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Welcome to CP Physics.

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1 Welcome to CP Physics

2 What is Physics? The study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other. We will be studying how and why things happen around us in everyday life. Leafs falling from trees, cars loosing control on ice or puddles, light switches, DVD players… basically everything can be explained using physics

3 Why should I take Physics?
#1 Most modern technology involves physics. Anything involving electricity, magnetism, force, pressure, heat, light, energy, sound, optics, nuclear reactions, etc use physics.

4 Why should I take Physics?
#2 Physics is a gateway science The subject of physics branches off into almost every other scientific or engineering field. Medicine, biology, chemistry, math, engineering all require a background in physics.

5 Why should I take Physics?
#3 Colleges look for advanced course loads as upperclassmen Colleges know physics is a technical and difficult course and want to see students taking at in their junior and senior year.

6 Why should I take Physics?
#4 It’s Phun! Nothing in this class needs to be taken on faith alone. We can show all physics concepts through experiment and demonstration. In fact, all physical concepts are based on observations in nature.

7 Why should I take Physics?
#5 The job market for people with skills in physics is very strong. The 2nd largest group of employed people in the US are engineers (1st are in education). Engineers are required to have a knowledge of physics.

8 Jobs that require Physics
Acoustics Doctor Oceanographer Aeronautical engineer Electrical engineer Patent agent Environmental engineer Patent examiner Air traffic controller Pharmacist Airline pilot Forensic scientist Radiation protection Archaeologist Gas engineer Architect Geologist Radiographer Astronomer Health services Scientific officer Audio engineer laboratory technician Space and remote sensing Broadcasting Cartographer Marine engineering Teacher Chartered surveyor Mathematician Transportation Civil engineer Mechanical engineer Water management Climatologist Medical physicist Clinical scientist Meteorologist Computing Naval architect Designer Nuclear scientist

9 Physics is NOT math… “I do not believe in math.” – Albert Einstein Physics is a science that uses math to help explain physical phenomena. We will look into this more later to look at the definitions of physics and science.

10 The Course We will be studying 4 major areas of physics
Newtonian mechanics The study of how things move and interact on the macroscopic level. Electricity and magnetism The study of electrically charged particles and how they interact and related to magnetism

11 The Course Fluid Mechanics – the study of how liquids and gases behave under pressure. Heat and Temperature – How

12 The Textbook

13 Student Expectations All students are expected to explain their thinking & justify their conclusions All students should respectfully challenge each other’s thinking All students should take initiative to explain another student’s thinking, including respectfully suggesting how they may have made an error. Students who “get it” more quickly are expected to take responsibility for assisting others who are struggling.

14 Grading Policy 70% Product – 450 points (69.2%)
3 exams per marking period for 100 points each Laboratory assignments adding up to 150 points 30% Process – 200 points (30.8%) HW – 9 assignments for 20 points each Classwork & participation – 20 points

15 Homework – 180 points Assigned weekly on the first day of each week and due on Friday of each week. 9 homework assignments each marking period. Every homework assignment will be worth 20 points. Late work will be accepted one day late for 50% credit. After one day late work will not be accepted.

16 Classwork & Participation – 20 points
Success in any math or science field relies on hard work and collaboration. Students will be required to do all classwork assignments and to participate in class.

17 Laboratory assignments – 150 points
We will do laboratory assignments frequently throughout the semester. A week after each lab is complete, a report will be due for each individual student.

18 Lab Reports Each report will include: An introduction (what and why)
The materials and procedure The data collection presented clearly and neatly (tables are nice) An analysis of the collected data (computations) An error analysis (what went wrong and what may have caused it? A conclusion (answer the lab objective)

19 Exams – 300 points There will be 3 exams each marking period worth 100 points each. Exams will focus on the current unit of study, but may include prerequisite knowledge from previous units of study.

20 Remember… Physics is a technical and difficult course for many students, but the rewards are significant Colleges highly value students taking physics in high school and weight these applicants higher than students with lighter course loads. Work together, support each other, and let’s make this a fun year!

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