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Personal Narrative Conclusions

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Narrative Conclusions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Narrative Conclusions
Your essay needs an ending DUH!

2 Conclusions should… Wrap up the story for the reader
Show the reader that you learned something from the experience Or answer the question “So what?” What makes your story worth reading or retelling?

3 Decision Universal Truth Hope for the future DUH!
Choose the one that works the best for your story!

4 Decision End your essay with an important decision you made during or after the event Even though I was really angry at my sister for breaking my toy, I decided not to retaliate against her. I knew that she was still really little and that my parents would be very angry at me. I decided to forgive her instead because it was the right thing to do.

5 Universal Truth End your story with a statement that most people can relate to. Have you ever heard the saying “money doesn’t grow on trees?” My parents used to tell me that all the time, but it’s meaning didn’t sink in until I had to buy my own video game. Now I truly understand the value of a dollar.

6 Hope for the Future End the story with a plan or hope for the future
When I failed that test, it was like a punch in the stomach. It was one of the worst feelings I’ve ever had. Plus, my parents were really disappointed in me. That’s why I plan to always study and not put off assignments for school now. No more bad grades for me.

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