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Ms. Aliki-Nefeli MAVRAKI Research Associate - KEPA

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Aliki-Nefeli MAVRAKI Research Associate - KEPA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Aliki-Nefeli MAVRAKI Research Associate - KEPA
A forward-looking socio-economic research on Energy Efficiency in EU countries Ms. Aliki-Nefeli MAVRAKI Research Associate - KEPA 8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization

2 8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change
Contributing to deep decarbonization Energy Efficiency “As the saying goes, the Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones; we transitioned to better solutions. The same opportunity lies before us with energy efficiency and clean energy.” – Steven Chu

3 8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change
Contributing to deep decarbonization The Challenge Energy Efficiency is considered as the most clean “fuel” in the combat against Climate Change Understand the behavioral obstacles of end-users that hinder the implementation of effective policies. Let’s start from what it seems to be a common view of what energy efficiency is, and that is a clean and efficient fuel. Energy efficiency is considered as the most clean “fuel” in the combat against Climate Change and compromises one of the pillars of the submitted to UNFCC Intended National Determined Contributions (INDC) by EU. Despite the facts that as a notion energy efficiency is “famous” for more than the last 2 decades and that it was one of the EU targets (20% reduction of CO2 emissions compared to 1990 levels, 20% of energy consumption coming from renewables and a 20% increase in energy efficiency), it has not yet the deserved place in our everyday lives. Understanding the behavioral obstacles of end-users that hinder the implementation of effective policies defines the challenge that HERON undertakes to investigate for the benefit of EU countries.

4 Structure of presentation
8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization Structure of presentation HERON at a glance The consortium Aim and Innovative Element The policy dialogue The project objectives The work packages Delivered outcomes so far Benefit and Expect Result

5 8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change
Contributing to deep decarbonization HERON at a glance Title: “A forward-looking socio-economic research on Energy Efficiency in EU countries” Funding Mechanism: HORIZON 2020, Research & Innovation Action Total Budget: €958, – 100% EC Contribution Duration: 26 months Start Date: 1st May 2015 Consortium: Eight (8) partners from seven (7) EU countries and one (1) candidate country Project Coordinator: UoA-KEPA Web-site:

6 8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change
Contributing to deep decarbonization The consortium National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Energy Policy and Development Centre (KEPA) – Hellas University of Bocconi, Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics and Policy – Italy Black Sea Energy Research Centre – Bulgaria Oxford Brookes University – United Kingdom University of Antwerp – Belgium Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy – Germany University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology – Serbia Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre – Estonia

7 Aim & Innovative Element
8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization Aim & Innovative Element Aim Policy makers of multi-level governance Market stakeholders in EU Effective Energy Efficiency policies Building & transport sectors INCORPORATE END– USERS BEHAVIOR Social Educational Cultural Innovative Element Energy Scenarios & modeling Economic & Technological +

8 The policy dialogue Policy Dialogue National Research results Market
8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization The policy dialogue National Market Stakeholders Research results Policy Dialogue A well structured policy dialogue with national market stakeholders at various levels of governance at eight countries will conclude with an EU level conference in Brussels. EU level conference in Brussels Multi-level policy makers

9 The Project Objectives
8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization The Project Objectives The impact of socio-economic and institutional factors on implementing energy efficiency policies and measures. The development of energy efficiency pathways to the horizon 2030 and beyond, taking into account the socio-economic drivers and the updated energy efficiency measures. The contribution to improving energy modeling by incorporating social, educational and cultural factors so as to reflect the end-user behavior. The establishment of communication channels between researchers, decision makers of different governance levels and social and market stakeholders. Dissemination of the project’s outcomes.

10 8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change
Contributing to deep decarbonization The Work Packages Mapping of energy efficiency policy instruments and available technologies in buildings and transport. Mapping and assessment of social, economic, cultural and educational barriers in buildings and transport. Developing an innovative integrated framework to incorporate main drivers and barriers into scenario analysis. Forward-looking scenario analysis, focusing on macroeconomic and microeconomic impacts of energy efficiency policy options. Policy recommendations through multi-criteria evaluation and feedback mechanisms with policy makers and market stakeholders. Dissemination and Communication Management

11 Delivered outcomes so far
8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization Delivered outcomes so far D.1.1 Landscape of energy efficiency policy packages in a multi-level government system (WP1 – WI) D.1.2 Status-quo analysis of energy efficiency policies in 8 EU countries (WP1 – WI) D.1.3 Interlinkage and synergies between selected other policy areas and energy efficiency (WP1 – WI) D.1.4 Technological Trends in energy efficiency (WP1 – WI) D.2.1 Working paper on social, economic, cultural and educational barriers in buildings and transport within each partner country (WP2 – OBU) D.2.6 Data Management Plan (WP2 – OBU)

12 Benefits and Expect Result
8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization Benefits and Expect Result The project will empower policy makers and market players by providing them an innovative policy tool allowing them to select and implement the most effective policy instruments for energy efficiency in building and transport sector incorporating the end-users behavior.

13 Thank you for your attention !
8th International Scientific Conference – Energy & Climate Change Contributing to deep decarbonization Thank you for your attention ! Aliki-Nefeli MAVRAKI Energy Policy and Development Centre (KEPA) National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Tel Fax ,

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