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Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Country Practices

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Presentation on theme: "Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Country Practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Country Practices
Based on the Hungarian Central Statistical Office: Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Practices Artur Andrysiak Economic Statistics Section, UNECE

2 Overview Background Summary of the survey conducted by the Hungarian Statistical Office UNECE Survey October 2008

3 Seasonal Adjustments Methods
TRAMO/SEATS X12-ARIMA X11-ARIMA X13-ARIMA/SEATS Other, including BV4 October 2008

4 Background In 2006 the Hungarian CSO conducted a study of Seasonal Adjustment Practices in European NSOs Hungarian CSO sent a Questionnaire to most of the European countries The questionnaire was consistent with the questionnaire sent in 2002 by OECD The results were summarized in the Hungarian CSO publication: Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Practices October 2008

5 Why study seasonal adjustment practices of other NSOs
Results provide good insight into which method and software countries prefer to use Looking at countries which are in the process of implementing seasonal adjustment in their statistical systems (such as Poland) might provide with good suggestions as to what is a good way of starting up Results provide valuable insights on country practices regarding issues such as reanalysis, concurrent vs forward, outliers, aggregation, etc. October 2008

6 Study of Seasonal Adjustment Methods used by NSO in Europe
October 2008

7 Study of Seasonal Adjustment Methods used by NSO in Europe (used in 2006)
October 2008

8 Study of Seasonal Adjustment Methods used by NSO in Europe (future use of SA methods – planned in 2006) October 2008

9 Software Used by NSOs in 2006
October 2008

10 Aggregating methods Outliers handling October 2008

11 Application of SA Publication policy October 2008

12 Metadata October 2008

13 Validation of results Graphic Inspection Statistics on Residuals
Stability Over Time Autocorrelation Function Other Alternatives spectral analysis of residuals, variability of the SA series, tests of parameters of the ARIMA-models, consistent estimates of TD/WD effects, graphical inspection of the residuals and the changes of the SA series and the estimated outliers similarity of quarterly rates (with respect to the corresponding quarter to the previous year) of raw and SA series October 2008

14 Validation of results October 2008

15 Assess your needs and the needs of your users
Suggestions for countries planning to begin producing and publishing seasonally adjusted statistics (UNECE) Assess your needs and the needs of your users Allocate sufficient resources Provide staff with resources to learn and develop expertise in SA Evaluate the possible options and choose the most suitable seasonal adjustment method and software (simple and reliable) Allow plenty of time for experimenting and evaluation of results Ensure good communication between the seasonal adjustment team and the subject-matter area Do not publish any seasonally adjusted statistics until confident with the results October 2008

16 Consult the main users and seek their comments
Suggestions for countries planning to begin producing and publishing seasonally adjusted statistics (UNECE) Consult the main users and seek their comments Ensure that you have a clear seasonal adjustment policy: covering such issues as method, software, reanalysis, aggregation, outliers, etc. When publishing SA statistics ensure that users can easily access relevant metadata Ensure that users can access (electronically) the complete timeseries: original, seasonally adjusted, (trend and working day adjusted) If possible keep users inform about major events/factors affecting seasonally adjusted statistics Ensure subject matter areas are involved in validation of SA statistics October 2008

17 Results of UNECE (informal) study of Seasonal Adjustment Practices in the CIS and South-East European countries (conducted at the end of 2007) Of the 17 countries examined only two publish seasonally adjusted series The Russian Federation and Georgia are the only two SEE and CIS countries which publish on their websites any seasonally adjusted statistics (both countries publish only seasonally adjust IPI statistics). The remaining 15 countries do not publish any seasonally adjusted statistics and instead most of these NSOs publish only: Percentage change from same month/quarter last year; or/and Percentage change from same year-to-date period last year. In number of countries in absence of official seasonally adjusted economic statistics Central Banks and other organizations seasonally adjust economic statistics themselves October 2008

18 UNECE Survey on Seasonal Adjustment Methods, Practices and Future Intentions
Excel based and on-line questionnaire 3 Parts: general, for countries not producing SA statistics, for countries currently producing SA statistics Sent to 17 Countries (CIS and South East European) National Statistical Offices and Central Banks October 2008

19 UNECE Questionnaire on Seasonal Adjustment Methods, Practices and Future Plans
3 parts of the questionnaire Part A - General Questions (8 questions) Part B - Seasonal Adjustment Intensions and Plans (12 questions) Part C - Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Dissemination Policy (24 Questions) (Based on OECD and Hungarian Statistical Office Questionnaire) By beginning of November 10 out of 17 NSO provided responses Unfortunately only 1 out of 17 CBs responded October 2008

20 Highlights Perform SA Publish SA statistics Have some capacity in SA
Receive assistance from IO Need assistance from IO Armenia CB 1 Armenia NSO Azerbaijan NSO Belarus NSO Bosnia and Herzegovina NSO Kazakhstan NSO Kyrgyzstan NSO Russian Federation NSO Serbia NSO Tajikistan NSO Ukraine NSO October 2008

21 Highlights October 2008

22 Highlights October 2008

23 Highlights October 2008

24 Highlights October 2008

25 Highlights October 2008

26 Highlights October 2008

27 Highlights October 2008

28 Highlights October 2008

29 Highlights October 2008

30 Highlights October 2008

31 Highlights October 2008

32 Questions? THANK YOU October 2008

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