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Who are we? The Partnership, one of several set up throughout Wales, is an independent group of social care providers in Mid-Wales, including representatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are we? The Partnership, one of several set up throughout Wales, is an independent group of social care providers in Mid-Wales, including representatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partneriaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol Canolbarth Cymru Mid Wales Social Care Partnership

2 Who are we? The Partnership, one of several set up throughout Wales, is an independent group of social care providers in Mid-Wales, including representatives from: the Independent and Voluntary sectors Social Services Departments of Ceredigion, Powys and Merionydd/Gwynedd local authorities Colleges and Independent Training Providers

3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Where do we operate? Our activities range over all of Mid Wales – an area based on regions defined by the WDA and ELWa. The area includes Powys, Ceredigion and Merionydd ( the southern part of Gwynedd).

4 Purpose: To establish a forum for the discussion and exploration of key workforce issues relating to the social care sector, Determining strategies and processes for addressing these issues on a regional basis, To implement of national initiatives on a regional basis,

5 Purpose: Providing a concerted regional voice on national social care matters, Acting as a reference point and body for the consultation process with WAG and UK Government.

6 What does this mean in practice?
The Partnership meets regularly: Open Information Meetings (2 per annum) To keep Partners informed on developments, such as important policy and initiatives from the Wales Assembly Government and the Care Council Wales. Service Providers and Employers from all Sectors are warmly invited to attend Partnership Meetings

7 What does this mean in practice?
Meetings Strategy Meetings – (Quarterly) To steer and monitor achievement of the strategic aims and action plans. Action Group Meetings – (Quarterly) To agree and implement Action Plans to meet the agreed aims and outcomes for the Partnership.

8 How are we helping? Action Plans
Action Plans are being implemented in the following areas: Profile raising for the sector Recruitment Retention Education & Training Resources Information & practice sharing

9 Improved awareness of social care as an employment and career opportunity amongst:
young people in schools and colleges, those returning to work and those looking for career changes those not currently employed.

10 Creation of a pool of suitably trained, accessible, employees in priority service areas:
Domiciliary Children’s services Essential support

11 Address the major challenges facing retention of staff:
Up-skilling and value initiatives Training and career progression Competition between employers within Wales

12 Creation of an effective education and training provision across the sector:
Sharing training opportunities across the sector Determining training to meet National Minimum Standards and Qualifications Framework. Removing barriers to learning

13 Help with accessing resources to fund key initiatives:
Building a portfolio of funding opportunities and bid criteria Holding discussions with key funding agencies Help with putting together bids for funding

14 Establish key principles for partnership working
Sharing information Sharing training Sharing benefits from successful bids.

15 Come on, get involved! Contact: Jane Guest Project Co-ordinator
Telephone: For more information on the Partnership and Dates of forthcoming meetings

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