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G T N L T S S S I L E T S A K R D J I S.

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Presentation on theme: "G T N L T S S S I L E T S A K R D J I S."— Presentation transcript:

1 G T N L T S S S I L E T S A K R D J I S

2 FORFEIT 1 2 3 4 A B C D E BONUS Question Miss a Turn Miss a Turn

3 Today’s forfeit Stand up and sing a song currently in the charts..... or lose a coin! Do an impression of a chicken.... or lose a coin! Show us your best dance move... or lose a coin! Do three press ups while singing the alphabet... or lose a coin!


5 Useful links Timer for activities Crossword creator
Large countdown clock with sound effects and music Crossword creator Type in your clues and answers and it will create a basic one for free – print screen and copy/paste into word document.

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