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Outlook 2013 and Office 365 Guide

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1 Outlook 2013 and Office 365 Guide
SCCB Pool Car Booking Outlook 2013 and Office 365 Guide

2 From Office 365 open your calendar and go to the day when you need a pool car. Double click in the time slot you want the booking to start to open the pop up for a new entry.

3 Complete the information listed below about your booking, then to select a car click on Scheduling Assistant on the right hand side. Finally click here Name of driver and reason for booking in these TWO places Where you are going i.e. campus name/ company name and location Timings of you visit – REMEMBER to include travel time

4 The time selected will be faintly outlined in grey – click on Add Room at the bottom left to find an available car.

5 Only cars that are free during the chosen time slot will show automatically.
You can see from the example on the left that cars are designated by the campus initials and the registration number i.e. DG-KM10WEO If your timings are flexible it is possible to look at other cars which may not be available at the original time selected by clicking on Show All Rooms toward the bottom of the list. For this example the available car will be selected, then Add Room will be clicked again so an unavailable car can be selected for comparison. In this way you can select as many cars as you wish to compare their availability.

6 In the box for Attendees on the left type the two initials that identify the campus you want to take the car from i.e. DG for Digbeth. The list of cars will come up – there may be other calendars here but the cars are identified by the campus initials plus the registration number for the car. There are five pool cars located at Digbeth – one by one you can select them all in this way until you find a car that is free at the time you have selected. You can see the full availability of the cars for the day once selected so if your travel time is flexible you can adjust that to suit the car availability as you continue through the booking process.

7 With three cars selected I can see that the reg
With three cars selected I can see that the reg. ending WEO is free at the right time. The availability of all three cars is visible and timings can be adjusted to fit availability on the left. Close the calendar for the cars you are not going to use by clicking the X beside their reg. in the list on the left hand side. It is easy to see which ones as they state busy/ free and are greyed out if busy.

8 With ONLY the chosen car showing click OK on the top left hand side to return to the main diary entry page.

9 With three cars selected I can see that the reg
With three cars selected I can see that the reg. ending WEO is free at the right time. The availability of all three cars is visible and timings can be adjusted to fit availability on the left.

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