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UNIT 13 A1 At the Wildlife Park Part I.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 13 A1 At the Wildlife Park Part I."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 13 A1 At the Wildlife Park Part I

2 Objectives Talking about animals Comparatives
Animals and parts of animal

3 A giraffe and monkeys!

4 ► A giraffe and monkeys! Wild animals

5 snake bat parrot

6 tiger hawk

7 zebra monkey giraffe

8 crocodile dolphin penguin

9 It is taller than the trees.

10 ► It is taller than the trees.

11 A giraffe is taller than a monkey.

12 big bigger small smaller taller taller high higher

13 long longer short shorter old older young younger Example

14 Some snakes are longer than crocodiles.

15 My friend is shorter than me.

16 Look at their black stripes.

17 ► Look at their black stripes.
Parts of an animal

18 wing tail beak

19 stripe fur

20 The end

21 UNIT 13 A1 At the Wildlife Park Part II

22 Objectives Taking about animals and their abilities
Making comparisons with ‘like’ “Be good at”

23 Look, they’re swimming.

24 ► Look, they’re swimming.
Animal abilities

25 Talk

26 Bark

27 Fly

28 Hop

29 Dive

30 live in water

31 sleep on their feet

32 walk on two feet

33 climb a tree Example

34 Parrots can talk and fly. A B C

35 Penguins can dive into water but they can’t fly. x

36 They’ve got wings like birds.

37 ► They’ve got wings like birds.
‘Like’ (preposition)

38 Like ‘the same’ Example

39 She sings like bird.

40 Pete can swim like you.

41 Penguins can’t fly like hawks.

42 They’re very good at swimming.

43 ► They’re really good at
swimming. ‘good at’

44 Monkeys are good at climbing trees. Example

45 She’s good at speaking English. I’m good at singing.

46 Summary Taking about your favourite animal

47 I like penguins. They are cute.
Penguins can swim like fish. They walk on two feet. They have wings but they can’t fly like birds. I like horses too. They are really tall. But giraffes are taller than horses.

48 The end

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