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Strategic Objective 3: Evaluation informs UN system-wide initiatives and emerging demands AGM, 28 April 2016, Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Objective 3: Evaluation informs UN system-wide initiatives and emerging demands AGM, 28 April 2016, Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Objective 3: Evaluation informs UN system-wide initiatives and emerging demands
AGM, 28 April 2016, Geneva

2 Outcome 1: Evaluation implications of SDGs recognized and demand for evaluation support responded to by UNEG Outcome 2: GE & HR integrated in UNEG evaluation function Outcome 3: Humanitarian evaluation specificities appropriately considered in UNEG’s work Outcome 4:UNEG effectively engaged with ISWE SO3 work-plan 2015/16 4 sub-groups Today these are taking in slightly different order starting with Gender Followed by HEIG Then ISWE and we will conclude with SDG working group

3 SDG working group AGM 2016 Geneva
Helen Wedgwood (co-convener) Tullia Aiazzi (consultant)

4 Co-conveners – UNDP - WFP

5 Activities Information space on UNEG Web site;
Advocacy – integrating evaluation into the post-2015 agenda [UNEG chair in New York]; SDG2 RBA Evaluability Seminar BACKGROUND PAPER: EVALUATION IN THE SDG ERA : Development of longer-term UNEG work-programme Support material for UNEG-wide advocacy for SDG evaluations

6 Evaluation in the SDG era: lessons, challenges and opportunities for UNEG (background paper)
Aim To inform the discussion of UNEG heads on the way forward. Focus Decision points (and suggestions) for a UNEG road-map on evaluation in the context of Agenda 2030. Overarching point: avoid that the MDG evaluation gap reoccurs for SDGs and Agenda 2030 Space for many initiatives … But to harness the creativity means …. Taking a systemic approach can help maximize the utility of the creative evaluative effort and Increase the value added of UNEG’s contribution 3 Major decisions that we want to propose today Roadmap + key elements Country level engagement Immediate advocacy action The report also contains a bundle of suggestions for Evaluation approaches, methods, tools KM Partnerships lessons learned from the MDG evaluation gaps

7 A roadmap for the UN evaluation system in the context of Agenda 2030
DECISION POINT 1 A roadmap for the UN evaluation system in the context of Agenda 2030 Time-line: AGM and High Level Political Forum 2017

8 Key elements of the road-map
Roles and responsibilities of UNEG and its membership on: country-level evaluations, ISWE; NECD; Regional dimension; Partnerships; an Inter-Agency-Expert Group on Evaluation.

9 On country-level evaluations and country-led reviews
DECISION POINT 2 On country-level evaluations and country-led reviews Timeline: June 2016

10 Key elements of Decision Point 2
Role of UNEG/ members in the UNSDF evaluations; Contribute to the preparation of the UNSDF guidelines; Participation in the pilot testing in a limited number of countries; Provide methodological support for country-led reviews.

11 Suggestions related to country-led reviews and evaluations (dec pt 2)
1. Mapping and analysis of national evaluation systems in all Member States; 2. Compile a repository of contacts for National Evaluation Systems in Member States; 3. Advocacy and advisory role for country- level outcome and impact monitoring.

12 Additional contents of the road-map
ISWE: lessons learnt on the mechanism and pilots; NECD: define boundaries, roles and responsibilities; Regional dimension: strengthen evaluation resources; Major Groups: develop partnerships as evaluation stakeholders.

13 Institutional set-up for the road-map
Inter-Agency and Expert group on Evaluation: Membership; Functions; Role.

14 DECISION POINT 3 Urgent advocacy action to secure visibility and relevance of the UN evaluation system in the Global Follow-up and Review mechanism and ECOSOC Dialogue under discussion in New York. Time-line: immediate to HLPF July 2016

15 Thank you… …for your attention!

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