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Materials TC Annual Report

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1 Materials TC Annual Report
Chart 1 Materials TC Annual Report Technical Activities Committee Meeting January 2017 Steven Wanthal Chair, Materials TC

2 Publications Activities
Chart 2 Materials TC Summary TC Overview Forum Support TC Chair: Steven Wanthal Home Organization: The Boeing Company Phone/ / SciTech 2017: 8 Technical sessions Student paper judging Membership Total Members: 48 Industry: 12 / 25% Government: 12 / 25% Academia: 24 / 50% As of: January 2016 Honors & Awards First applications in work for new ICME prize to be awarded in 2018 Education Activities Top 3 Accomplishments Implementation of a cross-TC Working Group to coordinate work related to ICME First round of applications received and reviewed for new ICME Prize sponsored by Materials TC. New TC Vision and Mission statements developed and adopted Publications Activities A Materials book was developed. The draft book is complete and publication is pending resolution of some copyright issues Outreach

3 Materials TC Organization
Chart 3 Materials TC Organization Greg Odegard AD&S Technical Chair 2018 SciTech Steven Wanthal TC Chair Evan Pineda Student Paper Chair 2018 SciTech John Matlik TC Vice Chair Vinu Unnikrishnan Secretary Mohammad Naraghi TC Rep to SciTech 2017 Ray Fertig TC Deputy Rep to SciTech 2017 Terrisa Duenas Publications Subcommittee Biliyar Bhat Honors/Awards Subcommittee Evan Pineda Student Papers Brian Wardle Structures TC Liason John Matlik ICME Program Committee Steven Arnold Vision/Mission Subcommittee Ajit Roy ICME Prize Subcommittee Biliyar Bhat Materials Book Subcommittee Vinu Unnikrishnan STEM Outreach

4 New Officers for Materials TC
The Materials TC is due to rotate officers in An election was held in January 2017 and the new officers are Chair-elect: Dr. John Matlik Vice Chair-elect: Dr. Wenbin Yu Secretary-elect: Dr. Steven Arnold

5 Opportunities/Best Practices To Share
Chart 4 Opportunities/Best Practices To Share Working across TCs on areas of common interest Developed a new cross-TC Working Group to coordinate work related to ICME including the Materials, Structures, NDA, MDO and Systems Engineering TC’s. Intent is to integrate this as a key element of the newly forming “Digital Engineering Program Committee” Ongoing Liaison relationship with Structures TC to share news and coordinate co-sponsored sessions for SciTech such as Additive Manufacturing Materials and Design

6 Issues/Concerns/Challenges For TAC Action
Chart 5 Issues/Concerns/Challenges For TAC Action None at this time

7 Backup / Reference

8 Proposed new Vision and Mission Statements for Materials TC  
Become recognized as the Nation’s best resource for the four I’s (Innovation, Investigation, Integration and Inspiration) of materials research and technology for aerospace applications.   Mission Promote interest, understanding and use of advanced materials in aerospace products. Provide a forum for material developers and end users to collaborate and share technology advances to achieve:  Innovation: An environment that nurtures and rewards Innovation, creativity, excellence, cutting edge research and idea sharing Investigation: Accelerate the development and implementation of new materials technologies by promoting education, investigation, knowledge sharing and interdependent collaboration Integration: Develop and utilize the full potential of our members to achieve integration of multiscale computational materials engineering within the aerospace community Inspiration: Promote the education, development of and inspiration of the next generation of scientists and engineers

9 AIAA ICME Working Group Update
AIAA SciTech Grapevine, Texas; Gaylord Texan, Palomino 3 Wednesday, 11 January 2017, Sponsoring Technical Committees: Materials (MAT) Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) Non-Deterministic Approaches (NDA) Structures (STR) Systems Engineering (SE)

10 Agenda Mission & Members Background of ICME @ AIAA
ICME at SciTech 2017 Overview ICME at SciTech 2018 Planning

11 Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)
“ICME … aims to integrate computational materials science tools into a holistic system that can accelerate materials development, transform the engineering design optimization process, & unify design and manufacturing.” Integrated Approach • Quantitative • Digital Data and Processes • Standards • Improved Interfaces to Designers, Manufacturers, and Users 2008 NRC Study sponsored by DoD & DoE 11

12 ICME Working Group Impetus
What?: Accelerate development, validation & use of material modeling and manufacturing process modeling in aerospace product development, certification, production & use systems Why?: Forum for communication & collaboration to accelerate benefit realization of ICME (i.e. higher performing products at lower cost, faster); leverage AIAA as pilot “non-materials centric” professional society How?: Focus on multi-TC collaboration and ownership for “cross-silo” integration of capability into aerospace product life cycle systems AIAA – ICME Working Group

13 ICME Working Group Members
Materials TC: Steve Arnold (NASA Glenn) Josh Dustin (GE) John Matlik (Rolls-Royce) Ajit Roy (AFRL) Mike Sangid (Purdue University) Vasisht Venkatesh (Pratt & Whitney) Wenbin Yu (Purdue University) MDO TC: H Alicia Kim (UCSD) Ali Najafi (ANSYS, Inc.) NDA TC: Barron Bichon (SwRI) Ben Thacker (SwRI) Structures TC: Steve Engelstad (LMCO) Alex Selvarathinam (LMCO) Anthony Waas (Univ of Michigan) Stephanie TerMaath (Univ of Tenn) Systems Engineering TC: Mat French (Rolls-Royce) AIAA – ICME Working Group

14 ICME @ AIAA – a background
SDM 2011 (Denver) – 1st Tech AIAA SDM 2012 (Hawaii) – 1st AIAA SDM 2013 (Boston) – 1st Keynote & Panel Session SciTech 2014 (National Harbor) – 1st Course & Tutorial SciTech 2015 (Kissimmee) – 1st non-materials lecture/lead SciTech 2016 (San Diego) – 1st ICME WG & 1st Prize SciTech 2017 (Grapevine) – 1st PC integration, DSI PC SciTech 2018 … next steps coordination & planning AIAA – ICME Working Group

15 ICME @ SciTech 2017 Overview
Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Lecture , Wednesday 11 January 2017; Texas Ballroom C “Challenges in ICME of Aerospace Composites” - Anthony M. Waas Cross-TC coordinated ICME tech sessions 145-MAT-4; Tues AM, 10 January; Palomino 2 202-NDA-4; Tues PM, 10 January; Mustang 2 214-SE-2; Tues PM, 10 January; Dallas 6 380-MDO-10; Thur AM, 12 January; Mustang 1 NASA 2040 Vision Study – ICME Workshop ICME Prize (In progress; To be awarded at SciTech 2018) Digital Systems Integration (DSI) Working Group Wednesday , 11 January, Palomino 3 AIAA – ICME Working Group

16 NASA 2040 Vision Study What: Vision 2040 for Integrated, Multiscale Materials and Structures Modeling/Simulation NRA awarded Sept 2015 Objective: Provide a knowledge-based forecast of the future computationally assisted design and certification for advanced materials (functional, metallic, ceramic and polymer matrix composites) for use in emerging aeronautical vehicle applications. ICME Working Group Workshop Details: Date/Time: Monday, 9 January / Location: Gaylord Texan, Texas 3 Open for participation by all AIAA TC & PC members AIAA – ICME Working Group

17 AIAA ICME Prize (Reference:
AIAA – ICME Working Group

18 AIAA ICME Prize (Reference:
AIAA – ICME Working Group

19 AIAA ICME Prize ICME Prize Selection Committee
Ajit Roy (AFRL) – Chair - MTC Steve Arnold (NASA) - MTC Barron Bichon (SwRI) – NDA TC Josh Dustin (GE) - MTC John Matlik (RR) - MTC Steve Wanthal (Boeing) - MTC Wenbin Yu (Purdue, cdmHUB) – STR TC / MTC (Reference: AIAA – ICME Working Group

20 Digital Systems Integration Program Committee Proposal
Points of Contact: AIAA Digital Systems Working Group Chair, Mat French (LibertyWorks/Rolls-Royce) AIAA Digital Systems Subject Matter Expert, Dr. John Matlik (Rolls-Royce) AIAA AD&S Group Director, Dr. Achille Messac (Howard University) AIAA Information Systems Director, James Rankin (Univ Arkansas) AIAA TAC Program Committee Coordinator, Mark Melanson (LMCO) AIAA - Digital Systems Program Committee

21 Digital Systems Integration – A Life Cycle Systems Reality
DESIGN creates & defines the foundation for “belief” and “intent” for products & processes MAKE & TEST assesses & validates belief with “reality” of as-built “uncertainty” & “variability” CERTIFICATION & USE qualifies and updates reality to deliver “confidence” in the resulting product Reinforces networks of feedback between all stages increases system knowledge Future digital systems emphasize the importance of a lifecycle view AIAA - Digital Systems Program Committee

22 A digital system design, manufacturing, and service information
Digital Systems - Enabling Capabilities Digital environment Digital Twin Digital Thread Big Data ICME Design Environment Make Environment Use Environment Subsystem System Material ‘Digital Twin’ Digital product …… Digital product is NOT limited to manufacturing DSPC definitions*: “Digital Twin” - Virtual avatar of products and environmental assets using cloud based sensor fusion “Digital Thread” – Digital system information (e.g. functionality, structure, processes, throughput, efficiency, resources, etc.) across entire lifecycle A digital system design, manufacturing, and service information 22 *See DAU glossary of Defense Acquisition Acronyms & Terms for detailed and lengthy US DoD definitions AIAA - Digital Systems Program Committee

23 For example … a potential future digital capability framework
A Digital Systems Viewpoint of Capability Big Data? Putting ICME ‘in context’ For example … a potential future digital capability framework 23 AIAA - Digital Systems Program Committee

24 ICME @ SciTech 2017+ - Recommendations
“Digital Systems activities should be integrated and approved to proceed together as a Program Committee to be known as the Digital Systems Integration Program Committee (DSIPC).” Recommend our ICME working group join other ‘digital systems’ teams under the auspices of the DSIPC

25 SciTech 2018 Governance: Integrate ICME efforts under the Digital Systems Integration PC Champion: Identify an appropriate ICME Champion / Sponsor Forum 360: Propose first ICME topic Tech Sessions: Cross TC/PC coordination & planning ICM2 FEP Special Session – Structures sponsor ICME FEP for Disk Residual Stress – Materials sponsor ICME for Additive Manufacturing – Materials sponsor V&V of ICME models – NDA sponsor Others? Education: Training & development activities Intro to ICME (Materials lead) ICME V&V Best Practices (NDA lead) ICME Prize: Award to be announced at 2018 SDM Recognition Luncheon AIAA – ICME Working Group


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