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Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning  Please be sure to take care of your belongings.
Turn around and face the back ready for announcements. If you come in late, just have a seat. You may sign the tardy log and take care of your belongings AFTER announcements.

2 Digital Information Technology 2/21/17
Essential Question: How does using Word improve the productivity of the workplace? Bell Work: Get a sheet of paper and put your name, date, class period, and pg # 22, on the top right corner. Across the top write (Notes for Tables) Watch video and take notes that you may need for future reference I will: Take notes on the Tables video Learn how to create a comma separated values table

3 Digital Information Technology 2/21/17
Standards: 7.01 Select and use word processing software and accompanying features to enhance written business communications. 7.02 Share and maintain documents by applying different views and protection to a document and manage document versions. Share and save a document and apply a template. 7.03 Format content to a document by applying font, paragraph attributes, indent and tab settings to text and paragraphs. Apply spacing settings to text and paragraphs. Navigate and search through a document, create and manipulate tables. 7.04 Apply page layout and reusable content by editing and manipulating page setup settings and applying these. Create and manipulate page backgrounds, headers and footers. 7.05 Use image design theory and software to create illustrations, shapes, and graphics and include a selection in a document. Insert and format pictures, shapes, and clipart Apply and manipulate text boxes. 7.06 Proofread documents by validating content through the use of spell and grammar check. Configure autocorrect settings, insert and modify comments in a document. 7.07 Apply references and hyperlinks, create end and footnotes, and create a table of contents in a document. 7.08 – Perform various mail merge options, macros and tracking revisions.

4 Digital Information Technology Essential Questions: How does using Word improve the productivity of the workplace? /21/17 Report Test If you were absent on Thursday/Friday, see me during PH to take your exam this week. NEW ASSIGNMENTs: Tables Video Tables: An In-depth look – read the lesson; complete the activity and submit in eMarion Activity / Assignment from Wednesday Class Assignment: Open Report 2 Instructions, format it, it to me MS Word – Unbound Reports (MLA Style) pg – Career Planning; Turn in through eMarion (2/13) pg – Mathematics; Turn in through eMarion 2/13) pg – The Great Lakes; to me (2/14) pg – Delivering the Mail; to me (2/14) Handout Memos – read the lesson in eMarion, create the memo, and submit through eMarion Due today Exit Activity: How can you use this new info regarding tables in another class or in a future job? I will take notes on the tables video and learn how to create a comma separated value table

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