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1 Presenters: Names, title
Empowernomics™ Demo Date Presenters: Names, title

2 Today’s Program Context of program (is it in a series
Presenter mini-bios - blog, LinkedIn, twitter, , photo Twitter hashtag (#topic - choose one or search twitter for common one) Discuss via Twitter: #hashtag

3 Who We Are Empower Ecosystems is here to develop and implement radical transformation methodologies and technologies that are sustainable and that effectively transform individuals, teams and organizations into inspired, intelligent, empowered organizations. Empower Ecosystems is here to develop and implement radical transformation methodologies and technologies that are sustainable and that effectively transform individuals, teams and organizations into inspired, intelligent, empowered organizations.

4 The Problem Businesses fall behind waiting for their people to find and develop the information that counts. Many are confused about what collaboration is - and what it is not.

5 Intelligent Organizations
* Intelligent org model * explain what an IO is - definition * three dimensions * attributes: ADD ATTRIBUTES Mechanisms for Change: * We expand leadership to more people through self-management * We shift focus to results, deliverables, and away from tasks through our processes * Behaviors adjust - culture changes - through implementing different tools that work faster and better for getting results.

6 Transformation Approach
Why Is This So Powerful? * making communication, documentation of business processes, knowledge management, learning management: in single space * Intellibanks. Wiki-based technology is very flexible, scalable. Mirrors the networked organization that starts getting results

7 Social And Economic Diagnostic
Needs Screen Shot of a diagnostic. Or go to that on a Web It’s important to us that we look at BOTH the Behaviors – are there social processes that operate in a collaborative way? And the Economic impacts. * Explain who is involved - their roles, how many, how much time is spent on this? * What kinds of questions / prompts do we give them? How much are they able to just do? * Total duration 4 days to 1 week * the diagnostic leads directly to a strategy for resolving the issues, it's a natural sequence.

8 Priority Action Plan Show links from the Diagnostic to the PAP or EW.
1 Show the PAP - and how the SEA content leads to building the Strategy * through the documentation of the Social and Economic Diagnostic, the Client starts using the PAP. * main thing is the dashboard * from here, you can see the strategy, projects supporting the strategy, status, priority,

9 EW – Strategy Drives Everything
Screen shot of an EW with Clear Strategy, Goals, and Projects in the list. Better to click through a Web. 1 Show the Strategies, Goals, Projects * Once strategy is defined, we can implement into different areas. * Introduce dynamics into the Leadership part. Because of silos, and the need to work cross-functionally. * Part of the Processes have already been introduced through the Diagnostic process. * And, just by having an account in this Tool, individual Behaviors start to change.

10 Why Is This Different? Compare tools like Excel or MS Project to the Intelligence Highway 1 Show the EW - Compare to other tools * a plan (for a Business Emergency Room, etc.) normally 5-8 main strategic projects to implement. This is taken directly from the diagnostic. * now, a Client might say we could do this with excel - but the important thing is the HIGHWAY. This is what gives us the speed - and intelligence. * for example, if the Client wants to implement sales - we can put it right here. Implement a CRM right where the diagnostic and the Strategy is - show all the elements. Its FAST.

11 Case Example 1 Case Example - Needed new Job Descriptions
* Company growing so fast they have issues with JD. * So, we just implement a database - in the same solution - of job description. *document database CUSTOMIZE THIS SECTION BASED ON SPECIFIC CLIENT TYPE. CHOOSE FROM CASE AND SCENARIO SLIDES.

12 Document Database Screenshot of document database, or Job description database

13 Affecting the Organization in 3 Dimensions
1 Intelligent Organization Diagram * All of this will have an impact in the activities dimension, structure and behavior * ie - the EW facilitates control of projects and activities of individuals and teams * it's collaborative, the open space and the behaviors facilitates alignment, changes culture * This is natural - there's no need for a robust change management team trying to push everyone

14 Meetings Screenshot of a meeting Topic, or link to Demo site.
1 Show a Meeting page - or Slide * Change meeting style - what we do is create the content first. * Somebody wants to meet with other people to learn something, tell something, or reach a decision * It starts right here - with a lightweight framework - and getting it started prompts the others to start answering and developing the meeting notes * The meeting is basically done before anyone meets! That's what we mean by collaborative.

15 Accountability – the Secret
Screenshot of Activity Log, or link to Demo site 1 Show an Activity Log - or slide * Change reporting and work management * We have a powerful approach to self-management. * It's all about ACCOUNTABILITY - but not in the way most people think about it * Accountability is not how we find out who to punish. * This is how we communicate to everyone - very clearly - WHY we choose to do what we do, and why we STOP doing things that don't matter * Think about that. Are there things you are expected to do that _don't_ get you any closer to meeting your responsibilites?

16 The Leading Edge Intelligence Highway
Documentation Strategy Strategic Dashboards Best Practices Processes Project Management Knowledge management Intellibanks Specific Purpose Apps Culture Change Business Competencies Productivity Toolbox 1 Intelligence Highway Slide * So - the intelligence highway - it's a CLICK AWAY. * We can see the work of what guys are doing - today, yesterday, can understand everything because it's ALL RIGHT THERE * it's coordinated in a way so that a team of 10 can do the work of 50 - because there is so much time freed up

17 10 Cases in Citi-Banamex Banamex University: Courseware development
HR: Latam Learning and training portal Mid Market Banking: Communication and CRM Corporate Banking: Process Reengineering Insurance: Product Development and Innovation Marketing* Digital Marketing Electronic Banking Customer Service Learning Innovation Labs 1 Case Study: Citibank * _(this slide should list the many projects we did for Citi - list by business unit, then what we did for them)_ * Of course a whole company can be transformed this way. However to get started we can go to specific business units. * Need quantitative analysis approach? Or we can just go fix what's obviously wrong? (people know what needs to be done, usually)

18 Empowernomics™ Leading Edge in Business Transformation
▲EmpowerEcosystems ▲Consulting firms ▲Universities ▲IT Vendors Value High Medium Low NOBODY ELSE COMBINES THESE SERVICES TOGETHER LIKE WE DO. * Consultants (OD consultants, HR, strategy) can help you see a new way of working, but can't deliver a solution - certainly not quickly. * IT Vendors - have a solution but often they are unable to understand the untapped potential since they also operate in a traditional, outdated way. * Universities and trainers - they'll tell you all about it, but when it comes time to execute, you're on your own. (and it's going to take forever). None Intelligence Bank Training Empowerment And culture change Savings Management Ecosystem Approach Learning and Communication Technologies Speed of Implementation Know how transfer Specific Purpose Apps Consulting

19 Leading Edge of Business Transformation
1 Empowernomics Diagram Slide * Nobody else is providing the technology, the process and the capabilities transformation that we provide. Certainly not at the speed with which we do it. * Open up for questions

20 Contact Us Name of presenter, address, phone Name of salesperson, same info

21 Case:

22 Case

23 Case

24 Scenario

25 Scenario

26 Dashboard – Constantly Updated
Add an image of the PAP in action – Like, a screenshot of Followed by a shot of Lower down on the page. These lists are updated automatically, and also can be manually set.

27 Results-Orientation, not Task-oriented
Add an image of the PAP in action – Like, a screenshot of Followed by a shot of Taking a look at the Quick Log list: Titles are the names of deliverables. See the information in the columns.

28 Collaborative Team / Self-Management
Add an image of the PAP in action – Like, a screenshot of Followed by a shot of If you click on one of the Quick Logs, this is what you see. In this case, we’re looking at what we call a ‘Bulletin’. It’s a fast, work-management approach that gets a team working on achieving results. It’s editable by everyone (of course you want version control). The goal is to be flexible enough for everyone to contribute to keep things moving, and structured enough to keep things from getting confused or diluted.

29 Task Management Add an image of the PAP in action –
Like, a screenshot of Followed by a shot of Another view of an approach to work management - this is a task manager. Sometimes it’s clear what needs to be done – just a task.

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