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Photoshoot Planning Matthew Brown.

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1 Photoshoot Planning Matthew Brown

2 Product The product is a simple teenage lifestyle magazine called Brave And Bold. This magazine will have differed themes for each issue, however will still feature topics a typical teen magazine will cover.

3 THEME There will be four themes for each four magazine two some will be similar and some will be different: Male Music. Female Music. Male Gaming. Female Gaming.

4 MODEL For this magazine I will have two models for the front covers, one male and one female. I will have permission from both of these people to use their image. Male Model: Arran Arnold. Female Model: Sophie Smith.

5 LOCATIONS The locations for the photo shoot will be at my own house and at my friends, the friend whose house I will be using will be the male model and I will ask permission to shoot their by asking his father. I shall not need to ask permission for using my house as it is my house.

6 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED I will require a DSLR Camera in order to take the photographs for the photoshoot. I will also need other equipment that will be used for props like guitars, game controllers, and video game related toys.

7 SCHEDULE The schedule the photoshoot is very bleak as it will depend on when the models are available for the photoshoot, however I aim to have the photos done by the 25th January 2016.

8 CONTINGENCY PLANS If the models are not available at the time they are needed I will need backup models. I already have back ups I place for my photoshoot. Male Backup Model: Nathen Locke. Female backup Model: Megan Shaw.

9 LEGAL My magazine will not be published, however I still need to treat it as if it was therefore I will have to keep within the rules of publishing set by law. COPYWRITE: The copyright law is in place so once someone makes something original they can get it copyrighted. What this does is prevent anyone from stealing your ideas and passing them off as their own. How this applies: This will apply to my magazine photoshoot Brave and Bold as I will have to avoid breaking any copyright laws so I will have to keep my magazine original and not steal anyone else’s ideas. If I don’t do this the consequences will be big as the original creator of something I copy off may decide to sue. (However I can use someone else property if I ask permission.)

10 Legal DISCRIMINATION Breaking a discrimination law means you have upset someone from a certain group or possibly everyone in general. This law is in place to make sure this does not happen and states that no one is allowed to discriminate against other. How it applies: The way this applies to my magazine photoshoot is I will have to make sure that I do not offend anyone or discriminate against anyone due to their skin, religion, gender or beliefs on my front cover.

11 LEGAL OBCENITY LAW The obscenity law is in place to stop people saying anything or doing anything obscene. This can be does by making a statement that offends someone or doing an act that offends the prevalent morality of the time. How this applies: This will apply to my magazine photoshoot mainly within post production when adding mastheads and cover lines, the way I will avoid doing this is by not stating anything or showing anything that may be considered obscene to others.

12 LEGAL INTERLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS This is the rights to creations of the mind where owners are granted certain exclusive rights to intangible assets such as artistic works discoveries and inventions, words, phrases, symbols and designs. How this applies: I must not use other people’s artwork or logo’s without permission. An example of this would be logos and items such as t-shirts with logos on them or toys based around video games I will need permission to include these in my magazine front cover.

13 Legal TRESSPASS Trespassing is an act where someone goes onto a privately owned property without the owner’s permission. This law is in place to stop this to prevent vandalism and theft. How this applies: If my magazine was to take a photo shoot of an artist in a particular environment they would have to get permission from the owner if that environment was private property. If I break this law I could be sued by the owner of the property.

14 ETHICAL As I have covered the legal issues that apply with my magazine I will also have to apply the ethical issues in the same way. Ethical issues are not law, they are more of guide lines set by a regulatory body. PREPRESENTAION This issue means that magazines like Brave and Bold must not represent anyone, or a group of people in a way that may upset them. I must show that I do not represent different social groups, like age differences, gender, ethnicity and sexuality etc. in a discriminating way. How this applies: if I negatively stereotyped women/men or certain regions, this could be negative representation. To avoid this during my photoshoot I will make sure both models are represented equally.

15 Ethical Language and inappropriate images can be an ethical issue as if the language for a magazine in not suitable for the chosen target audience it can cause problems with readers. The same goes of images if there are images in a magazine that ae not suitable for the target audience it can cause problems with the readers and reflect badly on the magazine. How this applies: If I dismiss this ethical issue my magazine may get bad press in the media causing people to not buy it. This can be avoided by not including any inappropriate images for my front cover.

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