and Breathing Hot Gases
Affect ciliated cells lining the airways Dust and microbes get trapped by mucus in airways In healthy lungs – cilia sweep mucus and trapped debris to mouth where it is swallowed

28 Smokers cough – trying to constantly get rid of mucus
Hot gas paralyze cilia Mucus builds-up and clogs bronchioles Trapped bacteria and viruses have a better chance of starting an infection Smokers cough – trying to constantly get rid of mucus

29 Smoking – Harmful Chemicals
What are some harmful chemicals?

30 Smoking – Harmful Chemicals
Carbon particles – cause coughing and cancer Tar – causes cancer Nicotine - addicting

31 Summary Questions Name two harmful substances in cigarette smoke. Explain how each is harmful. Give the scientific names for the wind pipe, air sacs, and voice box Explain how ciliated cells protect us from infection. Why do people find it hard to quit smoking?



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